One of the restlessness more wanted by many autonomies
and mainly for Catalonia and that without a doubt some has taken it now to the
search of the independence of Spain in eves of elections the PP it includes it
in the electoral program, I refer to the autonomous financing (but he has trap
a lot of trap and we will see because later on).
Mariano Rajoy intends to "define and to agree"
a limited offer of basic services to the education areas, sanity and social
services for those that it will be guaranteed from the State "an
enough" financing that would not vary with the time; it would not be
subjected to sways of the economy and it would respect the principle of
"equality" among Spaniards. The rest of services foray in charge of
the communities. This is without a doubt the recentralization of the CCAA on
the part of the Spanish central government, be of the party that is.
"Secured the solidarity and the access equality
to the basic social services and the enough financing of the same ones, the
autonomies will have a bigger financial capacity and fiscal responsibility to
assist to the rest of competitions that they are he own", it is sustained
in this program with which Rajoy will request the vote for the general
elections of the 20-D. they already counted me that it means that if the sanity
and the basic services are guaranteed and unified by the central state so that we
want to vote autonomous governments to make of officials and policemen.
With this system, as the PP sustains, there will be
sufficiency in the financing of essential matters and it will be possible to
"reach a situation of financial balance in a stable" way. "since
the State (and he says it with all the immunity) it has assumed a very high
percentage of the autonomous debt, when he will understand the state that the
autonomous debt is also debt of Spain this is not worth the debt of the
autonomies if they don't have it the autonomies he will have it the state what
happens won't disappear it is that the state will be able to clip it much
This way, the conservatives pick up the essence (in
any case the entirety) of a project that it takes years I defend the now
minister of External Matters, José Manuel García-Margallo, but that in the last
months he has left polishing, reducing and adjusting in the ministry that
Cristóbal Montoro. This way and although that small letter is not included in
the diffused proposal this Wednesday, the idea is assumed of to enlarge the responsibility
and to create a new fiscal map in Spain, map that like I have described before
it is not another that until the services and the financing will be radial
leaving definitively as the highways of Madrid.
In spite of being a promise of the electoral program
with which Rajoy already converged to the elections of the 2011 that it won,
there has not been a reformation of the pattern of autonomous financing in the
last four years. Neither the political debate has opened up in this respect.
The popular ones, in full offensive sovereignty from Catalonia and with the
hangover of a not well result in the autonomous of May that it subtracted them
a lot of territorial power, has preferred to postpone this matter until the
next legislature, alleging that there was not money in the arks to change the
Now the PP wants to emphasize the idea that the
economic recovery is in progress when recovering this promise and also offering
its politicians as guarantee of a growth in the expenses, that yes, controlling
them from Madrid. We will "guarantee a rhythm of stable growth of the
expense in the basic services they already come it growth and normalization
from everything - education, sanity and social services--, adapted the
evolution of factors like the population, so that this it is not subjected to
discretionary" fluctuations, they point. If the PP Spanish friends wins
again we won't have of worrying about anything Spain it is A BIG AND FREE again
clearer the water.
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