miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


The OECD revised today to the rise its forecasts of economic growth for Spain, with 2,9% for this year and 2,8% for the next one, thanks to the effect of some monetary conditions and of very favorable types of interest, to the cheap petroleum and a stronger European demand. These forecasts put on practically at the same level that those of the government of the PP (that waits 2,9% this exercise and the one that comes) and lightly above those of the European Commission (2,8% and 2,6%, respectively). But mainly, it improved those that the own organization had presented in its previous one he has informed for six months, in those that advanced a 1,7 in 2015 and 1,9% in 2016, so that Spain passes to be in head of the area euro for the rhythm of growth. 

We are already with the same errors that have taken to the electoral disaster to the traditional parties again and mainly to the PP giving some data that are entirely false that the society sees it clear but the government insists on maintaining them there is not rather on the contrary any recovery the reality it indicates that the things go to worse and it is logical they will see you Spain doesn't stop of taking out funds to the market more and more, this means that the GDP doesn't grow if the government is right he would make the opposite every time it would take out less debt to the market because his scale of payments would be more positive. 

Because the UE doesn't say anything and it authorizes this falsehood, very simple because the UE has enough with the example of Greece, and he doesn't want him to be overlapped other and of the importance of Spain this is they look this way today it is indicated that the housing continues lowering we are already in some scandal depreciations the price of the housing it accumulates a descent of 42,1% from the year 2007. But they don't create that the thing has been braked it follows the half price of the housing registration a fall inter annual of 3,6% last month of May in front of the descent of 1,7 in the previous month. These data give as consequence that 95% of the Spaniards none expected to buy a housing in next 12 months. 

But they don't finish the contradictions and the government's traps here, besides the I hurt of the prices of the housing that they have not played since bottom you short term expect purchases the PP burdened by all the unemployment data and of the immobility of the GDP, he insists in the investment in the construction that has begun to ascend and this is because before the low real estate prices of Spain the main European commercial partners and the international ones (out of the Euro) with their authentic recoveries they increase the purchase of goods real estate Spaniards, since also they are more competitive thanks to the depreciation of the Euro. 

But all this doesn't provide work positions neither value added to the Spanish production for this reason the government it continues selling funds and increasing the debt to save the deficit face to the statistics of the UE. As for the unemployment, the OECD considers that it will lower and it will be located in 21,5% at the end of this year and in 19,7% when finishing the next one. Another falsehood neither the low unemployment neither the government lowered he has found the trick it counts the work contracts as employments and this is not this way alone 4,5% of the new contracts of May was fixed and on time complete works. If they don't believe it to him to see like he explains to himself that in spite of the increase of the affiliations, the collection of the Social security fell 3,5%, Spain it will continue being of the countries with more unemployed of the 34 states members, only below Greece supposing that this it continues in the UE.  

The call 'Club of the developed countries' it estimated that to have stopped in the last two years the budgetary adjustments is good to reinforce the recovery, but he noticed that if the results are better than that foreseen, the supplementary collection should be devoted to reduce the public debt. This already wrote it another time this is certain in the countries that already had an economy based on the industry and the production of added value that I eat in all he stopped for the crisis, but there it is now with the improvement of the deficits demands on the part of the UE this industry it is activated again and the results are noticed but it is that in Spain it doesn't EXIST THIS INDUSTRY THAT TO ACTIVATE, because here alone bricks were manufactured or it is that they have not still been given bill. 

That more he gives us in Spain that lowers the petroleum or the alone euro serves us the first thing so that there is not inflation and him second so that more tourists come and for little thing more. In accordance with the calculations of the OECD, our debt will put on weight and it will go up to 98,9% of the GDP in 2015 and to 99,1% in 2016, while the Spanish Government waits that he plays roof this year and begin to descend to 98,5% the next one this neither to sound him practically this year this past already and we will consume it with elections after elections that he means that you cannot plan next year what means that the year 2016 will have the same lacks or more than the 2015. 

Don't let us give him more turns Spain doesn't already have exit the industrial and social economy it was stagnated at levels of Latin American or Balkan countries or even of the north Africa: Algeria, Morocco, Turkey and this the reality is you my readers have a circle of friends well-known etc. Looks at it and do say you really, you come that their situations of life change? And he gives me the same as they are you of the social groups but or less suitable or poor give me same neither some ascend nor the other ones the most normal thing is that they lower. Alone they progress at the moment, those that their business source has been able to her to take out of Spain.  

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