jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


The war that the politicians have begun against their own practices of "swindling to the society" camouflaging him the money that should be used for other necessities that was not their bad habits and their greatness is harming as always to the same ones, that is to say to the workers, the stopped ones, to the trade, to the autonomous ones, in definitive to the normal society. To understand what I mean today it is necessary to have a lot of imagination and care because I fear myself that it will be a surprise for many of my readers. 

The question that I want to clarify is the "illegal" concept of the obtaining of money for some means of criminal character, and the money with character of payment of extensive taxes, in my opinion there are two types of money basically the legal one, and the illegal, but what there is not is black money or white money, the money they are the Eurus, or the dollars, or the Swiss francs and all these they are of colors. The money has substituted in the capitalist economy and in all the other ones the exchange elements that they were used to pay any purchase, a wage, or a service, and also a tax and a debt, I believe that until here everything it is very clear. 

The thing gets complicated when the money is obtained in an illegal way, that is to say it is stolen, or it is paid to obtain things or acts fraudulently, or it is used or it is obtained like payment of criminal acts. But to me to understand, it is not bad if it is won with the work or legal services, in trade activities or of he worked. I believe that they will already be very sick and they are not understanding anything of he wants to treat him this article, but I believe that it was necessary this introduction to arrive to the true reflection on the one for my not well called black money. 

Today one can read in the press that: The increase of the work offers is not translated, at the moment, under better conditions for people that look for an employment or they want to find one better. According to the report on the labor market carried out by ESADE in collaboration with the portal Infojobs, until an interviewed 19% of the stopped ones it assured that along the 2014 he had had revenues in black. The economy submerged is also seated among those that have contract: 10% of the employees admitted to have charged part of its wage in B (black).  

Two thirds of those that got paid in black argued that the company that he paid them "illegally" didn't offer them another option. As that didn't offer them another option he offered them work, and I pay them for it and I don't pay them with "black" money, I pay them with Eurus and this is not black money, because when this money arrives to its hands they transformed it into potatoes, gasoline, rents, or a theater entrance, that is to say this money served so that others work or makes business and sells things that finished paying IVA, at the end all the obtained money it finishes paying taxes he doesn't get lost anything. 

The payment of personal services of character that is to say mostly for work benefit or services carried out by people or even for companies, he doesn't become black money, because it doesn't disappear, simply this during a time moving without diminishing by reason of the taxes, until at the end he wears out and this reduction delay for taxes, he can make move finally enough more taxes of those that would move if there is not possibility to make this small delay of the same ones, it is as if pays the taxes that is to say with a certain time of lack to terms without overcharge, the same thing that they make today in day the big chains of commercial warehouses (he buys and pay in 12 months without interests). 

Another thing is that is to say the money of operations of great volume among managerial organizations that money that is not seen that it is simply passed over of note in bank note this money if he has to liquidate its taxes to the moment because this money doesn't take place more small movements than they serve so that he leaves reactivating the small consumption or the small ones autonomous. 

The only black or dirty money is that that is changed destination that that instead of go to make or to create work or he to be been takes to places where he gets lost indeed or that it is possessed without having given anything that is to say to change that that is denominated graft robbery it swindles etc. you already understand me. 

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