domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

IT’S THE PP THE PARTY Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Party PP of Catalonia (PPC) he announced today that will present a help resource before the Constitutional Tribunal to try to impede the celebration of a full parliamentarian in which the independents formations Catalans seek to approve a proposal of independent. Extraordinary the PP has given a jump in the future one and it already accuses in advance the one crimes that the political independent  will make it is not known when, the thing is of laugh or of fear, I don't know what sensation it dominates me more if the laugh or the fear, but that that if I know, it is that this looks like each other more and more to the form of acting of a dictatorship that first bush to their opponents and then it justifies it legally with faked trials. 

The Popular Party has decided without consulting to the interested ones, to consider that the best defense that we can make of the interests of the Catalan and of the group of the Spaniards it is to present a help resource to request that the celebration of a full one is annulled, (that it depends on them that it can take place because they must constitute you officially the composition of its parliamentary members in the parlament) the president of the parliamentary group of the PPC, Xavier García Albiol said, in declarations to journalists that is to say are presupposing two things one that will make a crime and another that they can know when because they must enable to the Parlament so that it can be carried out the supposed crime. 

It is certainly disturbing what happens that it happens to the Popular Party you thought what they want but I believe that they will try to make the possible thing to be able to declare an exception state in Spain to avoid the general elections because they know that they will leave like a political force more without the enough guarantee that they can influence and much less to govern to the Spanish state the PP I fear myself it is organizing a coup d'etat of first category that gives him the opportunity to take the government of the nation aided in the new law of national security that they approved themselves few months ago. 

This situation reminds me a futurist movie that I don't remember the title in that he thought about the topic of a very advanced police that was able to know ahead of time who will make a murder or another bigger crime by means of analysis of DNA or something similar I didn't see it because critical good non-law and I found a topic absurd and unreal, today I am sorry because I never thought that he would see it in my country, nobody has threatened the PP directly neither to the Spanish constitution up to now and if the PP like he said before, he knows when they will make it, because he has to hope the criminal act takes place, because if it impedes it there won't be criminal act that to denounce, then there will be making the own PP an act of serious insults and of undue accusation with that that with the law in the hand the TC should act against the PP for false accusations as it is that he requests help for anything. 

The formation Junts pel Yes (JpS) and the independents of the CUP - buried in some difficult conversations to reach government's agreement in Catalonia - they registered last Tuesday a resolution to begin the process of creation of an independent own state that has also had the front rejection of the socialists and of the formation Citizens. The candidacies of JpS and CUP obtained a total of 72 benches of a camera of 135 deputies in the summoned elections September 27, although they didn't achieve most of the votes. Their intention is to declare an independent Catalonia in 18 months declaration that months ago was made that is to say they cannot adduce ignorance of the intention but this is not unconstitutional one can still think of Spain I believe me. 

García Albiol added that on Monday he will contact the leaders in Catalonia of Citizens, Inés Arrimadas, and of the Socialist Party, Miquel Iceta, for consensual the resource before the high tribunal that they seek to present this week and to offer an “unit image”. Not Mr. Albiol you can request to its friends that unite to reject in the full one that you will decide when one makes that vote against the supposed proposal, and if they pay him attention, thing that I don't doubt at all and in spite of it, in the pertinent voting of the full one of the Parlament it leaves approved the proposal, then you will be able to appeal before to the TC it is science fiction. 

Mr. Albiol you don't doubt neither for a moment that the TC impeached this proposal when it is a proposal us the Catalan independents already knows it but it is necessary to make it because we need tests do it that the Spanish state is against all and each one of the proposals of the government of Catalonia but to change it doesn't consent to propose any political exit I don't have the most minimum doubt that you and the PP are looking for something more than the one that the TC declares null and unconstitutional the Catalan proposal I believe that you are looking for a political conflict that of feet to declare the exception state that ends up avoiding or to postpone sine day the Spanish general elections, and allow to already continue in functions to the government of the PP without courts neither senate, the whole time that is necessary to mount a "real dictatorship" or a “dictatorship real ” again this will depend on its approach or interpretation. 

You look at most of the Catalan independent we are against this proposal of independence because we consider it a tremendous first error to declare in writing and of beforehand  the plans that should develop you, second because they are not well edited neither consensus and third because it seems what is an unconscious concession to the unpresentable of the CUP to see if once and for all they change opinion about the presidency of Catalonia and those that we want the independence really know that this one cannot make this way announcing the enemy ahead of time so the battle plans in the bottom you with their attitude have returned us the favor and he is becoming trained his one we already knew how to go him against Catalonia the other one it is to try to boycott the Spanish general elections that we didn't know it. 

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