As in Europe we continue making the imbecile, and we leave happily that the Anglo-Saxon Corsairs, qualify us to their whim and convenience, I have erected myself today like unofficial and only examining agent to guide and to order to the agents investors and European banks, and without bitterness, he would also advise that the Anglo-Saxon take it seriously.
After the data and carried out studies and given the grade of weakness, insecurity and political of the payment of the debt USA, this agent qualifies her with level of risk WCP (water close paper in their initials in English so that she understands each other).
The following orientation that I rush to the market, is who he bought the USA, because it is evident that if Europe will buy Greece, somebody will have to make the same thing with the USA, and they don't create they will leave very cheap, since its value in these moments is zero, well I eat up I have erected in agency it advises and of qualification I should give some conclusions in this respect.
There are three possible markets with capacity of purchase of all the USA, for order of better to smaller position buyer are: China, United Arab Emirates, and Euro-Germany. Itemizing but about the possibilities of each one, the orderly qualification of bigger to minor comes given, because both first they are already almost owners of the USA, the disposition in its sovereign funds of dollars and American debt, practically gives them right preferable of rough calculation, and they can carry out the operation without capital payment, the Euro-Germany has it more complicated since this operation catches it a little low of funds, in all ways since is put in buying Europe maybe with an effort it would be a very good operation.
To this respect I say that the USA would prefer that the purchase was on the part of western capital, it would always be them the hope that like we are so silly, they would repurchase it to us to the first of change. Another thing will be if the Chinese or the Arab buy it, the first ones didn't lose it neither joking, for the serious China an important qualitative jump, not already for the obtaining of a potential market of 310, millions of people, because this already has it captive (in USA everything is made in Chinese) if not for the absorption of the high technology that they would acquire suddenly, the qualitative jump of its empire would calculate it in about 30 years. Regarding the Arab I don't believe that they arrive on time because to come to an agreement among them is practically impossible.
In my opinion the acquisition of the technology USA, it values the operation practically in a grade of risk zero, alone it is necessary to review some of the assets of the purchase: Microsoft, Apple, Black Berry, Google, Intel, Alcoa, Caterpillar, GM, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, etc. The residual value of these assets and other, they would give a practically immediate appreciation that he makes the highly profitable operation, for our part we would not put any but to the possible buyer's credit qualification, even the possible increase of their level of indebtedness, if needs to increase it for the purchase operation.
In short that they leave it the republicans and the American democrats that prefer, thinking because for what seems they are already worry’s of to be American who will say it.
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