miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


Without possible discussion, the two parties SPANISH NATIONALISTS are disputed Spain in a madwoman departure of dice in that each one takes them loaded with: inadequacy, graft of funds, bribes, and supine inefficacy. The evident reality is that none of both is under conditions, neither moral, neither ethically, neither with capacity, for the supreme exercise of governing a human society that forms a nation in this case Spain democratically. 

The rest of the world looks at us and astonished, they don't understand anything, I assure them that I read myself all that I can of the political and economic prey of occident, and it is the vision that the world has of us to cry it is absolutely descalificante, we are attributed all the bad of the economy, of the politics, of the society, I swear them that he gives shame, I understand that the situation is bad in all the countries of the world, but this is not obstacle so that the governments of those countries in crisis as us, be governing, even and with pardon, a government so in presentable as that of Italy with the presumed Mafioso Berlusconi to the front governs. 

Here not, here the PSOE already a while ago that it doesn't govern, the PSOE "whores" to the whole country, to the Banks, to the managers, to the workers, to the CCAA and mainly to the PP, so much so that it has lost the north, and that that until a while ago it fenced in its favor the posture of the no of the PP like opposition, now it is that they have also begun to make the same thing, so now in Spain there is not government, there is TWO OPPOSITIONS, and naturally faced, they already counted me where it takes us this, because the society goes off head we no longer know what to make, if to aim us all to the incoherence of the Indignities movement, if the one that can, to emigrate or to clean the rifles of the last civil war. 

While we don't decide it that to make, our debt grows, our interests in this respect also, and when we realize we will be without society and without work not 20%, but 30%. I Request to my readers that leave the demagoguery for another occasion, and they don't create that alone I worry about the rich ones and for the banks. It is that wanted fellow citizens, a nation without capital and without PIB, it is not anything, enter it in the head, they can already scream, to sift, to manifest their dissatisfaction down the street, this doesn't serve as anything and more if they don't pay you attention like it happens here. The politicians in this country are for other things, they are for their personal benefit, not so alone I speak of money, there are worse things their vanity, their pride, their nobility not well expert its… and their personality. 

As it is said commonly to the town that they give him pudding, this it is the reality and there is still another more thrilling one, it is that it will continue them giving the same as I write what writes, and you manifest their indignation in the street, in Brussels, or in the Vatican, to Spain for their blame no longer believes it to him neither God. 

I fear myself that this is already irreversible what means that we have gone back 75 years at least, I no longer know when they will have elections, the truth is that already almost neither I care it, so that, nobody has been given bill that we will be same, some will want to make and the other ones to undo and the obvious result will be poverty, desperation, and shame, and at the end the dictatorship another time, it will be the but of the Spanish being or stiller that of Spain. 

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