jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015


Today Greece is finally locked already now in its corral yes that can be considered with the whole right a nation PIG, now we will see what it passes with the other PIGS, they will already have imagined that I refer to (Spain Portugal and Ireland), however today the European markets are in red but it is not because these PIGS today the red one is for the general situation as much the economic one as the political today the problem it is the insecurity of China of Turkey of Russia of the Brazil 

That is to say now that it is penned the PIGS, the BRICS falls, these they can take the same address that Greece and to end up outlining not to be able to pay their debts, because their economies are collapsing, together with the petroleum, the first matters and they will make it more when the USA elevates the price of the money, that is to say go up the interests if to this it is added that Europe follows stop that the terrorism continues in all its acme and that up to two  you chant they will tie because I regret to tell them that I don't see a good summer end. 

All this in fact is not nothing else that the reflection of the globalization that began with the production and the economy and at the end it finished globalized the problems that herself causes. They will see since the first world decided to globalizer the production looking for cheap manpower, he realized that the more poorer globalize became because instead of manufacturing and that buys him things, the third world had rotated the tortilla, with what the result was that the first world, had to pay to buy that that before manufactured and what was first an increment of its GDP, step to be a deficit, this could not fix it because he could not stop to have economic resources to continue buying and maintaining to its society and its economies. 

So a new countable element was invented, as if a new international foreign currency that was not gotten with the commercial action of purchase sale of consumption goods was or industrial, but rather it was simply obtained by means of notes accountants. And this foreign currency is not another thing that the debt. The first world was forced to create debt to be able to sustain its societies, to buy petroleum, foods etc. This way, to be able to maintain its trade and its societies he began to sell funds of the state, because there were no longer ships, neither machinery, neither products to sell, alone there were them to buy, the same thing happened with the private company and you forges this way the new currency of world change to which we call sovereign "debt, or funds senior etc. etc." 

Today in day the globalization is already made and it has taken I get this way the same problem to the countries globalizes China, Japan, all Asia, Russia and Brazil have the same problems that Europe and occident no longer know where to sell their products because everybody has of everything and when I say of all I also refer to the debts today the reality it is that we all are determined until the brows some with the other ones. 

Not all the debts are same the debt of the USA and that of Germany is not problem because they have become a trade product it is so evident that all more debt buys of the USA or of Germany, stronger rich and powerful you are. Because the financial market on the whole what obtains with the debt of good quality, is some very good interests that they assure him revenues in a same way that assured them to him the ships that built and they sold or the foods that cultivated and they marketed. 

This is this way and the world no longer knows how to change it, he is prisoner of its own solutions, today a country it is not measured by its wealth, but for the possibility of guaranteeing debt that is in definitive the new product of production and trade of the world. This is this way and I don't have idea of until as much as it lasted, but that that if I have clearing it is that the fact that for the first time a country of the first world like Greece, have been about to not to pay their interests and their debt the rest it has not allowed it this can indicate that the same thing can pass Germany or the same USA and this it is the real problem that the debt stops to be that sure and profitable product that moves today to the whole world. 

And I say this way it because there is not country in the world that he doesn't buy and it blindfolds debt, we have it: Russian China Japanese Spanish German Certain etc. that not all are same but they complete their function that is to substitute the trade goods and consumption with which the world trade began, I believe sincerely that neither the own governments have realized what they have created, because what today gives value to a country is not its GDP in yes, but rather possibility has with its GDP of maintaining the payment and expirations of the interests of its debt, it doesn't care quantity of debt but the interests because the debts are already all unpayable ones. 

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