viernes, 29 de julio de 2011


If was a being and not an entity, he would be writhing of laugh in their tomb and exclaiming "God the one that you have organized" then if Lehman Brothers begins everything, maybe unintentionally, but the three Corsairs * anxious of green blood with the one that the dollars are made, they got worked up one of his he died, and they were in evidence in front of the financial world as some perfect ones useless for not having seen it come, the question was obvious for what reason the Corsairs serve. 

They swore vengeance, and go if they are retaliating, they are sinking everything, schooners, brigs, all that floats goes to for it. It is incredible they have begun to expose their biannual results in Wall Street and they are extraordinary, more incomprehensible still, that is to say they sink us the world, the companies, the nations, the patrimony of each one, and they are continued paying with determination for it we are masochistic. 

When we will get up in weapons against the Corsairs, it is unheard the posture of the world, European countries mainly, because we pay attention to some types that us to deceive you with the subprime, with Lehman Brothers, with Greece, remember that the situation of Greece comes to have appealed to the consultant ship of Goldman Sachs and company that made up him the deficits in the budgets used to deceive to the area euro so that was admitted, curious truth, of all this the Corsairs didn't find out like it seems to be that now they don't find out that the USA, they are in "default" permanent word that so much they like to use against the other ones.  

We have to react although some drops cost us, it is the war what I request, the war against the influence abuses and trust that they have appropriated, and they are continued authorizing to use to these treatment companies and graft of economic information.  

The simple one made of the common sense, he/she should agree with me on the part of the entities implied in surviving of this continuous boarding and I despoil that we are suffering; it is that they don't come it; the true problems are in their Anglo-Saxon economy.  The subprime, Lehman Brothers, England, (the city this absolutely sunken one in the much worse misery that Spain), and the corsairs continue attacking to the European peripherals and I eat consequence to Europe, this comes it saying more than once, the heart of Europe is blind, they continue thinking that the thing doesn't go with them and they make a mistake when this mature one the Corsairs will go to for him. 

That clever they have been the Corsairs, the disaster that began with them and in their house, had exploded in another continent they have removed it to him of above, and they have won more money than before getting ready to us their problem, it sends balls that clever they are. But there is a thing that will take to the disaster if they don't fix it in two days and it is that they didn't know neither they calculated the damage that a Black President can cause in the USA. 

* The corsairs are: Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch

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