martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015


They can already give turns to the one he rows to use the distilled formulas that they are even happened using the quantum physics you reaches the same conclusion the stopped ones they are either all those that are without work, figuring officially in the lists of the public services of employment, or unofficially in the fourth dimension that the statistical officials of the government of the PP have created to camouflage more than a million and half of unemployed.  

The total expenses of the public services of employment in unemployment benefits they ascended to 1.638,2 million Eurus last month of September, 14,6% less than in same month of 2014, according to the diffused data this Tuesday for the Ministry of Employment and Social security. They realize they transform a negative figure into a positive one but the reality is that there is stopped the figures in benefits go up negative figure but there is no problem it is 14% smaller that the previous figure positive conclusion the unemployment has ascended puts on like want. 

And these numbers stretch out the government more and more it outlines this way the unemployment in percentages of payment of subsidies it can present this way a positive figure, every time he pays less for the concept unemployment, but the problem is that it is not because it lowers the unemployment but rather they lower the subsidies the thing it is not the same thing but they seek many Spaniards to believe that it is true that the low unemployment. Notice these applied mathematics The half monthly expense for beneficiary, included the rates to the Social security and excluding the agrarian subsidy of Andalusia and Extremadura, it was located in 800,6 Eurus, what supposes a descent of 22,9 Eurus (-2,8%) on the same month of the year 2014. That it has happened they have lowered those helped, or it is the amount of the helps what has lowered with what the equivalence is smaller, because it is the second.  

The gross half quantity of the benefit contributive perceived by beneficiary reached in September the 797,7 Eurus, with a descent of 4 Eurus on the same month of 2014 (-0,5%). That means that if the collectors have not diminished the numbers they say that if because it has been paid less it is an authentic swindle morals to look for combinations and mathematical formulas to be deceived themselves, because the society doesn't deceive us because we give ourselves of downwards with the daily reality and we see the same ones stopped or more and we see that every time they pass it worse.   

And the problem of this mathematical lie is that he leaves the calm government because the only thing that the government looks for is to not fulfill the costs with the society this it is the wrong of our days the politics it is not valued by the economic results by the good to be of his society, the only thing that interests is that the big fortunes laud they support the numbers at state level to square face more or less to present them to the UE but the social reality has already passed to the history in such a way that already gives the same thing that the country fills with poor of unfortunate of having excluded social he gives the same thing the important thing it is that every time they decrease the expenses to get the deficit standards that the European commissaries settle down. 

Spain is making a social setback without precedent today the society it is worse on the whole that in the last decades of the dictatorship it is as well as I tell it to him and I know it because I lived him it is not that they explained to me it, please Spain needs to change politics of political and of state structures and of production or when we realize we will be at the social level of the underdeveloped countries. 

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