With this fact you finish the European union of the century 19; the end of Napoleon's history already knows it and he doesn't come to story in this analysis. We arrive a century 20 and for much harder circumstances and with very unpleasant reasons of remembering, the second intent of unification of Europe takes place this in charge of Germany by means of its horrible führer Adolf Hitler that ends up dominating Europe for about four years, and that its purpose is finally also defeated also by means of the weapons.
Presently century the third unifier arrives, he is not a leader, it is a currency and also surprisingly has its origins in Germany and France the pretense the same one to dominate and to unite Europe and its reign will last 10 years like Napoleon more or less. It will also be defeated maybe by a battle this very hard bloodless but hard time the worst in two o'clock previous because he doesn't leave dead bleeding but he leaves whole countries without future and with their inhabitants in the misery for next ten years.
Another thing in common of both three events it is that all they have been defeated by the power Anglo-Saxon, curious truth, Napoleon in Waterloo, Hitler for the Raf and the USA, and now the Euro for the American qualification agencies and the international markets with headquarters in London curious since truth thinks it.
The unification of Europe is always a dream, and it is but I say that it is realizable, notice if nr. In the bottom the USA is not another thing that the unification, in the American continent, of emigrated Europeans, after a united modern Europe, likes to stay of stone truth. Because this it is the road it is necessary to make a new and modern Europe and like this is gotten because very simple you must give up the Nations, almost anything is very strong what I say but it is that the history and the facts agree with me.
It is necessary to stop to be: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Holland, Luxemburg, etc. And to become Europe or if one wants for not having continent name, you could rebaptism with the name of EUROPOLIS.
Parodying to, Martin Luther King. "I have had a dream, I have dreamt that an immense and free Nation was born where all their inhabitants were considered same and they called themselves European" this it is the only form of getting it if we are not willing to it better to retire each one to their barracks and we don't harm ourselves more those some to the other ones.
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