The bipartisanship stays more or less invariable at
the time that they fall the expectations of the emergent parties, “We Can” and “Citizens”,
of face to the general elections These are the main conclusions of the new
survey of the published CIS this Thursday, this is a world phenomenon in
general in all the countries except those of absolutist regimens or
dictatorships the politics it is always divided in two tendencies the
conservative and the liberal or also denominated the right and the Left.
This indicates that the politics is the reflection you
the society of a country and vice versa that is to say that the society is the politics’
reflection exercised in the country. This is not a banal observation although
it seems him and it is not it because he has more importance of that than he
seems to be able to judge as much as I develop social, economic and democratic,
he has a country. We can see this way that in the more developed and democratic
countries in general the politics moves that is to say among these two
tendencies one could say that they are bipolar and that eta bipolarity is also
alternated more or less according to the economic cycles (not political).
When one lives a sweet moment in the economy of a
country the normal thing is it that the politics that the liberal is exercised
is, because you wondered is that the liberal politics or of lefts she does give
more economic interests? At all it is just the opposite the economic interests
he gives them the right or the conservatives but that it happens that with the
right the economy goes better but the society not this he goes worse. It
happens this way always so the politicians they know that after a period of
rights he has to come one of left because it is necessary to balance the social
defaces that the right causes.
In the democratic countries this is not any problem
everybody he knows that I play he settles down in the governability of the
country like the alternation cycle begins it is as that riddle of who was the
egg or the hen since he first that same raisin with the politics that was the
conservative right, or the liberal first of left in my opinion and interpreting
the universal history the first one was the conservative the King’s the
Noblemen they exercised the law and the order and they negotiated to the towns
for the first time evidently its almost nonexistent political system he was
clearly conservative I mean with it that the established power (conserved
everything: the wealth, the power, the law, the life of the town,) everything
depended on them.
Until a historical moment that the town said arrived
it is enough we already want our freedom of being after all somebody the power
of our noblemen he holds back because we pay them attention and we work and we
war for its greatness and the freedom was born the liberal the left and the
conservatives had to leave that the liberal restructuration the society the
wealth the order and the power that it is evident I am established with more
parity, this was this way until a moment that so much freedom and so much re equilibrium
finish with the funds to distribute arrived and the cycle began this way he
spent the power to the conservatives so that they redoes another time the
wealth and once fact another time the liberal returned socially for re equilibria
and we are this way up to now.
But now there is a break in this cycle that is very
dangerous and it is passing as much in Spain as in Europe, it plows that it
consists in that too many political tendencies appear to the sides or ends of
the two only political bases that the conservative and the liberal exist. First
I want to verify that for many names and initials that are always invented the
politics to exercise it is the same one or they are of right or they are of
The current problem that has broken this order is the
economy, as much that of market as the social one, the economic cycles are had confusing,
when I was younger it was spoken of four year-old cycles between a crisis and a
recovery, these cycles were lengthening and already at the end of last century
it was spoken of six years, but today these cycles so much confusing is had
that it is no longer known that periods not even have if there will be period
change, because the blissful globalization masks everything when making that
they alternate at the same time in the global world both periods but in
different places.
This circumstance makes that the society doesn't know
what period he lives and it puts it very nervous because you see that what the
old politics maintained more or less balanced now cannot make it, and this has
also seen it a lot of part of the society that you see its exit in the
extremisms and these they are implanted to forced marches the problem it is
that alone they satisfy the necessities of some few ones that is to say not the
whole society it can be anarchist or nationalist because it would be to return
to the constant revolution, so the political regularity breaks and we have
already seen it in Spain and Greece in Greece the new politics failure because
Europe dominates her with the economy, but that it passed in Spain.
I suppose that the UE will make the same thing or he
attempted it at least but the certain thing is that if we take into account the
last local and autonomous elections we see like in the two main cities of
Spain: Madrid and Barcelona don't know many of us that politics governs us it
is not of right but neither it is of lefts it is other and both have a point in
common that I worry about both they spread to reduce the economy the power and
the order that it means this because simply that we are to the doors of a
social and economic change of incalculable repercussions the new politicians it
seems that they love each other to base that is to say on the absolute
mediocrity neither anything that to distribute neither anything that to
This religion to call it somehow is dangerous because
its future is not another that the turn behind of the society these new
politicians seek to equal the society finishing with the middle class and the
discharge this in Barcelona is very clear he wants to put an end to the
tourism, they put on problems to the bourgeois called business (it bases of the
commercial strength of Catalonia together with the small and medium company)
the confrontation is avoided between the illegality and the legality in fact
giving the force to the first one.
And all this because it becomes then it is very simple
there is a current in the civil society that he has seen that the road to leave
its ostracism economic social professional is to lead new groups new objective
new ideas and somewhere around they have been strained and they were strained
it is evident that there is in this step social very intelligent people and
been worth that for the own tendency of continuity of those and the politicians
classics say they have closed the doors of new ideas of to be modernized and to
upgrade the political tendencies the conservative and the liberal that there
are not others.
We meet this way now with a new generation of ideas
and of political all also cut by the same patterns young intellectuals
university “politólogos” that are inventing their world because in the classic
they don't fit or rather they don't allow them to enter and they have already
gotten tired them and the society that you see them it continues that you see
the classic politics he doesn't give them solutions the problem it is serious
because that is as a new virus that alone it attacks to the weak ones and you,
those make their followers I refer clearly to the young and not so young but
condemned of the social dynamics, those that don't have neither capacity
neither you win neither ways to prosper in a world more and more globalized and
difficult to those that the classic politicians have abandoned leaving them at
the mercy of the first one that arrives.
On this part of the society these new parties will
lift their politicians and their masses and notice that these parties flourish
equally in the countries that are also weak and impoverished and left of side
for the world economic structures, I refer to Greece, Spain, and Italy. Where
it finished this frankly now I don't know it, but it has to give a presage he
would say that clearly to a "Neo communism" where everything is of
all, especially the uniformity, the lack of ambition and of the controlled
individual development.
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