The whole UE is coming undone in some economic and social uncertainties that
he refuses to want to see it is as if the first minister of the euro area are
amid a desert and instead of seeing the sands that will bury them sees a
wonderful oasis full with palms and a lake of fresh water the situation it
begins to be alarming and the worst thing is that the oasis is not stumped
because every time they need it more to survive but the reality is another very
different one there are not palms there is not water there is not alone shade
there is a burning sun that will burn definitively.
All the governments of the UE, they are not determined to confront the
reality but in also denying it Spain you ready to be image of this illusion
that doesn't exist I don't know what it seeks the euro area with continuing
praising the action of the government from Spain, I cannot understand as a
state that every time has more unemployment that is able to convert the
statistic of the occupation for the work per hours, instead of for busy workers
that the debt continues ascending month to month that they don't stop the
imputations of acts of graft of public funds, of bleach of money, of abuse of
power, carried out for political, of proving judicially that an accounting
existed B of the party in the government. And that the economic data are false completely
like in their day he made Greece with Goldman Sachs it continues like he said
being presented in Europe like example at least is what our rulers tell
But it doesn't finish with Spain the problem, the illusion of the data
diffused in advance by the Italian Ministry of Work has broken: April 23 the
holder of the wallet Giuliano Poletti had announced some preliminary data that
indicated 92.000 new contracts in March - the first month of the labor
reformation - with an ascent of almost 50% of the contracts on time indefinite.
For that time, however, the opposition had alerted that to confirm the
Government's enthusiasm he/she was necessary to wait the definitive data of
Istat, the national institute of statistic.
Their arrival last Thursday he fell as a pitcher of cold water on the
Executive of Matteo Renzi: the unemployment rate ascended in March 0,2 percent
with regard to February again, month in which the fact had already registered a
slight increase. The data of Istat show that the positive path of December and
January, when the unemployment had begun to lower, it is interrupted. The
unemployment rate has arrived until the level of last November, when Italy was
still sunk in the tunnel of the recession. The Italian fact, is certain, it
continues being very low with respect to Spanish, with an unemployment of 13
percent. However the calculations transalpine are different, since Rome
continues counting as employees some workers that charge a provisional subsidy
that is to say as consequence of files of employment regulation he also makes
traps to be in the wonderful oasis.
In fact the law, call with the English term "Jobsact", not alone
it simplifies and it reduces the discharge (introducing in the event of
unfounded discharge, a compensation, while previously the worker could request
the reinstatement in his position), but prevue that the companies don't pay
quotas to the social security during three years for each new contract on time
indefinite. A measure that, in the first minister intentions, it should
facilitate the new recruiting’s, mainly of young, thanks to the conversions of
precarious contracts in more stable contracts. But neither this objective has
been gotten during the first month of application of the reformation: the
juvenile unemployment in March went up 0,3 points, until arriving to 43,1
Parallelly to these disasters Greece Italy and Spain, the German population
is less and less numerous and more and more old. A report of the Federal Office
of Statistical prevue that the 81 million inhabitants that he has Germany to
day of today increase lightly in the next ones five to seven years stops later
to diminish drastically. This way, in 2060 Merkel will live in the country of Angela
between 68 and 73 million people. The previous presage of 2009 had assumed that
there would be between 65 and 70 million people. The new calculations,
therefore, indicate that the population contracts, but she will make it to a
slower rhythm, and the cause of you/he is it the immigration.
The population's aging affects to the whole European Union. The hope of
life increases and the rate of natality decreases. In Spain, the population
bigger than 65 years will bend of here at 2050. And the population that should
finance the payment of their pensions (between 16 and 64 years) he will
decrease. According to the National Institute of Statistic, if today for each
100 people in age of working there are 27,6 bigger than 64 years; in 2050,
there will almost be 73. The Governments of almost all Europe has reformed its
systems of pensions. Italy, France, Portugal or Sweden have undertaken changes
to limit the premature jubilation and to retard the real age of jubilation.
This questions the German idea of the immigration because it is evident that
what Germany doesn't want is that they emigrate to her old but young but like
we see in all the countries the youths they end.
Alone there is a solution and this solution goes by not growing if there is
not possibility to maintain the demographic growth inside some parameters that
political and society should study jointly they are not entitled the
politicians to decide if to Germany they are necessary him more inhabitants or
not this is a question of a lot of human and social importance it is certain
that if Germany you full with immigrants sooner or later stopped to be Germany,
somebody has thought of that, the incoherence’s of the solutions that political
and economists seek to apply or to give as acts of faith, they are an authentic
aberration that puts in danger the social life and politics of Europe.
Imagine as in next ten years and we are that Germany has 90 million
inhabitants among those which alone 50 are German of an or two generations, the
first thing that one thinks is if the other forty millions will feel German or
not because alone they will be there to work, not you to you but me this
reminds me the situation of the Egypt of the Pharaohs and the Jews, the few
Germans will be pensioners and rich and those immigrated the hard-working poor
will be building their funeral monuments, and I eat these workers they will
also have emptied their origin nations these they will be some deader nations
of what today he is already.
They don't come that this is untenable that these ideas are what I come
saying a terrible illusion that to blinds the reason and the common sense. Germany doesn't need to grow more
but just the opposite, he should decrease at the level of a logical demography
that the experts should study and if he scares them that their factories stop
for manpower lack, what they have to make is to transfer them to where they
make they lack factories and it has more than enough manpower, hear the
difference of cost of this manpower in origin in relation to the German it is
such that would allow to make the Spaniards, Italian, Portuguese work for
example and Greek, with a normal wage for them and to maintain the margins of
gross benefit the sufficiently wide ones to maintain the German pensions, and
this would be very seen because it would be the form of to maintain and to
enlarge and to balance the consumption of the UE.
But what you cannot continue thinking is that I eat Germany he goes well it
is necessary to maintain it to all coast, this is an aberration because alone
it is like I say an enormous illusion that was also stumped in some few months
but at the time.
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