miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014


Who will say yesterday when he wrote my article “RUSSIA FEELS ALONE AND PUTIN AND THE UE DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE IT OUT OF ITS VOLUNTARY ISOLATION " that today's reality will give the reason, and the opportunity of insisting in my geopolitical theory that the one on the way to Russia and of the UE they don't have but I remedy that to converge, and when before we realize, before the economic and social take off will begin of what can be the first world power that now remains divided in two. 

Putin promised them to him very happy thinking of closing an economic treatment of more than 400 thousand millions in sale of the Russian gas to Begin, leaving the UE and occident with a span of noses, before the commercial exits that Russia was thought to have within its reach. Everything was prepared for the signature of the contract during the visit of Putin to China, but the president of Gazprom, Alexéi Miller, was not able to pull up the sale agreement from the Russian gas to the Chinese. The problem seems to reside in that Moscow demands for ten years to Beijing, near prices to the Europeans, when the Chinese have diversified their energy sources considerably from then on. 

But the problem is other and it is much more serious, I have already told it other times Russia he should be careful with China, because when he realizes, China will eat up the Asian Russia of a mouthful, Putin he should understand that there is two big "Rusias" the European that is his, and the Asian that looked always toward Asia, and concretely toward Mongolia and China, it is the history, and this one should always keep in mind. This way when Putin has wanted to sell gas to China, this he teaches him that he already has most of locations in its hands. The Chinese industry already cares for several years’ gas of the republics Centro Asiatic of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazajistan, areas with enormous energy resources, where the Chinese companies have invested enormous quantities of money. 

The Chinese negative to give in the negotiations is a setback for the plans of the Kremlin that he had announced to drummer and plate its intention of forging a strategic alliance and energetic with the Asian giant, to balance its energy exports and to be able to threaten this way better to the UE, Russia had threatened veiled to reorient its energy exports to Asia, if the European Union that attempts for years to reduce its dependence of the Russian hydrocarbons, the path of the sanctions continues against Moscow. 

In spite of the fiasco of the macro contract of gas, China and Russia yes they have represented a reinforcement of their relationships in environments like the increase of the use of their local currencies in the transactions of bilateral trade, the investment and financing of projects in both territories, and the invigoration of the dialogue in the formulation of political macroeconomic. The two countries have committed to increase the bilateral trade until the 100.000 million dollars at the end of 2015 - at the moment it is of about 90.000 millions - and they hope the figure reaches the 200.000 millions in 2020. 

Said more clearly they have not made anything that has not already made, what is to keep in mind ` on the part of Putin, it is that to the Russian the Chinese have taken them the hair and of what way, because the truth is that the use of Rubles and Yuan’s are as if both powers began to play the "Monopoly" with false money, because every time that you want he bought outside of both frontiers, they will change to Eurus or Dollars. That yes they will be able to make that their military ones have a good time playing to the wars of lies, and this way little by little China anger knowing more and better, the enormous difference of forces that it prepares in front of Russia, and a more exact idea will be made of when and like it will be imposed in the Asian Russian republics.   

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