martes, 11 de agosto de 2015


The PP wrapped in a labyrinth of economic judicial problems and politicians tries to give sticks of blind with the hope of guessing right in some blow of luck it doesn't get it the more it moves the stick more blows are given to itself. But I have here that the PP is not alone, in Spain it exists another party that makes real next to him the sentence that "Spain is different". 

The PSOE also this amusing one in looking for how to help the PP in "solving" the Catalan problem their proposal is the Federal Spain and lately he was happened to lean for a fiscal pact for Catalonia as much an idea as the other one he has had a short journey. In the last weeks, with the autonomous elections of September 27 to the turn of the corner, the socialist address had opened the door to a specific financing system for the autonomous community. 

But their initiative has had a scarce internal welcome and it is not that this misses me that that me stranger is that the PSOE is believed that it is different to the PP and it is not it its bases and its politicians are the same alone that choose where to be according to the possibility of being won a place in the Spanish politics, but nothing else separates them, total when all is said and done, with most of the territorial leaders of the PSOE openly in against, the party has decided now to cool it.  

At the end the financing pattern that will propose inside its reformation of the Constitution will be generic, in the terms that approved already two years ago with Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba like leader, and it won't contain a special system for the Catalan, that is to say the same one that the PP will propose and this is this way from 1978 the formation of the PP and of the PSOE it was an act of pure image you could not leave a military dictatorship and to fall so in another politics, decided to create a division of parties some they would be a little more than right and other more than left but without spending neither some neither other that is to say they would continue being the same dictatorship disguised of constitutional democracy. 

Little by little this reality comes out to it floats and it is already impossible to hide it is evident that the bad economic situation of the country has accelerated the bewilderment because the appearance of new parties in both sides those which if they are supposed full in good faith to try to change something in Spain they worry about a lot because now they are found that as much the PP as the PSOE should make of parties of rights one and of left other and here the problem is, like they can differ and not to lose the government from Spain. 

If the PSOE proposes a new politics more than left its own politicians they rebel: As we will be of left if we make it we are eaten PODEMOS and where we will get paid after the elections of year end this is what happens in the bottom, although they don't tell it to us, because they are believed that the PSC doesn't want the independence of Catalonia when the base of the Catalan independence has its base in the left, because simply because Mr. Iseta and company, know that if you points they stay outside of the political positions because this space has eaten it to him others.  

The socialist political forces discard a system in which Catalonia is been in a different way, and that the pattern that they will propose will be the same one for all the autonomies that lack its own concert (that are all less two). The PSOE steps a delicate land with the territorial speech. He wants to leave clear that its answer to the peak of the independentism in Catalonia is not the same of the PP, based on the "immobility", they opt for the "hyper mobility impossible", what means that they make the same thing that the PP but making see that no. 

That they are willing to a constitutional reformation that contemplates also, to go beyond the federalism, that is to say beyond the federalism it is what there is, proposals as: new rights, the "armor-plating" of the social State and the reformation of the institutions to "improve the democratic" quality sound me for years. But any possible treatment difference among the autonomies no way because it finishes causing close contacts. I don't taste like you but me all this it sounds me to already have read it, said for political of the PP. Although more complicated, the PSOE insists in that the autonomous system is already "asymmetric", and that its effort seeks to guarantee the "equality" inside the "diversity" he hears or it is same or diverse comes to an agreement.  

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