domingo, 24 de enero de 2016


One believes that it is a chance and he doesn't have anything to see a thing with other, but it is that we take months gotten involved in the two events during more than six months we are overflowed basically with the drama of the migration of people coming from the Africa north Syria that they arrive absolutely either in huddle in Europe for but or for earth their deads are counted to thousands and their alive ones to millions (less bad). 

But be not possibly this way because what nobody knows is the millions of deads that it should have in their origin wars so that people of all status and ages decide to emigrate being played the life for not losing it in their own houses that to me it indicates me that those that escape have the certainty that is safer to lose the life in their house that not in the escape then as always say if we want to help it is really necessary to make what is to stop the genocide to that you/they are subjected in their own countries.
The decontrol of the elections is a fact that is bound to the curious coincidence of the fact that first in Catalonia weeks of negotiations and three investitures were needed for consensual a president that was not also the one proposed by the winners of the electoral voting’s and that the whole process was object of the hardest critic against the Catalan process of independence.
But it is that the history also repeats in the Spanish elections where there is not winner and where they also go the weeks happening without they clear up with the one added that the politician with more votes and with the King's nomination for the investiture act the "delay" and he tells to the king that needs more time because at the moment he doesn't have possibility some of winning the investiture and this way in an act of honor retains the whole election process again government in Spain waiting to see if they rain supports of the sky and he leaves us to all with the King included with a span of noses making an awful ridicule. 

The problem of the Spanish elections in the bottom will be like some elections for the history and they won't have more importance than that, but that that more it worries it is the crisis of the refugees that is arriving to a critical point that demands a helm blow. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, it is being isolated in their welcome politics without an alternative is glimpsed that it allows to confront the problem and avoid a situation of survives who can of dangerous consequences for the European construction.  

The non-alone chancellor is also being answered in a public way in his own country in the group of the UE. The lamentable thing is that Merkel is not being questioned because its proposal of community administration of the crisis is wronged, but in fact because she has not found the necessary support to apply it. And who more they accuse her they are who less willing they are shown to contribute to the solution. This is the question, the situation that Angela Merkel has created and that it proposes it IS NOT THE APPROPRIATE one, if was it the other ones the has continued and it is not it because it doesn't attack the problem, but rather in fact it extends it and it prolongs it. 

The blockade situation to which you have arrived can have consequences in the Treaty of Schengen. And it also begins to put in danger the own European Union because it is dividing it clearly among those that welcome and those that immigrants don't welcome in the proportion that Germany wants. Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, he has noticed that, if in two months he is not the way to control the external frontiers of the UE, the free circulation of people that governs in 22 countries will jump for the airs. And two heavy pesos as France and Holland have been added to the warnings. The first French minister has said in Davos that Europe cannot welcome all the refugees that arrive because it destabilizes to the countries that receive them, and its Dutch homonym has warned that the own European project is in danger if Schengen falls. 

The problem is the perspective of continuity of the flows. Neither the raw winter neither the marine storms have discouraged the migrants that continue arriving and dying in the intent. Germany received in December between 2.000 and 5.000 refugee’s newspapers. If the distribution of the million and half that arrived in 2015 is impossible, the perspective of having to locate to other points in 2016 destabilizes the European politics completely it sews that it is the same thing that to say that it unbalances the European Union, fact that the one that writes them already comes saying for months because it is not a controllable immigration because it is of a such span and composed by a symbiosis of people that is not uniform in its emigration causes some they escape and with them its own pursuers arrive with the objective that you/they are being able to transfer the destabilization from their origin places to Europe.  
What to make? To intervene on the causes will take a time that cannot be short, and while it will be difficult to contain to the millions of having displaced that they are already in Turkey or Lebanon. Europe is not able to, on the other hand, to give up its welcome politics without damaging one of the foundations of its identity. The only exit is the contrary of the one that the inertia points: not less, but more Europe. If something one has seen in this crisis it is that the weakness of Schengen doesn't reside in that it has suppressed the interior frontiers and that becomes a problem, but rather that measure has not been completed with a community system of control of the external frontiers. Now it is urgent. It doesn't stop to seal any access of refugees, but to order and to channel the flows. 

But this is an absolute fantasy of the politicians because where this "more Europe" is there is not more Europe what they are seeking it is that Turkey Egypt and the Balkans suppose, become a Europe full with non-European immigrants this doesn't deceive ourselves it is to still come closer more the bottom problem that causes this migratory effect and. The possible arrival destabilization countries won't be able to contain neither to negotiate the avalanche. To look for another side doesn't solve anything. The solution has to do with to control once and for all in its origin place the problems that cause the emigration and to stop it there and let us don't continue deceiving us if it is necessary to go with the military forces to change the situation in Syria and to defeat him militarily "EI" it is necessary to make it and quickly. 

Who we seek to benefit of the advantages of the free trade and the free circulation and of the European market and their organization we should also assume certain duties and responsibilities, but this doesn't mean to accept the problems of the other ones introducing them and diluting us in our frontiers but in catching these immigrants to organize them and to join them with our own military forces and to go with them to help them to that can reestablish their home of where they have tossed them. And if the European Union is not able to understand it and is its intention to accept that the tyrant’s dictators and the inflamed militant Islamic continue conquering land and is sending us to those expelled evident that this didn't stop no matter how much they ask "more Europe" and the question in some months it will be and now where the Europeans that we don't fit in our Europa go?   

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