sábado, 16 de enero de 2016


Jean-Claude Juncker asked on Friday to meditate on the price that would have the failure of Schengen no longer only from the political point of view, but also for the Eurozone and the European interior market, with an impact that calculated in about 3.000 million Eurus. "Without Schengen, without movement freedom and of trip of the Europeans, he doesn't make sense the euro", Juncker emphasized in a press wheel about the challenges and the priorities of the European Union (UE), in which asked not to lose of view the bonds among the free circulation, the interior market and the economic and monetary union. 
This Mr. Juncker is false it is not Schengen the one that supposes such a high price it is more Schengen it is simply a bureaucratic advantage that allows to accelerate the steps of people's movements and goods in the CE but nothing else I would say that he has the example of Great Britain that has the channel of the stain besides not having the treaty of Schengen and that problems are for the exchange of people and goods, because England doesn't also have the euro the problem that he will make fall the treaty of Schengen it is the pure demagoguery of the modern and well lodged society that it is believed that he can with everything and this is not this way and now they have really seen it to weigh that already months ago me and others as me warned it  
The avalanche of refugees coming from next east and Africa were not normal but the consciences of the opulent societies as the German or Denmark or Swiss etc. tranquilized their consciences or rather their cowardice in the face of the possibility of having to really face a warlike conflict allowing and praising in many cases the invasion one has already seen people's uncontrolled that in more than 60% they were not given refuge but introduced in Europe to unbalance it, how many times I have said that a refugee that what looks for is to save the life doesn't choose country but he simply chooses that not to lose the life. 
Europe now is where the EI wanted with social and ethical human problems that he didn't have the uneasiness it grows in the society in the governments there are jumbled street attacks to women serious political problems in Germany and now that Juncker and the other ones are concerned because Schengen will annul because undoubtedly he will fall because it is not possible to coordinate and to organize without a strong control to more than two million attackers that consider that they are entitled to have or to demand the same thing that has an European one and mainly if it is a German. 
What will finish with European market interior, Mr. Juncker will in fact be the imbalances that these movements take place, because the uncontrolled masses move for where it interests that they move and these displacements are not pure chance but perfectly studied they go unbalancing country for country. In Europe what will happen if it continues staying the movement freedom without control some it is that these masses of millions of immigrants will go running and unbalancing country to country has already made it in the Balkans and Greece. Hungary and Austria believe that they avoided it in exchange for putting wire fences and a lot of control, but the reality is that the great mass wants to concentrate on Germany the industrial and economic heart of the CE and this mass doesn't buy to this mass it is necessary to subsidize it that is to say it unbalanced deficits and state budgets. 
And it will be a disaster for Europe because there is not another defense before this that to block them and to return them to their origins this is to really help because this won't stop we can already see in reports or news like there are places in Africa of the north and in Syria that there is died by starvation this is the last thing that we should consent but the help cannot be to bring them here because this is it that who its executioners is tossing them or killing of hunger of illnesses and to shots or bombs because they have decided that I eat in these countries there is not for all since one they stay it the whole predominant classes and to the other ones they kill them the they toss or they die. 
At the end if we continue this way in Syria where they had more than 12 million inhabitants they will be the half and possibly for these if they will have possibilities to maintain them because somebody will have to clean the ass of the superior societies the followers of To the you Roast, and the rest where they will be the died half and the other half unbalancing Europe and this Mr. Juncker or you mount a foreign legion it rearms them and it disembarks them next to controls and volunteers of European armies or this is the future of Europe to lose the interior trade and behind the euro but he doesn't give the blame to Schengen. 
It won't be Schengen who will end up and it will bury the European interior market, it will be the poverty the fear and the civil revolts. Neither it will be blame of Schengen that an unemployment problem will be generated in Europe of such a span "that is not already rotted to dominate more. You Mr. Juncker says. "Less Schengen and less market interior, means more unemployment, and less growth. It is not I repeat this way him that Schengen is alone the elimination of a bureaucracy because before existing this treaty the goods the interior trade and the capitals circulated with all normality for the European common market. 

Schengen is not BCE its disappearance he won't make disappear the euro however its maintenance to all coast, if he will make that the euro falls because the countries of the CE will close and they will decide if they use the euro or if each one is made its own foreign currency you don't made a mistake and please don't seek to confuse to the other ones, many know because we have told it several times that what you are drawing now, is what they in fact sought the yihadistas of the EI and of Syria and of Boco Haran and of so many Islamic dictators but they didn't believe it to him and they even applauded them in some countries when they received the first ones in spite of those that we warned: all are not given refuge, these they are the less ones, the more ones are soldiers that go us infiltrating from the countries in war. here he has them now please it doesn't offend to the intelligence of points that we have come him noticing   

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