domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013


The dynamics of the Spanish debt is untenable and consequently to square its economy the reasons is several but like base is to look for three main reasons these they are besides very difficult solution, because they cannot think about one after other but rather they drink to be solved the three at the same time, because otherwise one puts on weight to the other one and vice versa.  

We go to for them: The first one, the impossibility of collecting the fixed expense of the state, the second, the lack of productive structure that generates revenues, the third, the growing and already systemic unemployment, these three problems you conjunction in one Spain has created during 30 years a creative monster of costs, grants, and overflowed demographically.  

Spain already goes hopelessly to 100 debt% with regard to its GDP but the forecast and its reality, it is that of maintaining the current structure, so much in the aspect inhabitants as of generation of revenues, this parity debt GDP, will ascend and it already surpassed this measure of for if dangerous; As it is explained that the government doesn't say the truth but rather he seeks to deceive us to all, saying that you has already arrived finally of the crisis. Because another time we are in the same circumstances that impeded that in their moment, Spain has requested for two years, or accepts the europa rescue, the damned fear of the Spanish politicians of losing its privilege status its pride not well expert and the ferocious fear to that they are discovered for third the terrible administration of governments from Spain that they have made of its country its particular business. 

Today the state this getting in debt until the brows and but there, alone to pay their disasters, but it doesn't stop to fix the economy of the country, this he goes every worse time the consumption he falls, the wages lower, the medium companies close or they decrease, that yes they have saved the banking but the question is, so that we want three banks systemic more other small 10 or 15, if it is that there is not saving, there is not get credit for companies neither investments, and its main concern this in selling their stocks of levied housings and in requesting money to the BCE to buy debt of the state. 

The state leaves in the obligation to elevate taxes and to clip services, and the most curious and unworthy thing, to go up rates of the basic services, sanity, education, gas, electricity, to a society to the one that previously it has lowered him its revenues, or what is worse, has left it in unemployment, we are this way in the paradox that to more taxes less collection, and they are not allowed to deceive for figures but it is necessary to look at the relationships, because the very skilled government, tells us that it enters but, but it doesn't compare it to us with what should pay off but, so although they have gone up the IVA, the IRPF, the rates of energy, the taxable bases, until the lottery, in spite of it this year we have passed of a debt of less than 80% to 100%. 

If this was because the state has invested in infrastructures, in credit to the consumption in creation of companies etc. would not have anything to say, but it is not the state it has removed this way services, it has removed grants, it has created more unemployment, and to get this he has gotten in debt more, incomprehensible they don't find it, so now the reality is no longer within our reach of understanding, all that they outline us and they say it is absolutely false.      

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