lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


It will be difficult that I don't enter in a field of mines when writing this article, but it is that I no longer can more than to denounce the imbecile and stupid that are our politicians and representatives from the society Catalan calls to themselves independents, takes this question, as if is playing in the PlayStation a departure of a game call As to get the independence and not to lose some how many feathers in the road. It is ridiculous the attitude of the Catalan independents, I fear myself that Spain can be calm we already take care us of making the imbecile for both. 

Somebody should explain to the politicians of CDC of ERC of ANC of Omnium Cultural and other voluntary and sympathetic partners of one or another organization that they forget that that up to now were making, the political being finished off right of left civic or cultural organization, in the moment that they have lifted the flag of the independence they are all independents and naturally political, because it is this way like they seek to get it making political and with the biggest dose of possible democracy  

But of there to be thrown stones to their roof to see if they sink it he goes a great distance of patriotic common sense and independent. They didn't maybe know that in the years of government of the autonomy of Catalonia, there has been and there is possibly, a lot of hidden shit, is that all the politicians and the social agents have been born today. But this that is not a disaster by no means, it cannot put in danger the main objective that is the independence and he is not able to neither it should, because the ethical political circumstances and of government to those that want to arrive, will be other very different to those that have given ourselves up to now, so in my opinion or we let that the shit rots our behind or if we want it to us to take on the back it also infected us in the independence, that clear. 

If the future that he waits for us to those that we want to be Catalan independent it will be continuing lifting suspicions, continuing denouncing the honesty or the politico’s effectiveness, or the institution last, better to stay as where we are that at least here and now with all our possible shit, we are much cleaner that the politics and the Spanish politicians, so if it is this the game that we want Alive Spain because she covered us our miseries. 

It already happened to us in the last elections when it was accused Artur Mas of having bills in Swiss with thousands of millions of doubtful origin, I believe that it was already spoken of the famous 3%, at the end we made the game we speak and we speak of it and what was a lie orchestrated by a real government, their ministry of the interior, their police and the whole national press, I pass to possibly cost most of a Catalan government that didn't interest Madrid, and that surprisingly neither it interested the Catalan politicians. 

And are we already another time, a lot of list unitary and a lot of transversal, but before another moved of the national government of the same order that the one of we have been in the same starting point for some years… And if they are right?, because wing to see if we take out him profit, to see if we collapse to Artur Mas so that Oriol Junqueras sends, or to see if Omnium lags behind and is not it sprinkled completely for if we lose the independence and the dignity, at least don't lose the partners and the official grants and the same thing the ANC, do they neither want to plant face to the facts, do they continue being of the purest Spanish style, with that that when the river sounds water it takes what shame that disgust of political and of associations, won't you take us to the independence, will you take us to the jail like we neglect ourselves, do I speak clear or do they need more clarity. 

That they were thought that it was to undertake a challenge of independence, they really know it, I believe that not, this and has made more than to begin of here at the 27S the most probable thing is that you order them of registration, the imputations of grafts of funds of political of span, of mayors, of managers tune to the catalane, and even the trial opening to Artur Mas, I see them becoming effective day in and day also and this way up to the 27S, where evidently we will arrive rotten because the days we will have spent examining us to ourselves as much as he has stolen Mas, as much as CDC that made Pujol, how many positions they are applied to its family etc. etc… 

When we have lost the independence and the elections we will realize that everything was false that there was not because to worry between other things because the objective was not that, the objective it was other but we will already have forgotten the… Indepen…. that. Not if to me what it cared was to leave "president" and to me I is already well of canceller, if it is that we were not prepared to be independent, this costs a lot and Spain would not leave us calm and the UE that will say and they would remove us the euro and… turn to begin. 

I don't know if there is or not 3% but that that if you, is that if there is him it is because in the circumstances to those that we go back should have him, because we are not incautious who paid to the parties, to their organizations, how many partners and that quotas had, how many Catalan or Spaniards gave contributions to the parties, if what they looked for was favors and work if he was necessary to pay, it was paid it would lack more, and how many work thanks to this. 

Because they are thought the intimidated politicians now and full with doubts and suspicious some of other that the society wants the independence, because we want it to be able to finish with all this, if it is that there was him, so that more plots don't come out "Palau" so that it is not necessary to camouflage funds to make political, so that there is clarity cleaning in a new clean and democratic nation, when we are independent, time will separate who doesn't deserve trust, or to the one that got lost after the influences of the capital, but today this cannot continue this way, today the politicians must be a pineapple, because the objective is not to insult or to doubt of this or that, it is to make a new nation or they don't understand it. 

I don't request that more than we make deaf hearings now to all the problem it is other, it is not necessary to deny neither to request explanations of anything they will already make it the judges if they are true what we cannot continue making it is to begin to request us explanations of something that first it is necessary to prove and if they prove it we will already take the opportune measures to be able to be being independent.   


Va a ser difícil que no me meta en un campo de minas al escribir este artículo, pero es que ya no puedo más que denunciar lo imbéciles y estúpidos que son nuestros políticos y representantes de la sociedad catalana llamados a sí mismos independentistas, se toman esta cuestión, como si estuviesen jugando en la PlayStation una partida de un juego llamado Como conseguir la independencia y no perder unas cuantas plumas en el camino. Es ridículo la actitud de los independentistas catalanes, me temo que España puede estar tranquila ya nos cuidamos nosotros de hacer el imbécil por los dos.

Alguien debería explicar a los políticos de CDC de ERC de ANC de Ómnium Cultural y demás socios voluntarios y simpatizantes de uno u otra organización, que se olviden de lo que hasta ahora estaban haciendo, se acabó el ser político de derechas de izquierdas organización cívica o cultural, en el momento que han levantado la bandera de la independencia son todos independentistas y naturalmente políticos, porque es de esta forma como pretenden conseguirla haciendo política y con la mayor dosis de democracia posible

Pero de ahí a tirarse piedras a su tejado a ver si lo hunden va una gran distancia de sentido común patriótico e independentista. Acaso no sabían que en los años de gobierno de la autonomía de Catalunya, ha habido y posiblemente hay, mucha mierda escondida, es que todos los políticos y los agentes sociales han nacido hoy. Pero esto que no es un desastre ni mucho menos, no puede poner en peligro el objetivo principal  que es la independencia y no puede ni debe, porque las circunstancias políticas éticas y de gobierno a las que queremos llegar, serán otras muy diferentes a las que nos hemos dado hasta ahora, así que en mi opinión o dejamos que la mierda se pudra detrás nuestro o si nos la queremos llevar a cuestas nos apestara también en la independencia, así de claro.

Si el futuro que nos espera a los que queremos ser catalanes independientes va a ser el seguir levantando sospechas, el seguir denunciando la honradez o la eficacia del política, o la institución pasada, mejor quedémonos donde estamos que al menos aquí y ahora con toda nuestra posible mierda, estamos mucho más limpios que la política y los políticos españoles, así que si es este el juego que queremos Viva España porque ella nos tapara nuestras miserias.

Ya nos pasó en las elecciones pasadas cuando se acusó a Artur Mas de tener cuentas en suiza con miles de millones de dudosa procedencia, creo que ya se habló del famoso 3%, al final hicimos el juego hablamos y hablamos de ello y lo que era una mentira orquestada por todo un gobierno, su ministerio del interior, su policía y toda la prensa nacional, paso a costar posiblemente la mayoría de un gobierno catalán que no interesaba a Madrid, y que curiosamente tampoco interesaba a los políticos catalanes.

Y ya estamos otra vez, mucha lista unitaria y mucha transversalidad, pero ante otra movida del gobierno nacional del mismo orden que la de hace unos años estamos en el mismo punto de partida… Y si tienen razón?, pues ala a ver si le sacamos provecho, a ver si hundimos a Artur Mas para que Mande Junqueras, o a ver si Ómnium se queda atrás y no queda salpicado del todo por si perdemos la independencia y la dignidad, al menos no perdamos los socios y las subvenciones oficiales y lo mismo la ANC, ellos tampoco quieren plantar cara a los hechos, siguen siendo del más puro estilo español, con aquello que cuando el rio suena agua lleva qué vergüenza, que asco de políticos y de asociaciones, ustedes no nos van a llevar a la independencia, ustedes nos van a llevar a la cárcel como nos descuidemos, hablo claro o necesitan más claridad.

Que se pensaban que era emprender un desafío de independencia, realmente lo saben, creo que no, esto na ha hecho más que empezar de aquí al 27S lo más probable es que las ordenes de registro, las imputaciones de malversaciones de fondos de políticos de envergadura, de alcaldes, de empresarios afines al catalanismo, e incluso la apertura de juicio a Artur Mas, las veo haciéndose efectivas día si y día también y así hasta el 27S, donde evidentemente llegaremos podridos porque nos habremos pasado los días escudriñándonos a nosotros mismos cuanto ha robado Mas, cuanto CDC, que hizo Pujol, cuantos cargos se le aplican a su familia etc. etc…

Cuando hayamos perdido la independencia y las elecciones nos daremos cuenta que todo era falso, que no había porque preocuparse entre otras cosas porque el objetivo no era ese, el objetivo era otro pero ya nos habremos olvidado de la… Indepen….que. No si a mí lo que importaba era salir de “president” y a mí de conceller ya me está bien, si es que no estábamos preparados para ser independientes, esto cuesta mucho y España no nos dejaría tranquilos y la UE que dirá y nos quitarían el euro y… vuelta a empezar.

Yo no sé si hay o no 3% pero lo que si se, es que si lo hay es porque en las circunstancias a las que nos remontamos debería de haberlo, porque no seamos incautos quien pagaba a los partidos, a sus organizaciones, cuantos socios y que cuotas había, cuantos mecenas catalanes o españoles daban donativos a los partidos, si lo que buscaban eran favores y trabajo si había que pagar, se pagaba faltaría más, y cuantos trabajamos gracias a esto.

Porque se piensan ahora los políticos acobardados y llenos de dudas y recelosos unos de otros, que la sociedad queremos la independencia, pues la queremos para poder terminar con todo esto, si es que lo hubo, para que no salgan más tramas “Palau” para que no haga falta camuflar fondos para hacer política, para que haya claridad limpieza en una nueva nación limpia y democrática, cuando seamos independientes, tiempo habrá de apartar a quien no merezca confianza, o al que se perdió tras las influencias del capital, pero hoy esto no puede continuar así, hoy los políticos han  de ser una piña, porque el objetivo no es denostar o dudar de este o aquel, es hacer una nueva nación o no lo comprenden.

No pido que más que hagamos oídos sordos a todo ahora el problema es otro, no hace falta negar ni pedir explicaciones de nada ya lo harán los jueces si son verdad lo que no podemos seguir haciendo es empezar a pedirnos explicaciones de algo que primero hay que probar y si lo prueban ya tomaremos las medidas oportunas a poder ser siendo independientes.


You can no longer sustain more time the current crisis with the help of not capitalizing the money it seems already that the things will return to their place and the big debtors won't be able to continue getting in debt as happily as up to now and there is the problem that they will make here because what is clear is that A. - there will break debts, and B. - they will return more money for those than they have. The central bankers from all over the world are saying to their homologous of the American Federal Reservation that are prepared for a he runs off with of the types of interest and that they would prefer that the organism made the decision without more preambles. 

So much in public as in private in the conference of central bankers that was developed in Jackson Hole, the message of authorities was that the Fed telegraphed a hardening monetary initial and, after a he runs off with of the dollar that is prolonged for one year, the financial markets at world level they say to be as prepared as they could be. I believe that the volatility of the markets last week went more as preparation to this event that not to the restlessness of the economy China. The Dow Jones collapsed in 1.000 points on Monday in the face of the concerns about an economic deceleration in China, but then he recovered to finish the week with earnings. 

Some accused from the volatility to the comments of officials of the Fed that the ascent of types would take place by the middle of September. For governor of the central bank of Mexico, an increment of the federal funds on the part of its neighbor sends an encouraging sign of economic health, even if that forces to its institution to also go up the types. "If the Fed hardens (the monetary politics), he will be due to the fact that they have a perception that the inflation is advancing, but more important it is still that the unemployment is falling and the economy is recovering", Carstens affirmed in an interview with Reuters". For us that it is a good news", he added. 

In spite of the fact that Yao Yudong, official of the Popular Bank of China, accused last week to the Fed for the turbulences of the market and he said that a he runs off with of types it should be postponed, most of the central bankers of emergent markets contacted by Reuters in Jackson Hole and in the last months they share the vision of Carstens. The end of more than six years of types in levels minimum record in United States could produce a potential wave of painful adjustments while the countries fight with the probability of a stronger included dollar and in the face of exits of capitals and changes in the relative prices of goods. 

However, the end of the uncertainty for the authorities could compensate those difficulties. Effects of the lax ultra-monetary politics in United States have been felt in countries so diverse as Chile and Switzerland. The inflation annualized in Chile has been consistently above the objective range of the Central Bank of between a 2 and 4 percent. Latin America has seen an increase of the inflation as the countries "internalizing" the evolution of the monetary politics of the Fed, the president of the Chilean Central Bank, Rodrigo assured Vergara, in the conference. 

That tendency type has been in progress during about two years, when the ex-president of the Fed Ben Bernanke untied a strong tension in the markets after suggesting that the central bank was prepared to reduce its program of purchase of funds. Two years later, the authorities of the Fed say that certain volatility is unavoidable when the politics becomes hard. The emergent markets, the smallest economies, often look for to have a weaker currency. So from their perspective a hardening of the Fed could be useful to weaken its foreign currency and to help them for what they want to make that is supposed it is to be more competitive in front of the dollar. 

Iodine this is well from the point of view of the macroeconomics but of the central banks but the economy of the street will pass it very bad of entrance an ascent of interest elevates the cost of the debt immediately and of the deficit of the bills of the states it urges the import products to all the poor countries and I include in this chapter to Russia because to these countries that or they are producing of petroleum or of maters basic agricultural mainly, they will pay them less and less dollars and however they, will have to pay and to return more dollars: one because the dollar will strengthen and another cause, because its currency was devaluated. 

Me the truth is that I believe that too much of the time has been abused granted by the Fed maintaining the price from the money to “0”, this at the end has made that numerous economies have thought of era the future one and it was not this way and now he will see, Spain for example has elevated its debt in more than 25% spending from 800 to 1000 million Eurus during this period of cheap money now will have to return it more expensive, because the euro doesn't doubt it was devaluated in front of the dollar, but the interests also rose in Europe, the BCE won't take a lot in making it when he makes it the Fed.  

At the end we will realize that during every year this alone maneuver has been good to maintain the illusion that it was facilitated to the economies the possibility to leave the crisis, thanks to paying less for the money. But the problem is now, because the economies of half world didn't understand this way it, but rather they understood that this facilitated them to get in debt more and more because they were saved a lot in interests. Now the saving finished now this saving he becomes in more cost and expense, at the end we will have saved ourselves alone the chocolate dl parrot.    


Ya no se puede sostener más tiempo la crisis actual a base de no rentabilizar el dinero ya parece que las cosas volverán a su lugar y los grandes deudores no podrán seguir endeudándose tan alegremente como hasta ahora y he aquí el problema que deberán de hacer porque lo que está claro es que A.- deberán frenar sus deudas y B.- deberán devolver más dineros por las que tienen. Los banqueros centrales de todo el mundo están diciendo a sus homólogos de la Reserva Federal estadounidense que están preparados para un alza de los tipos de interés y que preferirían que el organismo tomara la decisión sin más preámbulos.

Tanto en público como en privado en la conferencia de banqueros centrales que se desarrolló en Jackson Hole, el mensaje de autoridades fue que la Fed telegrafió un endurecimiento monetario inicial y, tras un alza del dólar que se prolonga por un año, los mercados financieros a nivel mundial dicen estar tan preparados como pudieran estar. Yo creo que la volatilidad de los mercados la semana pasada fue más como preparación a este acontecimiento que no a las inquietudes de la economía China. El Dow Jones se hundió en 1.000 puntos el lunes ante las preocupaciones sobre una desaceleración económica en China, pero luego se recuperó para terminar la semana con ganancias.

Algunos culparon de la volatilidad a los comentarios de funcionarios de la Fed de que la subida de tipos se produciría a mediados de septiembre. Para gobernador del banco central de México, un incremento de los fondos federales por parte de su vecino envía una alentadora señal de salud económica, incluso si eso obliga a su institución a subir también los tipos. "Si la Fed endurece (la política monetaria), se deberá al hecho de que tienen una percepción de que la inflación está avanzando, pero más importante aún es que el desempleo está cayendo y la economía se está recuperando", afirmó Carstens en una entrevista con Reuters."Para nosotros esa es una buena noticia", agregó.

Pese a que Yao Yudong, funcionario del Banco Popular de China, culpó la semana pasada a la Fed por las turbulencias del mercado y dijo que un alza de tipos debería posponerse, la mayoría de los banqueros centrales de mercados emergentes contactados por Reuters en Jackson Hole y en los últimos meses comparten la visión de Carstens. El final de más de seis años de tipos en niveles mínimos récord en Estados Unidos podría producir una ola potencial de dolorosos ajustes mientras los países lidian con la probabilidad de un dólar incluso más fuerte y ante salidas de capitales y cambios en los precios relativos de bienes transables.

Sin embargo, el final de la incertidumbre para las autoridades podría compensar esas dificultades. Efectos de la política monetaria ultra laxa en Estados Unidos han sido sentidos en países tan diversos como Chile y Suiza. La inflación anualizada en Chile ha estado consistentemente por encima del rango objetivo del Banco Central de entre un 2 y un 4 por ciento. América Latina ha visto un aumento de la inflación a medida que los países "internalizan" la evolución de la política monetaria de la Fed, aseguró el presidente del Banco Central chileno, Rodrigo Vergara, en la conferencia.

Ese tipo de tendencia ha estado en marcha durante unos dos años, cuando el expresidente de la Fed Ben Bernanke desató una fuerte tensión en los mercados tras sugerir que el banco central estaba preparado para reducir su programa de compra de bonos. Dos años después, las autoridades de la Fed dicen que cierta volatilidad es inevitable cuando se endurezca la política. Los mercados emergentes, las economías más pequeñas, a menudo buscan tener una moneda más débil. Así que desde su perspectiva un endurecimiento de la Fed podría ser útil para debilitar su divisa y ayudarles para lo que quieren hacer, que se supone es ser más competitivos frente al dólar.

Yodo esto está bien desde el punto de vista de la macroeconomía pero de los bancos centrales pero la economía de la calle lo va a pasar muy mal de entrada una subida de interés eleva inmediatamente el coste de la deuda y de los déficit de las cuentas de los estados encarece los productos de importación a todos los países pobres e incluyo en este capítulo a Rusia porque a estos países que o bien son productores de petróleo o de materias básicas, agrícolas principalmente, les van a pagar cada vez menos dólares y sin embargo ellos, tendrán que pagar y devolver más dólares: uno porque el dólar se fortalecerá y otra causa, porque su moneda se devaluara.

Yo la verdad es que creo que se ha abusado demasiado del tiempo concedido por la Fed manteniendo el precio del dinero a 0, esto al final ha hecho que numerosas economías hayan pensado de era el futuro y no era así y ahora se va a ver, España por ejemplo ha elevado su deuda en más de un 25% pasando de 800 a 1000 millones de euros durante este periodo de dinero barato ahora tendrá que devolverla más cara, porque el euro no lo duden se devaluara frente al dólar, pero se elevaran los intereses también en Europa, el BCE no tardará mucho en hacerlo cuando lo haga la Fed.

Al final nos daremos cuenta que durante todos estos años esta maniobra solo ha servido para mantener la ilusión de que se facilitaba a las economías la posibilidad de salir de la crisis, gracias a pagar menos por el dinero. Pero el problema está ahora, porque las economías de medio mundo no lo entendieron así, sino que entendieron que esto les facilitaba endeudarse más y más porque se ahorraban mucho en intereses. Ahora se acabó el ahorro ahora este ahorro se vuelve en más coste y gasto, al final nos habremos ahorrado solo el chocolate dl loro.   

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


Today The World has begun to start the shit fan the problem it is that now they will have to prove that the shit is really and non-prefabricate like that of the last Catalan elections, in all ways and if was truth we should not worry 300,000 bite Eurus “of bite” it is ridiculous beside what has been taken the PP and its first swords and governing Spain are still. 

Convergència obtained something more than 300.000 Eurus of commissions for work awards in the registered Catalan municipalities on Friday for the “Civil Police”, according to "sources" of the investigation. The civil police, should seem an aquatic park because apparently everything is lately “sources”. That is the figure to which they ascend the commissions scored in a discovered leaf the past July 23 in the safe Jordi Sumarroca, the benefitted manufacturer's president and son of one of the founders of CDC. 

The quantity that the company manufacturer Teyco would have made arrive to the nationalist formation it corresponds to 3% of the quantity of the works whose files claimed yesterday the Civil Watch in the city councils of Sant Celoni, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Figueras and Lloret. To these four he sinks that of Torredembarra, where the origin of the investigation is and that it was already object of an operation previous of the Office Anticorruption. 

The key document that unchained the registrations of Friday is an only folio with the word "Teyco" like heading. Under they appear logged the names of the five municipalities next to the quantity of each work awarded to Teyco. 

In total, the quantity of the works ascends to 10 million and half Eurus. To their side he appears written another figure, the one that corresponds to 3% of the total of the award. The names and numbers appear writings with computer, although in some case there are complementary quantities that are hand written. 

That document, found in the safe of the home of Sumarroca, properly powdery and forgotten and now opposing, according to other sources behind the safe between her and the wall supposes, they don't link the quantities reflected CatDem, the road employee to make arrive the funds to Convergència. The investigators have been able to rake that bite until the foundation controlled by CDC thanks to other documents of the investigation found equally in the registrations of July 23. 

In spite of the fact that the key document only mentions those five municipalities, the investigators believe that the payment of commissions of Teyco or other societies to CDC extended to other municipalities controlled by the formation. To detect those possible cases, and among other investigation lines, the Civil Police is crossing the data of the donations of companies of the environment of Sumarroca - Teyco and Bluegreen Village - to the CatDem with the awards obtained by the manufacturer. It is evident that all this should last thirty days. 

At the same time the agents continue analyzing the abundant documentation confiscated in the month of July, it leaves of which has not still given time to examine. He didn't go until last week when the Civil Police informed to the tribunal of The Vendrell (Tarragona) of the relevance of the document found in the safe of Sumarroca junior. 

The reasons to carry out quickly the registrations were several. Among them that it existed the possibility that the participants in the payment of commissions destroyed documents and they hindered this way the investigations, a risk that the investigators considered that it increased after the Audience revoked the unconditional prison of Sumarroca and it allowed him to be in freedom with a deposit of 600.000 Eurus. A second element that accelerated the operation the fear went to that if he was delayed another week one still enters more than full in the Catalan electoral process. And already neither there was time of trying to harm more. 

On the other hand, Teyco denied in an official statement to have paid commissions for the works, although yes it admitted contributions. The general coordinator of CDC, Josep Rull, explained that the manufacturer donated to the party 150.000 Eurus between 2007 and 2009, and that Bluegreen gave 207.000 between 2012 and 2014. They were "contributions" the same as in the PP but much poorer clearing is, in this there is not color, Spain it wins us for a lot, he insisted. The dates and quantities coincide with the collections in the document of the safe. They were "commissions", the investigators assure. And if it is not this way to see who discusses him. Luck that alone they already lack thirty days for well or for bad, because much more time this is not who tolerated it. 


Hoy El Mundo ha empezado a poner el ventilador de mierda en marcha el problema es que ahora tendrán que probar que la mierda es de verdad y no prefabricada como la de las elecciones catalanas pasadas, de todas formas y si fuese verdad no debemos de preocuparnos 300,000 euros de “mordida es ridículo al lado de lo que se ha llevado el PP y sus primeras espadas y están todavía gobernando España.

Convergència obtuvo algo más de 300.000 euros de comisiones por adjudicaciones de obra en los municipios catalanes registrados el viernes por la Guardia Civil, según “fuentes” de la investigación. La guardia civil debe parecer un parque acuático porque al parecer todo son fuentes últimamente. Esa es la cifra a la que ascienden las comisiones anotadas en una hoja descubierta el pasado 23 de julio en la caja fuerte Jordi Sumarroca, presidente de la constructora beneficiada e hijo de uno de los fundadores de CDC.

La cantidad que la empresa constructora Teyco habría hecho llegar a la formación nacionalista corresponde al 3% de la cuantía de las obras cuyos expedientes reclamó ayer la Guardia Civil en los ayuntamientos de Sant Celoni, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Figueras y Lloret de Mar. A estos cuatros se suma el de Torredembarra, donde está el origen de la investigación y que ya fue objeto de una operación anterior de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción.

El documento clave que desencadenó los registros del viernes es un único folio con la palabra «Teyco» como encabezamiento. Debajo aparecen anotados los nombres de los cinco municipios junto a la cuantía de cada obra adjudicada a Teyco.

En total, la cuantía de las obras asciende a 10 millones y medio de euros. A su lado aparece escrita otra cifra, la que corresponde al 3% del total de la adjudicación. Los nombres y números aparecen escritos con ordenador, si bien en algún caso hay cantidades complementarias que están manuscritas.

Ese documento, hallado en la caja fuerte del domicilio de Sumarroca, debidamente empolvado y olvidado y ahora encontrado, según otras fuentes detrás de la caja fuerte entre ella y la pared supongo, no vinculan las cantidades reflejadas a CatDem, la vía empleada para hacer llegar los fondos a Convergència. Los investigadores han conseguido rastrear esa mordida hasta la fundación controlada por CDC gracias a otros documentos de la investigación encontrados igualmente en los registros del 23 de julio.

Pese a que el documento clave sólo menciona esos cinco municipios, los investigadores creen que el pago de comisiones de Teyco u otras sociedades a CDC se extendía a otros municipios controlados por la formación. Para detectar esos posibles casos, y entre otras líneas de investigación, la Guardia Civil está cruzando los datos de las donaciones de empresas del entorno de Sumarroca -Teyco y Bluegreen Village- a la CatDem con las adjudicaciones obtenidas por la constructora. Es evidente que todo esto debe de durar treinta días.

Al mismo tiempo los agentes siguen analizando la abundante documentación incautada en el mes de julio, parte de la cual aún no ha dado tiempo a examinar. No fue hasta la semana pasada cuando la Guardia Civil informó al juzgado de El Vendrell (Tarragona) de la relevancia del documento encontrado en la caja fuerte de Sumarroca júnior.

Los motivos para llevar a cabo con rapidez los registros fueron varios. Entre ellos, que existía la posibilidad de que los partícipes en el pago de comisiones destruyeran documentos y entorpecieran así las pesquisas, un riesgo que los investigadores consideraron que aumentaba después de que la Audiencia revocara la prisión incondicional de Sumarroca y le permitiera quedar en libertad con una fianza de 600.000 euros. Un segundo elemento que aceleró la operación fue el temor a que si se retrasaba otra semana se entrase aún más de lleno en el proceso electoral catalán. Y ya ni hubiera tiempo de intentar hacer más daño.

Por su parte, Teyco negó en un comunicado haber pagado comisiones por las obras, aunque sí admitió donativos. El coordinador general de CDC, Josep Rull, explicó que la constructora donó al partido 150.000 euros entre 2007 y 2009, y que Bluegreen entregó 207.000 entre 2012 y 2014. Eran «donativos» al igual que en el PP pero mucho más pobres claro está, en esto no hay color, España nos gana por mucho, insistió. Las fechas y cuantías coinciden con las recogidas en el documento de la caja fuerte. «Eran comisiones», aseguran los investigadores. Y si no es así a ver quién lo discute. Suerte que solo faltan ya treinta días para bien o para mal, porque mucho más tiempo esto no hay quien lo aguante.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015


Few sentences will have had such a persistent and unfortunate echo in the Catalan politics of the last 35 years like that that the then president of the Generalitat Pasqual Maragall pronounced February 24 the 2005 in the Parlament going to the bancada of CiU: "You have a problem. And that problem calls himself 3% ".  

Little imagined Pascual Maragall that that politics replies amid the peal of a session of the parlament he would crawl for the centuries of the centuries and the good of the case is that still today anything has not been proven in this respect because a thing is that they have political defrauders and another very different one that the Catalan politics is based on the fraud of 3% the things they are very different. 

The allusion to the presumed collection, on the part of Convergence, of a percentage of the budget of the works awarded by the Govern in Jordi's Pujol time caused an earthquake and it put an end to the retraction of Maragall, and I don't believe myself that was from necessity of the support of the convergent ones led by Artur Mas to take out the reformation of the Estatut ahead. He simply realized that a thing is to attack to the opposition in a replica with what is and another very different one to prove that what is said is more than this, an attack of oratorical and political rhetoric. 

But the ghost of 3%. it Reappears every time that there are political reasons to combat to the politics of the one he appeared with the explosion of the 'I case Palau' - when the investigation of the looting of the Music's Palau uncovered the presumed payment of the manufacturer's commissions Ferrovial to CDC through the institution cultural fact that this sub juice and that it is centered in a character that is not the party CDC, and it appeared the head yesterday again, to the doors of an electoral campaign, that of the 27-S, of unquestionable transcendence. 

With drummer and plates and it foresaw warning to the means of information agents of the Civil Watch from Madrid, Barcelona and Tarragona and representatives of the Office Anticorruption they registered the headquarters of CDC and of the Catalanist Fundació i Demòcrata (CatDem), linked to the party that Artur Mas presides over, as well as the city councils of Sant Cugat, Figueres, Lloret and Sant Celoni and the home of the ex-treasurer of Convergència Daniel Osàcar. The operation is part of an investigation on the supposition payment of illegal commissions of the manufacturer's 3% Teyco, property of the family Sumarroca - I nickname closely bound to CDC and Jordi Pujol -, to the nationalist party. 

The registrations are included in the second phase of the call Operation Petrum that began more than one year ago with the investigations against Daniel Masagué, convergent mayor of Torredembarra (Tarragonès) that was accused of having received 1,43 million Eurus of seven companies controlled by the family Sumarroca in exchange for contracts of public works, as the construction of a parking and the administration of the sewer system. In the course of that investigation, the past July 23 were stopped the mayor Masagué, the exconsejero of Teyco Jordi Sumarroca - son of one of the founders of CDC - and two relatives of this, facts that today in day is also in judicial process. 

What is evident is that they are giving turns to the same sauce, a sauce that they don't finish ting the police forces, the fiscal anticorruption, and the judges to the service of the government from Spain and of course of the PP.  It is clear that the opportunity was yesterday because in the afternoon it was presented in Barcelona the candidates to the elections of the 27S of the list "junts pel YES" and it is evident that the government from Spain has wanted to enter in campaign before hour.  

From the 9-N we know for order about who the Office acts. The show of the operation leaves clear its objective. The party and the foundation is revised everywhere: the protectorate of the Department of Justice, sequestration of bills, Tribunal of Bills. If they want that register all the headquarters of CDC, they won't find anything because there is not anything to hide. We request and we demand justice and normality in the exercise of the justice. We will always facilitate the things but one must make with the indispensable rigor. It has weighed more in what the context, dates we are, what we are about to make like town", the general coordinator of Convergence has added. 

Agustí Colomines, the ex-director of the Fundació CatDem - linked CDC and whose headquarters was registered this Friday it has assured that it is "impossible that they find something, since there is not administrative documentation in the foundation". Colomines that CadDem directed until April of the 2013, it has been shown "very surprised" with the registration and he has remembered that it is the second that takes place. I don't know what they look for. Every time that they want to itch, they mount a number like east", he has added. "If they want to find some bottle of “Cava Sumarroca” it may be digs yes that will find it, another thing, no", it has sentenced. 

Patience friends independents, has to load ourselves of patience the attacks slanders and difficulties to those that will subject us from now on they are not anything to what we have already supported the situation he plays to its end for well or for not well alone they are later 30 days the day it can be worse because if with all the judicial policemen and antifraud in foot of war until then they have not been able to stop the independent Catalonia, I fear myself that alone they will have left an exit the use of the armed forces, because forgotten as that they remember that the democracy exists.  


Pocas frases habrán tenido un eco tan persistente y desafortunado en la política catalana de los últimos 35 años como aquella que el entonces presidente de la Generalitat Pasqual Maragall pronunció el 24 de febrero del 2005 en el Parlament dirigiéndose a la bancada de CiU: "Ustedes tienen un problema. Y ese problema se llama 3%".

Poco se imaginaba Pascual Maragall que aquella replica política en medio del fragor de una sesión del parlament se arrastraría por los siglos de los siglos y lo bueno del caso es que todavía hoy no se ha probado nada al respecto porque una cosa es que hayan políticos defraudadores y otra muy distinta que la política catalana se base en el fraude del 3% las cosas son muy distintas.

La alusión al presunto cobro, por parte de Convergència, de un porcentaje del presupuesto de las obras adjudicadas por el Govern en la época de Jordi Pujol provocó un terremoto y acabó con la retractación de Maragall, y no me creo que fuese por necesidad del apoyo de los convergentes liderados por Artur Mas para sacar adelante la reforma del Estatut. Simplemente se dio cuenta que una cosa es atacar a la oposición en una réplica con lo que sea y otra muy distinta probar que lo que se dice es más que esto, un ataque de oratoria y retórica política.

Pero el fantasma del 3%. Reaparece cada vez que hay motivos políticos para combatir a la política del apareció con el estallido del 'caso Palau' -cuando la investigación del saqueo del Palau de la Música destapó el presunto pago de comisiones de la constructora Ferrovial a CDC a través de la institución cultural hecho que esta sub judice y que se centra en un personaje que no es el partido CDC, y volvió a asomar la cabeza ayer, a las puertas de una campaña electoral, la del 27-S, de trascendencia incuestionable.

Con bombo y platillos y previo aviso a los medios de información agentes de la Guardia Civil de Madrid, Barcelona y Tarragona y representantes de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción registraron las sedes de CDC y de la Fundació Catalanista i Demòcrata (CatDem), vinculada al partido que preside Artur Mas, así como los ayuntamientos de Sant Cugat, Figueres, Lloret de Mar y Sant Celoni y el domicilio del extesorero de Convergència Daniel Osàcar. La operación forma parte de una investigación sobre el supuesto pago de comisiones ilegales del 3% de la constructora Teyco, propiedad de la familia Sumarroca -apellido estrechamente ligado a CDC y a Jordi Pujol-, al partido nacionalista.

Los registros se engloban en la segunda fase de la llamada Operación Petrum, que se inició hace más de un año con las investigaciones contra Daniel Masagué, alcalde convergente de Torredembarra (Tarragonès), que fue acusado de haber recibido 1,43 millones de euros de siete empresas controladas por la familia Sumarroca a cambio de contratos de obras públicas, como la construcción de un aparcamiento y la gestión del alcantarillado. En el curso de esa investigación, el pasado 23 de julio fueron detenidos el alcalde Masagué, el exconsejero delegado de Teyco Jordi Sumarroca -hijo de uno de los fundadores de CDC- y dos familiares de este, hechos que hoy en día también están en proceso judicial.

Lo que es evidente es que están dando vueltas a la misma salsa, una salsa que no terminan de ligar las fuerzas policiales, los fiscales anticorrupción, y los jueces al servicio del gobierno de España y por supuesto del PP.  Está claro que la oportunidad era ayer porque por la tarde se presentaba en Barcelona los candidatos a las elecciones del 27S de la lista “junts pel si” y es evidente que el gobierno de España ha querido entrar en campaña antes de hora.

Desde el 9-N sabemos por orden de quien actúa la Fiscalía. La espectacularidad de la operación deja claro su objetivo. El partido y la fundación está revisada por todas partes: el protectorado del Departament de Justicia, sindicatura de cuentas, Tribunal de Cuentas". "Si quieren, que registren todas las sedes de CDC, no encontrarán nada porque no hay nada que esconder. Pedimos y exigimos justicia y normalidad en el ejercicio de la justicia. Siempre facilitaremos las cosas pero se han de hacer con el rigor imprescindible. Ha pesado más el contexto, en qué fecha estamos, qué estamos a punto de hacer como pueblo", ha añadido el coordinador general de Convergència.

Agustí Colomines, el exdirector de la Fundació CatDem -vinculada a CDC y cuya sede fue registrada este viernes ha asegurado que "es imposible que encuentren algo, ya que no hay documentación administrativa en la fundación". Colomines, que dirigió CadDem hasta abril del 2013, se ha mostrado "muy sorprendido" con el registro y ha recordado que es el segundo que se produce. "No sé qué buscan. Cada vez que tienen ganas de picar, montan un numerito como este", ha añadido. "Si quieren encontrar alguna botella de cava Sumarroca quizá sí que la encontrarán, otra cosa, no", ha sentenciado.

Paciencia amigos independentistas nos tenemos que cargar de paciencia los ataques calumnias y dificultades a los que nos someterán de ahora en adelante no son nada a lo que ya hemos soportado la situación toca a su fin para bien o para mal solo quedan 30 días el día después puede ser peor porque si con todas las policías judiciales y antifraude en pie de guerra  hasta entonces no hayan podido parar la Catalunya independiente, me temo que solo les quedará una salida el uso de las fuerzas armadas, porque olvidémonos de que se acuerden que existe la democracia.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015



The geopolitical situation of the world in general is about to explode, look for where you look at the human societies they are jumbled, this it is another of the effects of the biggest error taken place by the man, the Globalization, but in any place of the world the situation of danger and uncertainty, this as visible as in the riversides of the Mediterranean. Maybe I am alarmed without reason, but it is not because what is happening doesn't have importance, neither real danger, I say it because it is possible that the riversides of the Mediterranean, have already gone multitude of times by similar situations.  


Nevertheless I want to insist today and to make mention to a fact that gives me chills, because what has happened, has happened now he will play us to live him to us, and this is new for all the beings that we are affected. We have studied and read that the Mediterranean has been without a doubt cradle of the biggest civilizations that have arisen, and they have made evolve the humanity's history, from the old Egypt until the current European Union, going by Phoenicians, Greek, Carthaginian, Roman, Iberian, Ottoman, Arab, all were rocked in its warm banks and you calm the bigger than the times.  


But when you look back, you realize that also all those civilizations and human empires perished, and many of them are buried in their bottom, of their not very deep waters they salt countless tests and vestiges that this is this way, and today this cemetery condition, of point and final, of so many things, it is not the one that I am presented in front of my thoughts with all the crudeness and reality of the events that are being developed, in front of the today so calm waters of the Mediterranean. 


The two Mediterranean seashore, are set on fire of hates, desperation, poverty, revolutions, aggressors and dead, very physical or immaterial that don't know which they are worse, because the physical death can sometimes be a liberation, but the moral and immaterial death, it is an unbearable torture. Certain that in each side their situation is different, but certain also that both sides, today we are suffering the same tyrannies practically, uncontrolled, I discourage, injustices, and mainly lack of security and of future, for us and it stops our descendants. 


It is evident that we are today in the situation in that the Mediterranean has become gloomy and threatening, black and dark, full with sounds of war, jumbled, screams of hate and fear, that is to say the Mediterranean becomes cemetery little by little, and of the lands of its two banks they will begin to fall cadavers in its bowels, from the South human cadavers, of those of the North Nations its societies and possibly a civilization, another time the Mediterranean will have a preponderant paper in the humanity's history. 


It is possible that the two banks have a different and divergent road. The South bank fills now with death and human blood spilling out in its waters, in search of a freedom that they don't find and that you grieve they know how it is, because they have never enjoyed it, neither nobody never teaches it to him, it can end up getting its final victory and to pass of cemetery, to cradle of some born-again societies or civilizations, new and to stop to be slaves of its beliefs, to pass to more moderate, freer that open the way to a change as which happened already centuries ago in the North riverside. 


The North shore on the other hand, goes to the total decline, its people are losing its way of traditional life suddenly, they lose the faith in themselves and in its European community context, the nation’s taken a bath by this sea die hopelessly at the moment the difference, it is that there is not cadavers, neither human blood that to throw to the sea, in the North shore is thrown to the sea the last vestiges of the western, dead European civilization and destroyed by the economic globalization of the world, ruined and battered for a new Leviathan called financial market, pushed to the abyss by the own debts and for the economic interests of other parts of Europe and of the world that you/they no longer want to cohabit with an old culture that although they owe him the life, it is no longer good them for their own interests but just the opposite. 


The Mediterranean will contemplate this way amazed seeing like on one hand you it fights to death to change life, and for the other one he dies for not wanting to change his that paradox truth, but it is this way, the oldest western society in the world refuses to see what is happening, like in the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, the Barbarians for the north and the Arab for the south, they will finish with many centuries of Mediterranean civilization, we have stayed outside of having bought we are no longer worth for the economic interests of the new civilization based on the globalization, the sea Mediterranean is ready to receive us under its waters, as he/she has made it with so many other civilizations and in so many other occasions 


La situación geopolítica del mundo en general está a punto de explotar, mires por donde mires las sociedades humanas están revueltas, este es otro de los efectos del error más grande producido por el hombre, la Globalización, pero en ningún lugar del mundo la situación de peligro e inestabilidad, esta tan a la vista como en las riberas del Mediterráneo. Quizás me alarmo sin razón, pero no es porque lo que está ocurriendo no tenga importancia, ni peligro real, lo digo porque es posible que las riberas del Mediterráneo, hayan pasado ya multitud de veces por situaciones parecidas.

No obstante quiero insistir hoy y hacer mención a un hecho que me da escalofríos, porque haya pasado lo que haya pasado, ahora nos va a tocar vivirlo a nosotros, y esto es nuevo para todos los seres que nos vemos afectados. Hemos estudiado y leído que el Mediterráneo ha sido sin duda cuna de las mayores civilizaciones que han surgido, y han hecho evolucionar la historia de la humanidad, desde el antiguo Egipto hasta la actual Unión Europea, pasando por Fenicios, Griegos, Cartagineses, Romanos, Iberos, Otomanos, Árabes, todos se acunaron en sus orillas cálidas y calmas la mayor de las veces.

Pero cuando miras hacia atrás, te das cuenta que también todas aquellas civilizaciones e imperios humanos perecieron, y muchos de ellos están enterrados en su fondo, de sus aguas poco profundas salen innumerables pruebas y vestigios de que esto es así, y hoy esta condición de cementerio, de punto y final,   de tantas cosas, es la que se me presenta frente a mis pensamientos con toda la crudeza y realidad de los sucesos que están desarrollándose, frente a las hoy no tan tranquilas aguas del mediterráneo. 

Las dos riberas mediterráneas están incendiadas de odios, desesperación, pobreza, revoluciones, agresores y muertos, bien físicos o inmateriales, que no sé cuáles son peor, porque la muerte física puede ser a veces una liberación, pero la muerte moral e inmaterial, es una tortura insoportable. Cierto que en cada lado su situación es distinta, pero cierto también que ambos lados, hoy estamos sufriendo prácticamente lo mismo tiranías, descontrol, desanimo, injusticias, y sobre todo falta de seguridad y de futuro, para nosotros y para nuestros descendientes.

Es evidente que estamos hoy en la situación en que el Mediterráneo se ha puesto tétrico y amenazante, negro y oscuro,  lleno de sonidos de guerra, revueltas, gritos de odio y temor, es decir el Mediterráneo se convierte poco a poco en cementerio, y de las tierras de sus dos orillas van a empezar a caer cadáveres en sus entrañas, desde el Sur cadáveres humanos, de las del Norte  Naciones sus sociedades y posiblemente una civilización,  otra vez el Mediterráneo tendrá un papel preponderante en la historia de la humanidad.

Es posible que las dos orillas tengan un camino distinto y divergente. La orilla Sur llena ahora de muerte y sangre humana derramándose en sus aguas, en busca de una libertad que no encuentran y que apenas saben cómo es, porque no la han disfrutado nunca, ni nadie jamás se la enseño, puede llegar a conseguir su triunfo final y pasar de  cementerio, a cuna de unas renacidas sociedades o civilizaciones, nuevas y dejar de ser esclavas de sus creencias, pasar a más moderadas, más libres, que den el paso a un cambio como el que ocurrió en la ribera Norte hace ya siglos. 

La orilla Norte en cambio, se dirige al ocaso total, sus gentes están perdiendo de golpe su modo de vida tradicional, pierden la fe en sí mismos y en su contexto comunitario europeo, las naciones bañadas por este mar se mueren irremediablemente la diferencia de momento, es que no hay cadáveres, ni sangre humana, que tirar al mar, en la orilla Norte se tiran al mar los últimos vestigios de la civilización europea occidental, muerta y destrozada por la globalización económica del mundo, arruinada y maltrecha por un nuevo Leviatán llamado mercado financiero, empujadas al abismo por las deudas propias y por los intereses económicos de otras partes de Europa y del mundo, que ya no quieren convivir con una vieja cultura que si bien le deben la vida, ya no les sirve para sus propios intereses sino todo lo contrario

Así el Mediterráneo va a contemplar atónito viendo como por un lado se lucha a muerte por cambiar de vida, y por el otro se muere por no querer cambiar la suya, que paradoja verdad, pero es así, la sociedad occidental más antigua del mundo se niega a ver lo que está pasando, como en la época de la caída del Imperio Romano, los Barbaros por el norte y los Árabes por el sur, van a terminar con muchos siglos de civilización mediterránea, nos hemos quedado fuera de mercado ya no valemos para los intereses económicos de la nueva civilización basada en la globalización, el mar Mediterráneo está presto a recibirnos bajo sus aguas, como lo ha hecho con tantas otras civilizaciones y en tantas otras ocasiones.


All Europe is concerned and without knowing what to make, regarding the migratory problem of people escaping from Africa. Let us don't deceive ourselves with cheap demagogueries, if with great difficulty more than 70% of the Europe of the euro this with a level of life of their societies that gives pain, single lack that they invade us more desperate, at the end if this doesn't stop we will finish all eating up some to the other ones because there is not neither I work neither money to support the situation. 
I don't also believe that the solution to this matter is to distribute us the problems among all what it is necessary to make it is to remove the problem and this is what I will capture in this article. The idea left years ago when that that called you the spring of the Africa north began they remember with the whole African Mediterranean coast (the Maghreb) in civil revolts, to depose tyrants and dictators: Morocco, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, etc. was in foot of revolution to be able to change its reality. In that time to me was happened to write that it was not single revolution question and characters' change but rather it was necessary to change the economic and productive structures of the region because I said when they finish throwing shots and do leave the rifles and the machetes what people will make?  
It was so evident this that designs a complete plan and of quick and easy beginning the plan consisted on endowing of a rail infrastructure the whole geographical width of the African Mediterranean arch by means of the construction of an international railroad that you locates from behind of the affected countries an as much as elect separator of the Saharian desert for not altering the Mediterranean coastal part that could be another pole of tourist attraction. This plan put in knowledge of the UE the government from Spain (PSOE) and the present thing to a great company Spanish manufacturers of infrastructures the official stamens responded me that it was very interesting and that thank you and the company manufacturer that if he moved and there was financing possibility it interested and a lot. 
Unfortunately there has not been time of planting it because that spring I don't finish, autumn winter other springs I become and we continue another time in the rawest winter but me I believe that in spite of it is it today when I see more necessary to start this plan, under the following philosophy: Because instead of that the Africans come to Europe he doesn't go to Africa. That is to say I believe that Europe in these moments is entitled of defending and at the same time to help those that escape from the misery and of the terror. 
And that won't get it if we don't go to the areas in conflict and by force of the weapons in some places and of the support and the investment in other, we outline this project that if they look well at it, it is as if expands Europe to the Sahara. It won't be necessary this way that those that escape from their earth, to come here, abandoning their homeland, we already go to put them the only remedy that you need, I work to be earned a living worthily.   
The idea of this macro project, is born when thinking on the disturbing revolts of the Maghreb and of the whole South riverside of the Mediterranean, the problems that can bear are maybe unforeseeable but in spite of everything, we should support them because it seems that they go directed to substitute dictatorial and absolutist regimens, for more democratic and more modern tendencies. I want to give for fact that finally there will be a very primary victory of the democratic theses on the overthrown regimens, we can do a certain tranquility in Tunisia and Egypt with their revolution already almost consolidated, but it is necessary to pacify Syria definitively and Libyan, we also see relatively calm movements in the rest Algeria and Morocco to democratize their governments.    
But these movements didn't consolidate if the social force of these countries is not reinforced, and this reinforcement won't be gotten if a fundamental fact doesn't take place, it is necessary to give work and future objectives to those that have made, better or worse the revolutions, otherwise its frustration will be such that they didn't care to continue being revealed against everything and against all.  
To Europe mainly interests him that this new perspective settles, and to achieve it it is necessary to outline them a common objective that is realizable for its people that can start quickly, and that it is also profitable for Europe. This you can get by means of the project that I define next.   


Of two roads one for High Speed and parallels others of goods. 



Because this plan, is very simple and unquestionable at the same time: 
- Because it is a project that it would use a lot of not qualified manpower that he/she is most of the revolutionaries. 
- Because it would be of economic interest for the towns affected directly by the infrastructure, and profitable also so that the rich Arab world, invested part of its petrodollars now  
- Because it would capture the political attention of the countries and governments of the affected countries. 
- Because it would capture countless more qualified manpower that now it is dissipating in Europe, and many would return to their countries because they would have work and an objective of life and future. 

- Because it would be an authentic control to the migratory movements, of the region and of the black Africa toward Europe would find work in Africa we think that Chinese is colonizing Africa that is to say below the Sahara the sub-Saharan Africa  
- Because I eat consequence rebalance the population in Europe, balancing the GDP of the countries of the Euro adjusting them to the true production capacity and work of the new productive technologies that don't require of so much manpower, would decrease this way drastically the unemployment. 
- Finally, because once initiate, new infrastructures would be created in the area with more services, and productions that require much more economic manpower could settle down that the one that now Europe offers, without necessity of leaving to the distant East. 

It is not a story of thousand  and one nights, this position is real he doesn't have inconvenient insolvable, there would be money to baskets to invest in it, each country would be the responsible one of building its corridor, and its neighbors would not see an interference in the since topic they would also have its project. The European multinationals of the construction of infrastructures, of trains of rail material, the
industry of the tourism, etc. would be opened a work load for years. In short it is the new colonization but without weapons neither armies neither establishments, in any Country. 
I believe that it is necessary to work about the necessity of executing big crash plans that they get some horizons of big economic benefits, at the same time of achievements for the humanity, with these premises I have developed the basic planning of a strategic plan that joins both achievements by means of the following objectives: 
1º. - To unblock the general in operation,  
2º. - To give work to a lot of people, 
3º. - To mobilize many resources there were more lack ago.  
4º. - To Change the European economy at the moment stagnated to some perspectives of quick growth, it stops more than half century,  
5º. - To Change toward the development to a part of the world that is destroying to if same little by little.  
6º. - That would serve from reactivation pole to the rest of the African continent.  
7º. - That would finally unite the interests of Europe.  
8º. – That rebalance him world economy.  
9º. - That would give as consequence a more balanced new world order.   
10. - to obtain a durable economic flow for more than one century.  
If there is somebody person or entity that he/she reads this I articulate and want or he can please help me they don't doubt it to contact me I crumb I have already made all the possible one to give it to know but alone I have found that some educated thank you for my interest but among so much the things get complicated more the problems grow and Europe every time he/she goes worse but rather they ask it to Greece to the Balkan countries to Spain and Italy.