martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


There is not possibility that they end up understanding each other two forms of life and societies so antagonistic as the Mediterranean Greek and the continental European, to differentiate them in some way. The behaviors of both societies are totally disparate and both they manifest it loudly, but neither a neither the other one understand them, and it is that they are so different that to save their deafness, they cannot not even appeal to the writing of notes in a paper, because until in this they are intelligible between both. 

I don't know how more they have to happen so that in a real and effective way both societies, think about definitively to arrive to a real understanding that allows the real separation of both cultures and economies, there is not any possibility to find a solution that eliminates the imbalances that are taking to the destruction of an union economic European formed by 350 million people, once and for all on the part of a society of so single twelve millions that is clamoring to voice in scream that he doesn't want to be European and to pay the price that is imposed. 

It is also incongruous, false, and mistaken, the theory of the euro area, that it is necessary to impose an economic discipline, in such a different context that he makes impossible so much imposing it as then to maintain it. What is demanded to Greece, with the pretense that it provides the effect of tranquilizing the economy of the euro, it is such an uppercase strategy error that what will happen if to the final Greece it gives to the pressures of the European group, it will be just the opposite, the international markets know that it will follow the disorder danger and infections, of a culture based on some very different values, to the continental and Germanic culture and even of the Anglo-Saxon that is in definitive the one that is in majority in the western economy and in the area euro. 

What was an error in their time, caused by a false position and cheat very camouflaged by a work of financial engineering, of the bank Goldman Sachs, with the traditional agreement on the part of some Greek politicians that didn't have anything of democratic, and that alone it moved them the interest of entering in the Olympus of where the inexhaustible wealth of the euro will sprout, he will become if the continental rigidity persists, in the base of the destruction of the trust and of the guarantee of the own euro, to force to remain to Greece in the euro group, it is the same thing that to put in the European economy a modern horse of Troy that will destroy it from inside its walls insolvable that defend it of the attacks of the exterior.  

Greece is an entire millennial culture, the oldest in Europe, but it is its culture it is its form of life, Greece I don't implant its culture in the European continent as he made Rome for example, Greece doesn't have paragon with the other economies, it doesn't have industrial fabric and he doesn't want to have it, its means of life is based on an official comfortable simple life and to the service of a social servility to the two or three or the old kings' of the antiquity twenty clans family successors that always they maintain the power, because its power is in that, in giving good life to the town, Greece is trade, services, and tourism and nothing else, for its physical situation its biggest industry has been during centuries the shipping industry and the transport of goods between east and occident, and naturally the trade of its natural beauty and its history like tourist birdcall and nothing else, alone it is necessary to give of eating to 11 million people they don't want nothing else. 

It is evident that the movements geo-economics of the world have moved, and their strategic situation has varied, and it leaves of its importance like bridge among civilizations, the squatter now Turkey. That is what they saw the politicians and Greek multimillionaires when they decided to make traps to enter in the euro area, what they looked for was not to collaborate and to be made to the continental European rules, what they looked for was to be guaranteed their own economic position and to substitute their business, for grants and cheats to the European union, this reality, is not solved with funds of rescue of hundreds of thousands of millions of Eurus, because in the bottom the Greek town doesn't want to live as a Belgian or a German in its country, if he wants to change form of life he leaves Greece, it emigrates to where it is for example to the USA, but he always has left Greece its Greece its culture and what we are requesting him now is that it changes it and it won't change it is more if Syriza changes it will be worse for the UE. 

If the European community and especially the euro area, wants to be deceived and to take us to all to the disaster, alone he has to continue for this road and I assure them that in six months we are in the same place that today but with 250.000 million Eurus more than problems. The euro area has to pay its sin of having been allowed to cheat in its moment, this is the natural thing that the market sees that the euro pays its errors with all you remove them and ways that it can negotiate to soften the blow, but what should not make, is to maintain the same problem once again, for two reasons: one because to make it would be of silly, and other because we are not entitled to change a society if she doesn't want to be changed, this is not democracy. 

Make I marry, the solution that I propose is the logic and its cost and form is the same one, what difference does it make that give some funds to Greece so that this he pays to its creditors, let us pay to these creditors directly, and let us let that Greece behaves as her he wants freely, but outside of the economy of the euro, because he doesn't have possibility some of staying in her, once overdraft the cheat to enter, make the numbers and they will see it, there is not Greek economy that justifies and it can maintain the fiscal equality that is demanded in the euro area. 

And it didn't pass anything, the economic world he will understand it perfectly and it was calm, sew that it won't happen if he doesn't take this decision, because if we act in a non-rational way imposing the impossible thing, the market won't understand the reason and what thought is possibly that after Monday he will come on Tuesday, (simile for not naming economies in danger) and he didn't trust of the unit and stability of the euro.  

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