There is not more exit that
the one of confronting the problems such an and like they are, and not such and
like we wanted that was, it is evident that the situation in Europe is
difficult but it is not neither it misses neither it is irresoluble, it is
simply bothersome very bothersome, and it seems like that this quality makes
that the political trials you give to focus in such a way that converts it in
impossible to solve, and what is worse puts an end to what they in fact want to
avoid the politicians, the end of the unique foreign currency, the euro, and
with him the adventure of the European Union.
I already said some days ago
in my analyses of the situation, the end of the era euro is already convict to
extinguish, and that what is planning now is the form and in time in that was
taken to term, to day of today the European banks continue maintaining the 500
thousand million borrowed Eurus practically for the BCE in deposits to its free
disposition in the own BCE, waiting is not known what, but that I omen that it
is the necessary cash to transform into liquidity the new or old foreign
currencies in those that the euro will be diluted in few weeks or as a lot of
Among so much he clears up
this no definition, they return to the load the ghosts of the Greek crash; it
seems that the options for Greece leave draining. The Government's spokesman
has pointed out that if the country doesn't reach an agreement with its
creditors, he will have to abandon the euro area. This has been an unusual
warning inside the country that usually has usually support intern to carry out
drastic measured.
Greece lives a career against
clock to reach an agreement with the European Union, the International Monetary
Fund and the forks of funds, on the details of the rescue plan before the
expirations of debt of the month of March take place. Athens and their partners
of the UE have reiterated the possible exit of the euro of Greece, what would
collapse to the block in the even more marked crisis, for what is usually
avoided to speak of this possible scenario.
Maybe it should agree but he
am not, they will see I believe that the worst thing is not to go by the worst
thing, if not being able to leave the worst thing that is what happens to
Greece to Italy to Spain and Portugal and I eat immediate repercussion to the
rest of the euro-area, except Germany and the countries satellites of their
economy, I believe that it is better three bad years to happen that 10 bad
years and at the end to arrive at the same end, because this it is the
situation that they propose the European guidelines to these countries.
He wanted to discard from the
final analysis to Greece because their case is really special, since some
fraudulent tactics converge to be able to be introduced in the euro group that they
justified that was abandoned to its luck to me to understand, because it is
unquestionable that it has been the main cause of having taken out to the
public light the falsehood of union that seemingly offered the euro.
Now then, once the politicians
and the politicians of the countries of the euro got scared, and they decided
that the expulsion of this fraudulent economy of the euro area, it could
indicate to the financial world that the euro was not a magic currency, but a
currency like other anyone, and that the sinking of a small portion of the cake
would be taken for before the whole cake, they should have acted with velocity
covering the wound among all and here has ended the matter.
It was not wanted to make for
selfish reasons and of not well understood pride, and because not to say it for
the economic avarice on the part of the affected countries, and everything for
a ridicule of 2% of the GDP of the area euro and this and not another thing,
attracted the distrust of the markets on Europe its currency and its sovereign
debts, and so that to explain to them but already all know the situation every
day he gets complicated more. They have had civil and bloodless coup d’état,
there is the tyranny of the axis that has imposed the democratic dictatorship,
a country there is you already, I don't enter if with reason or not, and at the
end of these almost three years of going of bad in worse, the thing ended up as
they didn't want that finishes, the cake will come undone hopelessly because
the fear and the politics of the votes to all coast, they broke the eggs of the
hen of gold, and once broken one can no longer make another thing that some
scrambled eggs.
In these circumstances I doubt
that there is arrangement possibility to the created situation, notice that
today we have returned to the starting point of the hairspring, that is to say
to the Greek debt that now it is already recognized that it is unplayable on
the part of Greece, and that after the turns made by the hairspring of
recommendations and grants and rescue funds and all that you/they want is
another time to the starting point, that if now there is more damaged now it is
already much more difficult to rescue Greece and all the other economies that
thanks to the hesitant European axes of power, they have lost their trust and
the enough potentiality to leave refloated or at least he looks like each other
this way it.
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