sábado, 18 de julio de 2015


Today I want to exercise an economic political to explain to the Spaniards because all the political parties and Spanish politicians defend fervently that Catalonia cannot be independent of Spain, many times I have maintained that it is simply an economic question of survival of Spain, and at the same time the government from Spain omits it and it changes it address and it defends that the independence of Catalonia would ruin Catalonia and for that reason it won't admit the break of the Spanish state. 

Today I will outline the Spaniards the reality of this question and you will be able to this way to take opinion in this respect. They will see Spain he has a GDP of 1.058.469 million Eurus quantity that he offers a GDP / capita (that is to say the wealth for inhabitant) of 22,780 Eurus that means that Spain has a population of 46,5 millions more or less. These data are published and they can find them in numerous bases of information.  

Leaving of this starting point sees what it happens if it is Catalonia who leaves Spain automatically it loses the GDP of Catalonia that is of 209,786 million Eurus and 7.5 million inhabitants this maneuver it represents that Spain is with a GDP of 848,683 million Eurus and its population would become of 39 million more or less this would give her inhabitants a wealth or GDP / capita of 21,761 Eurus for inhabitant that is to say would have a loss of 4%. It is demonstrated that the problem is not to lose Catalonia but losing 1000 Eurus for inhabitant that entrance. 

What it would happen if for those accidental circumstances was another historical nationality the one that outlines their independence and I will refer as example to Andalusia this community he has a GDP of 141,704 million Eurus and 8,4 million inhabitants so with these data if they separated Spain it would be with a GDP of 916,765 million Eurus and a population of 38,1 million what would provide a GDP per capita of 25,243 Eurus for inhabitant what would represent that each Spanish's wealth would go up nothing else and anything less than 10,8% now you Spaniards tell me they believe that in this supposition the government NOOOOOO would say or maybe he would think it a little more to him. 

This is the political reality from the Spanish negative to the independence of Catalonia they don't doubt it neither a moment the same thing that on the contrary Catalonia makes numbers and it leaves him very profitable to become a small and independent nation with a GDP of 209,000 million Eurus and with a wealth per capita of 26,956 would be located in the UE in the tenth place below France 32,400 Eurus / capita and above Italy and Spain, 26,600 and 21,761euros for inhabitants respectively. 

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