sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011


Am I made difficult almost impossible to put on before the computer and to manifest my opinions openly, have I been reviewing some of my blogs that according to the statistics the read are, and do I realize that almost all have the same thread driver and for the one that writes and does he want that their writings and are comments interesting and interesting to their possible readers, does it begin to assault him the doubt of if it won't be being iterative, at the end of the reflection you think that the blame of the reiteration mine is not, but of the circumstances, What does it accuse I have me that the society, the politics and the economy are stubborn without imagination and without own resources to change anything? 

Already time ago I wrote on the danger of the revolts of the Maghreb and the next East and I said - the revolutions will possibly conquer they overthrew the tyrants dictators, but after it happened, because the conquering revolutionaries met with the same problems, with their integrist religion, with their lack of opportunities, without future, without work, and above wildly. And arrived this what a moment will happen?  Because they already it, the things worsen and they stiller worsened. 

In any "liberated" country the things have improved, in fact just the opposite, in Tunisia neither it is known that it happens and they continue wildly, in Libya the disorder is total, it follows the war the indiscriminate slaughters, and the dictator neither it is known where it is, and among so much Europe paying bombs and ammunition, when at the end they give birth to of making the revolution, the town doesn't go that is what to make, then that it happened, they stopped of killing, not for sure not, it is that they don't have another stable work and the petroleum gives money but I don't work, and the money will stop to integrist hands with what will be worse.  

In Egypt the situation is much worse that before, to part of having lost the tourism, its source of more important revenues, they continue now in a dictatorial régime militarized that is taking them the hair, hoping the things throw, to give entrance to the integrist fraction of the Muslim Siblings, among so much, they have already begun to entertain to the town with battles against Israel. 

The general situation in the area, is pending of two events: one is what happens in Syria, and the other one what happens between Turkey and Europe, I explain to myself, the revolution Syria doesn't have possibilities to triumph because the one exercises of Bashar al-Assad it is very strong and very trained after its wars with Israel, so it is impossible that the Syrian town without occident help, he can make anything. Yes the fight in Libya finishes soon we will see what it happens, it can happen that the outrages of you al-roast they take to Europe it is necessary to continue its saving paper in Syria, thing that now I doubt because we are not for waste, but everything can be. In a way or another will intervene Egypt and Turkey, helped by the Libyan rebels, because already positions. 

Regarding Turkey this it plays the paper of putative father of the area, it won't put peace, but I suppose that he didn't leave that the things you desman den a lot, neither that occident intervenes too much, because its final purpose is the one of being the military superpower and none of the Maghreb and of Next East. This position change is very clear because seeing that the UE comes undone and it is a failure, Turkey he has very undoubtedly it doesn't interest him to be part of the line of a wounded lion, and that he is better being the head of a mouse in growth.  

Turkey anger stopping little by little to be moderate Islamista, and Islamista Integrist will become to the Iranian style, so he closed the tong Israel it has more than enough and this situation will force to demographic changes partner very difficult of solving but not of foreseeing, the end of this, will be again the expulsion of the Jewish town of Israel, and the occupation of the territory for the Palestinian Arab. 

This well calculated and clear movement, it is prepared and sustained by Iran, for it vivifies it the Palestinian movements, the play of the recognition petition in the ONU is a teacher, and it sustains the Muslim Siblings as the force political-nun that will unite the towns of the Maghreb, this strategy it is very clear and necessary, if Iran wants to go dominating the nations that surround it and to end up dominating in a next future until the Arabic Peninsula, the Gulf Peach and Oman's Gulf Turkey it was positioned like counterbalance in the other end.

Very since I am for sure all this is also part of the orchestrated financial attacks that Europe suffers, it is evident that this whole position requires that the power colonizador of in the past and its influence disintegrates, because this process is long and patient as the Arab character, but as always I say, I should be me alone the one that thinks of something more than in to look his nose every day and to see if it has grown me saying lies to my society to hide him the possible problems so that me alive well and the calmest thing possible, and those that come behind already fixed it, because good at the moment the ruin of Europe already is guaranteed so already less lack. 

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