lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


The industry of Catalonia has decided to take the reins of the recovery of the economic activity doing without completely of the problems and attacks without the politicians' of the PP considerations and of the Spanish journalists. They prove this way it some of the joint indicators, as the evolution of the industrial GDP that already chains five trimesters followed by growth in the Catalan case while the one referred to the group of the Spanish sector only made it in the fourth trimester of the 2013. As they indicate the last data for available territories.   

In short, the GDP industrial Catalan has grown in five points from October of the 2012, while Spanish has gone back in 4,7 points in the same period. We are speaking anything less than a differential of 10 points in that the Catalan industry already leads to the rest of the Spanish economy and this difference is not because Spain buys us our production it is because thanks to god the Catalan industry has done without of the Spanish market and he has gone to the world.    

The evolution of the index of industrial production (IPI) during the years of the crisis he also attests the small breach that has opened up among the two economies, with some rates that they ran even before begins the great depression and that the years of the crisis they have distanced lightly. While in March of the 2009 the IPI moved between the 100,8 of Catalonia and the 101,4 of Spain, in March of this year the Catalan index has climbed up to the 105,4 while the state one has fallen at the 95,9. Partly it is logical they are the blissful 10 distance points between Catalonia and the rest of Spain.    

The distance is also visible from the point of view of the business volume, because taking as starting point the last trimester of the 2012, the Catalan index is four points above which throws the group of the Spanish industry. It is not strange that in this situation the harmonized index of trust of the Catalan industry for the first two trimesters of this year leads in four points and half to Spanish: 119 in front of 114,6. The same indicator for the group of the economy also offers a favorable balance to the atmosphere managerial face Catalan to the second trimester of the 2014 with 125,5 points for the 118 of Spanish.    

Don't all those data make more than to complicate the one that Madrid consents to give the imperium of making the Catalan consultation and thing of the constitution is not or of the negative of the congress like they will allow it and if it wins the “YES”? That he makes Spain if it loses the evolution of the Catalan cycle and don't sink simply to that of the group of since Spain it would influence him very negatively in their symmetry process with Europe."  

In a titled article the economic cycle of Catalonia. An analysis of the symmetry regarding Spain and to the UE, they are explained in the conclusions that that best behavior in Catalonia, settles on "strengths like the high grade of international opening of its economic activity, a relatively more important weight of the industrial sector, and inside him of sectors with capacity exporter with a considerable increment of intensive activities in technology, bigger synchronic "exists between the cycle economic Catalan and that of the rest of Europe due to the typologies of its industry and to that there is a bigger volume of industrial trade with the countries of the center of the continent."   

In spite of everything that exposed, other indicators suggest the idea that the recovery is still in an initial stadium, because although all the indexes are returning to rates of the beginning of the crisis, the employment in the industrial sector has not stopped to fall. With everything at the beginning of this year, the industries of Catalonia gave work to 525.000 workers, according to the data of the EPA. This figure represents practically that one of each four employee’s industrial Spaniards works in Catalan companies. 

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