lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


Madrid (Agencies). - The president of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio González, it has defended this Monday a constitutional reformation whenever it is "consensus" for the citizenship that defines the mark competencies" "clearly and he has opened the door to the refund from some competitions to the State. Everything goes to define a mark competency clearly, settling down what competitions he has each who, the structure of that competition and the resources to assign. 

Not you clearing are who has written its declarations or if on the contrary they are own but he doesn't look like each other it. Up to now from Catalonia when we referred to Madrid we made it taking it as capital and the government's from Spain headquarters, I don't eat a community or Spanish common city, it is clear that this separation has already faded, it is clear that when we think of Madrid we should think of government's headquarters and I eat battering ram to crumble the state of the autonomies of Spain that yes, without going by the constitution, that is to say by means of the accomplished facts, because if Madrid the richest community in Spain gives up to be it, it is evident that behind her the rest of communities goes. 

Now then, it is certain that manifestation or it is simply another battering ram attack against the unit independent of Catalonia: is it possible that a political structure magnifies, rich well taken care, and influential, be willing to the alone political suicide for "to fuck" to the Catalan?, is my answer that not, this manifestation of car immolation is due to superior orders, is another strategy of the government of the PP to go leaving more and more isolated to Catalonia, is it evident that if Madrid is willing to give positions of power to the state, won't they have more remedy other communities that to make the same thing, some for pleasure simply, and others to be taken out debts and problems of above. 

I continue preaching in the desert, but it is that every time is more evident, the illogical of the situation: We will see Spain, if our madness will leave us without multinational companies that all will leave to Madrid, if the banks will leave Catalonia, if from Catalonia we won't be able to sell anything to Spain, because Spain won't buy us anything, if we won't be able to pay pensions because Spain didn't happen to us money of the national bottom, if we won't be able to pay our debt for the same reason, if all this is as well as they want it to us to make believe, so that they continue being so thoroughly applied so that we stop to attempt it, if to you it doesn't harm them in anything. 

You look it is absurd everything that makes, if we leave, you won't have to pay us to the suppliers, neither the pensions, neither the debt, above they will have more companies and for owner consequence of work, their companies will take place more because they didn't buy us anything of Catalan origin, they don't understand it, all the wrongs and disasters with those that threaten us, are so advantages for Spain I don't reach to understand because they don't leave us neither so at least to wonder what we want to make. And they don't tell me that it is for love to Catalonia and the Catalan. 

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