martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


The minister of Treasury, Cristóbal Montoro, he has requested today in the Congress, in implicit reference to Catalonia that "nobody leaves Europe" because only "together can advance" and he has specified that if somebody you segregates it would be harming the European" project. Montoro that has made these statements in the opening of the debate of entirety of the General Budgets of the State for 2014 has reiterated that if somebody opts to leave Europe he would also "be going back in its level of well-being." 

That I list it is Montoro but he is seen the feather duster "Together we can and we should advance", the minister has pointed out among the applauses coming from the benches of the PP, and he has added that "segregated and divided" you would not only leave the crisis but rather he would also put on in danger the European project. Montoro if you want to disguise this way him voucher, but for sure alone they will believe him those of the PP and nobody more, the reality that he doesn't still mean is that if there is segregation of Catalonia, Spain it doesn't leave the crisis and it is Spain the one that consequently also leaves europa, because a Spain in unrecoverable crisis, it cannot continue in the europa of the euro. The holder of Treasury has insisted on stirring up the debate of the recovery in "all Spain" like maximum priority.   

The European Commission has clarified that if a territory of the European Union becomes independent of a State member he would also stop to be part of the community club, in answer to the eventual secession of Catalonia. Another time thank you Mr. Montoro for their interest in warning us but of these we will already take charge us if the case arrives, at the moment already we are advancing creating structures of having been therefore for if us stay or for if we leave europa, momentarily.   

For that reason the Govern of the Generalitat, it has approved the transformation of the Institute Credit and Finances (ICF) in the future public bank of Catalonia. Through a real ordinance, the Catalan Executive has given green light for the beginning of the necessary steps that they allow the transformation of the ICF in entity of agreement credit with state and European regulations. This way, a subjected anonymous society will be generated to the normative of credit entities and he will become a future bank public. Con this reformation, the ICF will be able to act as credit entity with independence of the Govern and consequently of the government and the general economy of Spain, with the potential objective a support instrument to the fabric managerial Catalan, basic point for the survival of the economy of the new status of Catalonia  

The resources of the ICF don't come from the Generalitat and therefore, they don't generate neither debt neither deficit, since to carry out their activity, the ICF is financed in the national and international markets. Fruit of these legislative changes, the ICF will be able to constitute an anonymous society segregating its branch of financial activity, "with full independence regarding the Administration of the Generality and of its entities, subjected only and exclusively to the normative characteristic of the credit entities and the control of the organs national and European" regulators.  

The objective, is that the ICF can act as credit entity in the mark of the Union Bank European "to consolidate and potential its paper like support instrument to the managerial fabric already the productive" economy. The ICF is a financial entity been founded in 1985. The main objective of the entity is to impel and to facilitate the access to the financing to the managerial fabric with headquarters in Catalonia, mainly pymes and autonomous, acting like complement of the private financial sector. From 2011, the entity has facilitated the access to the financing to more than 9.000 companies for a superior amount to the 2.000 million Eurus.  

You already see it Mr. Montoro from here we don't deceive anybody when we say that it is not logical the attitude of Spain in front of the Catalan process says it without mufflers I don't eat you that now seeks to be shielded in europa, it is not Catalonia the one that would have problems in europa it is Spain and this we understand it from the beginning and I will tell him but we believed that this reality would take us at both to negotiate and to find an acceptable cooperation for both, but not, you want everything you continue thinking that we are in the XVIII century in 1714 to be more exact and it is not this way, it is no longer this way, today we are in a democratic European union and open to any "old or new" nation that presents the enough market arguments, democratic, and of sustainability that would make it worthy of its adhesion. 

Sr Montoro Catalonia won't put in danger to europa and its economy doesn't doubt it neither for a moment and I advise him that he worries and say the truth to its partners of the PP and the Spanish citizenship, that that if it would put in danger the secession of Catalonia it is Spain, and I eat serious cracked effect Spain the one that would put in danger to the UE, the things they are like they are and I don't that you seek them to be.   

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