viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014


We are put of full in the Catalan" "question and we begin now today the career for the elections of the UE and reviewing the articles of the press written concretely of "The Vanguard" Ramón Tremosa manifestations appears candidate for CIU to the europa advice that they give me causes to write on the simple thing that it would be to solve the “Catalan question” before continuing and it stops who don't know who Tremosa is,  he is not a person that is presented for the first time to be member of the advice of the UE he is in the advice from the 2009.  

Returning to what is reason of my article is evident that in Catalonia they mix the elections to the UE with an eye toward the position independent of Catalonia this way Tremosa had reiterated that the central Government's "threats" against the process sovereignty can fall as a castle of letters if it conquers the 'yes' in the Scottish referendum, for what has assured that it is a stimulating and conscientiously democratic precedent. Also, he has called to that Catalonia appears after May 25 like one of the territories in the European map that more has participated in the elections. 

For Tremosa the countries that better they work in the UE they are the small, such and like Denmark, Sweden and Holland evidence in different environments, and he has argued that the success of Germany, in spite of being big, is that it works "as 17 small “Denmark’s". This way, he has remembered that their 'lands' they are fiscally independent, they have own tributary agencies and they negotiate airports, ports and trains from the own federal State, among other aspects. Hear it is clear that the "Lands" is not some autonomies and it is clear that Spain is not Germany there are the differences here. 

This takes me to comment them that for this reason the Germans don't understand what passes in Catalonia until you explain to it to the detail because for them an autonomy is an autonomy it doesn't unite half autonomy or a little autonomy or any autonomy according to he gives to the government from Spain, it is but when you explain to it the answer it is but like you accept this and you must explain that there was not another given alternative the circumstances in 1978. 

But said this first you understand because Germany goes like he goes with its economy and later automatically, you think oh because Spain doesn't look at herself in the mirror of Germany and he makes the same thing in Spain with this system there would not be necessity that Catalonia thinks of independence some, but automatically you see Spain and you understand it….. Like Spain goes to be 27 "Denmark’s" it is impossible, if he didn't know how to be a sure Spain of if miasma in 1978 and it is unable to vary its alone constitution to bother one. You have seen or analyzed the 27 autonomies of Spain you know that there are autonomies that they go from the 320.000 inhabitants to others of 7.500.000.  

There is the problem here and there is here also the solution but the sad thing is that alone Spain knows how to create the problem but he escapes from the solution that you already imagine it he goes in the address of changing the structure of the alone autonomous state it would be necessary to balance the "autonomies" making them more uniform in population and in possibilities of resources and followed act to make them "AUTONOMOUS" maybe alone 6 or 8 came out there would not be you to see it, but that if to give them the complete possibility to govern its resources and to carry out all its administration and that yes and here the problem is, to reduce the central government to the minimum expression.  

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