lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


The events that are happening in our Spanish nation confuse me, revising the written press and the circulating one for internet, as well as the comments in the social nets, of very diverse people as it is natural, they make me reach the conclusion that we all wanted to become independent of everything, or said otherwise nobody it is satisfied with that he makes or they make the other ones, be already neighboring, managers, bankers, policemen, religious, people of right, of left, and let us don't already say of the official power, the government, the justice, and even of the King.

To refer now all the problems that hound us another time would be a loss of time because each one knows them, we take many months contemplating them, suffering them and seeing how they grow day after day instead of that they decrease, that which leaves well to the white, the uselessness of our rulers and the null influence of our state inside the community of the euro area, and this it is the situation that the dissatisfaction and the disapproval that he reproduces takes place and it increases with the demonstration of situations so incredible as the presumed swindles and many politicians' bribes that are aired in front page in the press and that he comments the society, and that in definitive they confuse and they still discourage more all us.

Nobody can deny it, today dissatisfactions are already and confused many of those that it is their day defended with their vote to the current ruling party, it is noticed a lot, mainly in the social nets, where the fierceness of many participants in the defense of their politicians and the application of their first initiatives, they have disappeared practically.

The government has also undertaken clearly an erroneous defense of the reality and he has taken the drift of the silence and of attributing Spain the problems that they and "his Spain" suffer I am not making an absurdity game of words, it is clear that the problems of Spain are from Spain, but it is that the government's politicians are fomenting the idea that there are several Spain, and I eat consequence it seems that the problems that we support, are not from the political and government Spain, but of the social Spain and it publishes that he doesn't know or he has not known how to live with the necessary balance, and this has taken it to the current situation that undoubtedly doesn't go with them.

First they have made stress in the own organization of the state, giving the blame from everything to a Spain of the autonomies, and acting in form and ways as if exists another Spain without autonomies where the politicians and rulers of the PP have been positioned, its belligerent attitude to the maximum against the autonomous Spain is incredible, it is that he gives the impression that the autonomies are not from Spain, they are not part of the Spanish state, they treat them as true independent Kingdom and they attribute them all the blames of the banking, of the sanitary expenses and of education, of the unemployed, of the sovereign debt and of the deficit that they should support and to pay, the alone government's Spain should demand sacrifices and taxes its responsibility it seems that it finishes here.

Look at it for the side that they want this that I say it is this way, it is incredible to see as the government from Spain there is you invent it like excuse of their actions, to the Spain of the CCAA that as always have said, they were not established alone but rather I believe them the government and the Spanish constitution of 1978, and as always I have also said, it was a gross error, but not of the communities but of Spain and of their governments and political parties that if like leave they are unable to govern a Spain, imagine as what has passed when having to govern 17.

Now the problems accumulate, and Spain has broken down totally and I don't say it alone for the fact that the movements Catalan and Basque independent appear, but because we see as Andalusia it doesn't follow the rhythms that the government marks, as Valencia he crumbles and he has passed of being the beautiful girl of the PP to be the disaster number one for the government from Madrid, as Extremadura he hopes the Spain that is in the government, avoid that Catalonia leaves, The Castile are calm because they are the true Spain, Galicia has the favor of the government's president, Basque and Navarre’s to his neither he goes them neither he comes them, and Catalonia has already undertaken the one on the way to trying to be left this tangle.

It is my vision of the current Spain, he will be able to be all it discussed that my readers want but we don't deceive ourselves the unit that has always sought and that he has made Gallic the government from Spain, it has never existed, sometimes they have been more or less palpable the differences, and these they have been silenced more or less sometimes by the force others for the economic stability that covered them, but at the end now, today, the wrong to make of the current government has uncovered them completely, to such an extent that I believe that not alone he wants to become independent Catalonia, but rather a lot of Spain wanted to become independent of the government that not governs completely from its inappropriate vision of its other Spain.

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