viernes, 17 de julio de 2015


The things seem that they at great speed clear up, yesterday was Rajoy and today the general secretary of the Spanish socialist party (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, he has underlined that, I "lower any concept", it will accept the independence of Catalonia and it has considered that it is the moment to "spread bridges and not to close them", in spite of the fact that "with those that have decided to break you tie with Spain we won't be able to understand each other. it is well, it is this way clearer you what we knew from Catalonia, has confirmed already we are unsuitable for the traditional Spanish politics, so much gives that it is of right as the PP or of left as the PSOE.  

It is curious to see as Catalonia it is also the only knot of union of the old Spanish political class, both two parties that have been distributed the government from Spain from the end of the dictatorship, are antagonistic except in a thing the necessity that they have both that Catalonia is property of Spain. And this is clear that it is not love if non necessity, a while ago that it should not appeal to this truth but it is that the postures of the two parties in front of the Catalan position of becoming independent, demonstrate that Spain cannot do without of what Catalonia means from the economic point of view. 

It is evident that these manifestations so similar of both leaders, they are not a call of concord toward Catalonia, none of both plans to propose any real alternative to the independence of Catalonia that is to say none says: <We will propose a condition special point of political order as economic so that Catalonia doesn't think of leaving, since it seems that this these they are the main problem that pushes Catalonia to think of the segregation>. But not this doesn't say it they simply say “it will never be independent" or “we didn't accept the independence of Catalonia I lower any concept". This because it is this way, because what interests Spain, is the productivity and the GDP of Catalonia, but he gives them same what the Catalan think.    

Anyway to Pedro Sanchez manifestations regarding that will be able to make something against the Catalan process, happens them the same thing that to the NO of yesterday of Mariano Rajoy, both two won't be under conditions of making anything when they have passed the Spanish general elections and of course the autonomous elections of Catalonia, both leaders will be with luck opposition but I don't govern, undoubtedly to Catalonia he gives him same because the party or better the coalition that will win and Spain governed, neither he will give facilities for a political negotiation for a friendly transition between Spain and Catalonia so that both they separate, because the necessity of the Catalan GDP will continue being fundamental. 

On the situation in Catalonia, Sánchez has been shown disconformity with the attitude of the PSOE and of the current government from Spain and he has said that "in front of the soberanismo Catalan" we have had the "immobile government's president that has beached the situation". We "have problems common to the Catalan and alone town by means of the union of forces politicians we will be able to make them front. The Catalan worry about the unemployment, the infantile poverty, the lack of opportunities and alone from the union of the political forces we will be able to make in front of this", it has impacted.  

He doesn't lack man reason, but he leaves aside something very important, indeed what worries Catalonia, is the unemployment, the infantile poverty, the lack of opportunities, but that the solution to these problems Catalonia sees it clear, it is alone a question of being able to be governed itself, overalls to have its economic capacities sovereignly without they are despoiled him to make see that one helps or that you re equilibria Spain, this it is the problem, while the governments Spanish "re equilibrant Spain" is every time it is more indebted, the Spanish society is poorer, there is more real unemployment, and they are continued assuming guarantees for the government's friends, I eat for example in the cases of the radial ones of Madrid, the deposit of gas "Castor", the tunnel of the AVE to France, to give some examples.  

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