lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015



The atrocities that are rushing another time on the Catalan problem are not directed so that this problem calms down and enter in an on the way to so much political negotiation to stop it if one can or to channel it well if there is not exit. Today the Catalan secessionist conflict is a political tool used by the PP to maintain far from the Spanish electoral campaign the economic and political scandals of the PP.  

The minister of External Matters and of Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo that seems the devil's messenger in this Catalan-Spanish matter it considers that in Catalonia "a rebellion has taken place in all rule" and he has emphasized that "when one meets with a rebellion of these characteristics the rebellion it is suffocated, it is necessary to impede that they are jumped the law". Very a while ago that I don't read a declaration of clearer war, if Mr. Margallo stops alone Catalonia to vote and to win the voting the parties that defend the independence, they have carried out a rebellion in all rule that names it should be given to a government that threatens its Catalan citizens to "suffocate them" (to drown them) alone for its ideas.    

In an interview in (Antenna 3) picked up by Europe Press, Margallo has not specified what mechanisms it is necessary to apply in front of that "rebellion" but yes it has impacted in that the situation is "increased" by two problems: that it comes from a "organ of the State, not of a political" force and that their promoters have not had "the smallest inconvenience in leaving to the Catalan society in two and in facing to a part of the Catalan society with the rest of the Spanish" society Mr. Margagllo this is passing for three years and you and their government they have been unable to suffocate it and now that it is already made now they leave to "sofocar"(stifling sensation) you but of shame. 

Margallo considers that in Catalonia it is necessary to make political but he believes that during this legislature it has not been simple, because the PPC is already almost a political cadaver in Catalonia and it is already unable to count in any "fundamental" matter that also requires agreements of the big parties and the PSOE that he has been traditionally its speaker, to deceased in Catalonia as them, in its opinion, this to handicapped a negotiation because it would have been a "irresponsibility" to sit down without knowing if they will win or no. To its way of seeing, the politics in Catalonia one can make with or without national consent, but they are the initiatives with consent, like it was the Constitution of 1978, those that are successful, anything that they continue being behind 37 years. 

Margallo considers that the "topic of Catalonia is not of now", since he already thought about in 1640, 1714, 1931 and 1934. "Every time that there is a crisis in Spain these tensions" they take place, he has said, relating the current one processes sovereignty with the crisis of 2008. Exact that confirms that Catalonia is Spain for a first historical error and for the weapons later and the first error that you don't mention is that thanks to Catalonia help to make Spain there for the XV century. According to their analysis, the Catalan president, Artur Mas, he has opted to say that if now he doesn't pay to the pharmacies, and before he didn't pay to anybody the blame he had it the central Government. 

In this point, he has remembered that Mas it locates the current problem in the sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal of 2010 that annulled 14 points of the Catalan Statute - "nobody knows which they are when I have asked", there is ironized - and it has compared it with the situation of 1934, when the origin was a sentence of the Tribunal of Constitutional Guarantees that annulled the Law of Contracts of Cultivation, that is to say, "in the two cases a constitutional" sentence that is normal in a democratic" State not hears in a normal state, in Spain for what you know if it is it from immemorial times, when it is not the religion, era the king's justice and now it is that of the PP and for that reason in Spain a political question rises to artificial, and he returns another time to political question and it is not imputed to the own tribunal, but to the whole State, and you have not stopped to think that this is because the state and the justice is always the same thing in Spain. 

“An institutional coup d'etat” Artur Mas he has wanted to go to the independence from the minute one and it has looked for excuses and alibis to declare the independence, to rebel in all rule to give an institutional “coup d'etat”. Nevertheless, it has also related the current situation with the call 'I make a pact of the Tinell' of 2003, "the intent of the PSC and of ERC of being made a suit to the measure for Catalonia without counting with half of Spain that is the PP". Oh Mr. Margallo apparently the problem of Spain is not Catalonia, it is the Popular Party that all go maybe against the for once if you have reason. 

The minister has also impacted in remembering the consequences for a hypothetical independent Catalonia that would not be recognized by the UN, just as his general secretary, Ban Ki Moon he has said, neither for the UE, like European leaders have said as the president of the European Commission, Jean-Clade Juncker; or the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. Mr. Margallo nobody of those mentioned has said that an independent Catalonia would not be recognized, that alone you say it, all have said that it is an internal problem of Spain and that arrived the case and it will be seen that it happens because there are not jurisprudence neither experience on a similar case. Please Mr. Margallo because he doesn't make their declarations in English and he doesn't have this way to translate bad… or it is that their president would not understand him. 

The most probable thing now unfortunately is that another time Catalonia doesn't arrive at the end of its dream because as always I say the independence they are not won with votes the politicians they always prefix its ideas to the desires of the town and this happens here and in Spain but that that more I worry about it is that if the independence are not won with votes, to neither "suffocate them" is made so with words or we change postures and vague words or we can finish "suffocating us" both two. 

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