miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015


The surplus for bill current of Germany is killing the productivity of the area euro. According to the last data published by Eurostat, in the fourth trimester of 2014 the German surplus represented 9,1% of the GDP quarterly, a figure that Holland has only overcome ago some trimesters. This way, Germany is not comply one of the Procedures of Macroeconomic Imbalance. And it is that the balance for bill current should move in the fork of -4% and +6% for the good operation of the group of the monetary area.  

That is to say so that he understands each other the productivity of a country of the area euro he should have their commercial scale the most balanced thing possible and the experts calculate this balance in the margins that indicate a country previously that is to say he can in one month to buy or to consume 4% more than their exports with what produces their scale a deficit and to the next one to sell or to export 6% of their consumption with what obtains a surplus. 

Germany is I eat one of the biggest no reliable in the rules of community stability it is already known, for what the German country should be object of sanctions if the norms of the European Union were completed. The high surplus of Germany prevents that countries like Spain, France or Portugal can balance their scales with more easiness. This is evident if Germany has surplus it is always that this absorb the production markets and its neighbors' consumption placing them its products in detriment of its manufactured or taken place in its national market.  

It cannot be justified that the biggest country in the Eurozone plays with its own rules, Germany is challenging to the Eurozone and its normative one, and it is that the regulatory machinery of the Eurozone politically is strongly and it has allowed that Germany has unfulfilled for fifth serial year the surplus limits for bill current.   

The nonfulfillment’s of some of the processes of stability can be in an occasional way. An external shock or any other one accidental he can force to the countries to incur in a high public deficit or in any other imbalance. But the surplus for bill current of Germany is structural and chronic, they are not also taking measures to reduce it, as always I say single Germany and its influence area they can be financed with the euro to the rest of the euro area it is no longer they possible. 

The surplus of Germany should be been in the same way that they were the deficits of the countries of the south. Both are threats for the stability of the area euro, Germany enjoys a rate of inferior unemployment to 5%, however neither the inflation neither the consumption is growing like they would should. The re equilibrium mechanisms are not working, they have gotten jammed. And this is logical because to but surplus German bigger deficit in the euro poor area many of you remembered that when I say that for example Spain never more he will be able to lower the unemployment I relate it to the fact that Spain doesn't have industry where to put to work to so many unemployed and half joking I say that we will manufacture if the whole production of Europe is in Germany televisions, cars, brown appliances of white line of line, elevators in short everything are made in or through German companies for example the chemical industry and the pharmacist. 

The countries of the south will no longer be able to never grow more because their alone economies manufacture deficits and to reduce them they close companies and they reduce costs of investment public etc… it is a diabolical hairspring that finishes ending in an increase of the net foreign debt. And also this makes that Germany will increase its creditor position and the countries of the south its position of debtors.  

The problem today is that it is already too much afternoon Germany it can no longer implement politicians to correct this situation. The economists aim that Germany makes a slope of taxes to increase the consumption, something that is in hands of the Government. But they forget that the consumption increased in the same Germany because if German has more purchasing power that he will make it will be to buy things and German products because there is no longer any production of more value added for example outside of her the Germans they will come to buy SEAT's to Barcelona, they bought AUDI's in Germany, the same voucher for another idea that wages can be gone up in some sectors with the same end. 

The IMF has also noticed that the high surplus of Germany is destructive for the Eurozone like group. From this international organism he has made sure that the countries more affected by the crisis they will have a complicated road if Germany continues registered commercial surpluses so big. From Germany he refuses that this imbalance is his blame. They don't express it in an open way, but what they mean is that the blame is of the drop competitiveness of its European neighbors. 

This is certain but what they don't say that the blame of it is it his because they forced to the European union to abandon their foreign currencies to be welcomed the German Marc not well called EURO with this play all Europe it lost the competitiveness of the value of their foreign currencies and evidently I force all to already play with his a foreign currency unreachable for the rest of the European economies 

The chronic surpluses of saving are a form of 'to steal' it demands to other countries. On the other hand, this politics exports unemployment to the neighbors from Germany. Everything charges it more importance inside a context of secular stagnation and an excess of world saving. The blame of this is alone of the German ambition or we should think that 50% is for the cowardice of the other partners of the area euro. "The nations that compose it are entitled to take reprisals once this situation has de controlled.  

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