jueves, 23 de julio de 2015


Today their majesty the king Felipe VI, he has said to the new judges at once of delivery of offices that has taken place in Barcelona that it is necessary to respect the effective legality. I agree with him and I believe that the Mr. Artur Mas there it also presents. Always in the expert that it was throwing this behavior maxim to the new judges, this says it, because if the sentence has pronounced it its Majesty, with warning spirit to the President of the Generalitat or the Catalan that we not read it in the press holders toward neither it lacks neither any grace. 

Majesty to say that "for the institutions of the State the respect to the law is not an alternative" the first thing that it is necessary to have it is the security that the first institution of the nation that is to say the Monarchy, and the other institutions like they are the government of the nation and its members as well as its respective parties political and other Spanish institutions, they have always fulfilled this maxim that its majesty has proclaimed today with his words. 

Fortunately majesty in Spain and in the entire world, to respect the law is an alternative, either for a judge or for government's president even for a King. Today we all know that this is this way, the politicians, the representatives of Spanish, European and international institutions, they have given us many example of that, for it with all my humility allow myself to rectify him, I don't want to enter in mentioning problems of illegalities made in this country, for people some very close to their majesty and other very next ones to the government of the country that you represent, I believe that it is simply enough to mention it as example of what I mean.  

Today this sentence you the one used fears myself it doesn't stop to harangue the new judges, they must impart trials on the possible nonfulfillment’s of the legality that other people, even to some of their same community it sews that it has already happened, they have been made expedient judges is hard for example to make a draft of a possible and hypothetical Catalan constitution during its free time. Majesty: To respect the laws is an alternative that relapses in the human being's freedom and you as Catholic he knows it, because our own creator this way us made, gave us the freedom of working well or bad and that if to abide then to the consequences. 

Their Majesty has wanted to allow to fall the sentence so that Artur Mas picked up it and the Catalan that we are reading it in all the had national newspapers and to have and I don't find opportune that in an act of such an importance for the dozens of new judges, mix veiled warnings making see that they are directed to them. It seems that we are already another time using the law to make political, and you majesty this should not make it, and however neither the Spanish government neither apparently their Majesty, they use the politics to make or to model the law. 

It is not necessary that they warn to Catalonia more, I believe that our politicians and our more representative figures and involved in the objective of trying to look for a LEGAL road, to get a dream like it is the full sovereignty of our country and feelings, we are making games of malabars for not incurring in the illegality, although their government Majesty, I fear myself that if he doesn't find cause he believes it and it hinders all that can a process that probably, if has been focused based on that the legality is not a political weapon, maybe already it would be resolved from the past November 9  

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