jueves, 28 de enero de 2016


The Disunity European, is a fact that is harming us a lot of to all the components of this union, the problem it is that it is made in such a way that so much union is needed to make it work like to disassemble it and this surprisingly is what will finish destroying all the economies that we compose it one after other, at the end if they don't take measures from Brussels looking for the form of balancing the economies of the own union. 
It is not necessary to remember that the whole Mediterranean Europe this outside of control and their economies don't complete the standards required by Brussels and much less the potentiality of the economies of the environment or Germanic influence the European Union, is more and more the United Germany and outside of it the things don't go and more and more the real difference enlarges. The situation of life in Greece is not neither from a distance the characteristic of a country of the European Union, that of Portugal neither, Spain presents some economic and labor deficits that move it totally away from the standards of the UE that he makes that the civil society doesn't possess the level of in agreement life with what means to already be officially the fourth bigger country of the union and today he has fallen in the pothole Italy the third country of the UE. 
Their banking is on the edge of the insolvency, so much that there are very special negotiations and you secrete to see how they can from Brussels to avoid, it doesn't break it, but rather one doesn't have to appeal to the terrible word of bank "rescue" or even of the Italian economy the things are this way. As they come from the four pillars of the UE. Germany, France, Italy and Spain, alone they are in foot the half and I am not for sure France this today to 100 % saved of also falling in the group of inferior economies. 
Surprisingly of this total failure they survive still the small countries: Holland, Belgium, Check Republic, Sweden, Ireland, Finland and Austria and I don't continue because the other ones entered in the euro after the 1999 that I mean with this because that the European Union at least if we stick to the Eurozone it is absolutely unbalanced it has been clear that countries cannot cohabit with economies monster like Germany and France with big countries but with small economies as those of Spain and Italy and if those countries that their size is adjusted to its economy that they are all those that I have named as small can cohabit. 
Of this it is necessary to reach conclusions and quickly memory that years ago you began to speak of the Europe of the regions instead of the Europe of the nations, because it was seen come this imbalance, but the power and the pride was stronger than the reason and the big nations (included Spain) they not miscarried the idea without some that another discussion, this counts it because I lived him in first person, neither Spain neither France neither Italy and much less Germany they wanted to stop to be the big ones the powerful of the group to pass to be divided in more homogeneous nuclei as for example the German lands or the counties in Italy neither the regions in France that punishes truth today the big ones give problems and the small ones those that are really alone a region they don't give none.  
Now in my opinion the situation of the UE and of the Eurozone it is in danger of breaking for blame of these imbalances the first one in seeing it (after my with pardon) it is on the other hand Great Britain all the threats of "Brexit" it is not nothing else that to try to escape from the end that inevitably will happen when the economies of the Euro all can no longer be sustained and go being such a big load for Germany and France that we are put in a corner another UE second as not well smaller they thought but that it will be the disaster for those that we are stragglers as it is being already it. 
Do I believe that the United Kingdom wants to leave the European Union as solution to almost all these wrongs that a while ago are come somebody he wondered because they don't leave? they don't have the euro they always protest the bad thing it is that they are not counting the whole truth to the Englishmen neither the Europeans to abandon the block it won't restore the lost sovereignty, and it could also generate more problems than you solve to be liberated of the UE it would be necessary to be that this same one disappeared that is to say as such the united Kingdom prisoner is like all to the UE and now this it is the problem because the cloth of spider of norms and more norms make impossible to breakaway of these threads that one day was of gold, and today they are made of cotton. 
Although it is certain that the country will recover capacity of decision on questions that now they are in hands of Brussels, as the agriculture, or the fishing. if United Kingdom wants to continue trading with the UE that is its business, he will have to complete numerous rules, he likes or nor. are something that already happens to the countries of the European Economic Space (EEE) as Norway and Iceland, and it is that, if one wants to sell inside the frontiers of the Union, but without paying tariffs, it is necessary to complete all its normative one, from the one labeled until the production rules and consumption. 
In fact, there would be an alternative: to be jumped to Brussels and to go directly to the rules of the World Organization of Trade that link the UE toward out Good idea? Not so much: that régime would imply to recognize that I Reign United it is outside of the European area of free trade, and he would have to pay the external tariffs, (Tariffs: the price of the freedom) that can be very high in occasions. For that reason, London threatens, but he doesn't make anything, but he waits and incordiante, London has those of winning because if everything gets ready it will continue I eat up to now and its business will improve and if it happens the dismantlement of the UE he will have the freedom that now he doesn't have  

Among so much from today we are already in danger but of 60% of the economy euro forty percent remaining will put the scream soon in the sky and it will demand the separation of the two euro zonas the rich one and the poor person they don't doubt it because they are believed that for example Germany is returning immigrants simply to its origin places because the other partners have told him that they cannot maintain more subsidies neither to create more employment for that than each emigrant is a competitor for their citizens and this the good ones because the other ones that have also been introduced among them those they are a mortal danger.  

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