Council of Security of the UN demanded today to Iran that fulfills its
international obligations to protect the diplomatic facilities that it harbors,
after the serious attacks that they suffered enclosures Saudi in that country.
The condemnation is included in a press official statement diffused by the
maximum organ of decisions of the UN after the attacks that suffered on
Saturday the Saudi embassy in Teheran and the consulate of that country in the
Iranian town in Mashhad. The attacks were thrown by demonstrators that
protested for the execution in the clergyman's chií Riyadh Nimr Baqir to the
Nimr and of other 46 people, convicts to death to instigate sectarian violence
in Saudi Arabia. Soon after these facts, Saudi Arabia decided to break up its diplomatic
bonds with Iran, measure that other allied governments from Riyadh have
definitive, the preparations begin of what I come announcing he already makes
that is to say several blogs the I Islamic total war and the III world war. Alone
I wait that this time this III world war is taken to term in the African
continent and the Arabic peninsula, that is to say that it passes the same
thing more or less that in the two previous world wars that is to say the Great
war the 1º and the European war against the German Nazism the one denominated
II world war both they were combatted in Europe and they called themselves
world for the participation of armies, but not for the properly this, very
since actions of war this time I hope this third world war is carried out in Africa
and Arabic peninsula although it is evident we will participate all.
Council of Security remembers the fundamental "principle of the
inviolability of the diplomatic and consular" enclosures. he Also
remembers that each nation should protect those facilities against "any
intrusion or damage", at the same time that it urged Teheran to
"respect its international obligations completely in that sense".
Iran and Saudi Arabia are key actors in Half East, from different decrees. They
can have a decisive paper to solve the conflicts armed in Syria and Yemen,
either because they are involved or for the influence that they exercise among
the faced parts. It exists the fear that the tensions that one lives from last
weekend can represent a setback in the negotiations that are carried out to
arrive to the formation of a unit government in Syria.
alone this will happen, but rather the warlike hostilities will begin between
Iran and Saudi Arabia or if they prefer it among sunitas and Shiite, but
already to general scale in the Islamic world will pass more or less of wars of
terrorism local to a confrontation multiethnic and multinational inside the
Islamic world Iraq and Turkey will be added and possibly Egypt with all these
actors in fight was remodeled opposite caciques and ruling tyrants were
eliminated and with little capacity to tolerate the embattle of the big Arab
powers are already sunitas or Shiite and this if I am right it ended up
changing the tremendous backwardness and the great confusion who is who in the
Islamic world.
believe I have sincerely already said it more times than, although it seems an
atrocity it is necessary, the Islam should make its reconstruction like he made
occident personified by Europe and there is not another solution the Islamic
world it cannot continue fighting for anything threatening to the world in
general and this happens because the Islamism has not found its evolution it
continues moving among tyrants and terrorists that are not good to form an
ethnic neither political unit and they don't know how to leave the religion
behind to use the human politics all this it is necessary to make it jump for
the airs and they should make it they are not able to the Westerners go to change
them neither the frontiers neither the alone ideas they must get it.
general secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, made today a call to Teheran and
Riyadh so that they avoid an escalade in the tension, in phone conversations
that it maintained in the last hours with the holders of External of the two
countries. In the communication that maintained with the Iranian minister,
Mohamad Yavad Zarif, Ban "reiterated that the attack to the Saudi embassy
in Teheran was deplorable, but he added that the announcement of the rupture of
the diplomatic relationships Saudi with Teheran were deeply preoccupant",
as a spokesman of the UN said.
States requested today contention to the governments from Saudi Arabia and Iran
before the escalade of tension. The spokesman of the White House, Josh Earnest,
explained in its wheel of daily press that USA is urging to the two countries
to "not exacerbating" more the tensions that have also taken to the
governments suníes of Bahrein, Sudan and United Arab Emirates to break or to
diminish its diplomatic relationships with Iran. The Secretary of State of USA,
John Kerry, he has already spoken with the minister of External of Iran, Javad
Zarif, to ask contention and foreseen to also communicate shortly with their
Saudi homologous, according to Earnest.
have seen that much of the volatility and uncertainty in East Means spread to
explode along sectarian lines. This is not a coincidence", he noticed
today the presidents of USA spokesman, Barack Obama. For it, Earnest requested
to both parts, suníes and chiíes that try to "settle" the sectarian
divisions to advance in the interests common of all the countries of the
region, among them to find a political" "solution to the conflict in
Syria. The governments suníes of Baréin, Sudan and United Arab Emirates
confirmed today their support to their allied Saudi Arabia when breaking or to
diminish their diplomatic relationships with Iran. Saudi Arabia decided
yesterday to break up its diplomatic relationships with Iran, measure that
today followed the Executive Bahraini in the first place.
announced the rupture of its diplomatic knots with Teheran and he gave 48 hours
of term so that the Iranian diplomats abandon the country. In an official
statement diffused by the agency official bareiní of news BNA, the cabinet
informed that he/she made this decision in answer to "the flagrant and
dangerous inherencies" of Iran in the internal matters of Bahrein and of
the other countries of the Council of Cooperation of the Gulf (CCG). This
organization is integrated by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, to
Taste, Oman and Bahrein.
denounced the cowardly attacks against the diplomatic representations Saudi in
Iran that tilde of "reflection of the Iranian sectarian" politicians
that it is necessary to "confront with all the force" to
"preserve the security and the stability" of the region. Sudan, ally
from Riyadh in the coalition that Saudi Arabia leads in the Yemen in its fight
against the group rebellious chií of the hutíes, was added Bahrein and it cut
today its diplomatic relationships with Iran "in an immediate"
Ministry sudanés of External Matters condemned in a note the Iranian
"interventions in the region" based on the influence and the Iranian"
Government's "negligence in the assaults to the legations Saudi that it
described as hostile and extremist practice. on the other hand, the Executive
of United Arab Emirates (EAU) he didn't take such a drastic measure, but he
announced its decision of reducing its diplomatic representation in the country
of majority chií. According to the agency official emirate of news WAM, the
Government emirate ordered his ambassador in Teheran, Saada Seif to the Zaadi
that returns home and it reduced his official presence in the country at the
level of an in charge of business.
the other hand, the Iranian authorities criticized today the decision of Saudi
Arabia of breaking the diplomatic relationships and they crossed out it of
having "accelerated" and of result of the "frustration" and
a sample of "weakness". This situation has not made more than to
increase the existent schism between suníes and chiíes in Half East. Something
that Saudi Arabia doesn't seem willing to revert after the suspension today of
all its flights with destination and origin in Iran, like he announced the
General Authority of Civil Aviation of the ultraconservative Kingdom in an
official statement diffused by the official agency of news SPA. The agency
added that the national air companies will take the necessary measures to avoid
to harm the travelers that already have reserved flights.
escalade of tension also left scenes of violence in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
During last night, at least a man died and a boy was wounded in confrontations
in the Saudi town of to the Au Amiya, the clergyman's chií native town, in the
region of to the Qatif. In Iraq they
registered three attacks played by armed men against three mosques suníes in
the county of Babel, to the south of Baghdad, he/she informed Efe a source of
security of this region. The attacks to those three temples of confession suní,
minority in Iraq, victims didn't cause, although yes important material
damages, he added the source.
this context, the Arab League summoned today an extraordinary meeting of the
Arab minister of Exterior for next Sunday, with the objective of condemning the
assault against the diplomatic headquarters Saudi in Iran. But I invite them to
that reread an and another time this complicated one I articulate and they will
realize that in fact everybody Islamic it is in state of alert and getting
ready sincerely for the unavoidable thing this situation looks like each other
like some drops of water to the preparations of the last western wars believe
that it is necessary that what must happen happens and we can finally conform
the world with some cultures, races and well defined interests the Westerners
are, the Asians, and it is evident that it lacks the Islamic culture that
should put order in Africa, half east.
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