They are taken down this way today the descending eminent persons of the purest national “caudillismo”. The autonomous pattern is unviable and he needs, urgently, of consent among the two main political formations. Esperanza Aguirre, with José María Aznar placed. That, they coincide in the appreciation, the current State of the Autonomies is one of the main reasons of the economic crisis, leaving to a side "disastrous administration" of Rodríguez Zapatero. They already almost acquit him if it is good them for their objective". It is urgent", to restore without more delay the agreement among popular and socialists to reconstruct the autonomous mark "that he needs of a deep revision". But, going a step further on, they request a reformation of the Constitution to define the Spanish nation better. The melon can already open up it is already mature according to them.
In full syntony with Aguirre, The barons of the PP request a national" "answer they also call to give "a national" answer to the recession that should begin in Fiscal and Financial Politico’s Council to close with the Conference of Presidents. And I eat there are not two they are three, Luisa Fernanda Rudi - future president from Aragon - it was also added to this thesis". If that consent is not restored, the career will continue more or less wild of transferring state competitions to the communities, we will continue modifying statutes that every time will resemble constitutions of small States and the national politics will become a serves of the communities", Aguirre argued that verified - for if it was some doubt - that "in fact the nation "seems already" that it is the eighteenth autonomous" community.
They don't think about in any moment that the problems of the nation are precisely just the opposite it is the damned coffee for all, it is wanting to even maintain to all coast bending functions and costs, the government centralism of Madrid, because the PP doesn't wonder because Madrid is Capital of Spain, The Biggest city in Spain, the richest city in Spain, the city with but debt of Spain, the city with more highways of Spain, the city with more communications of Spain, the richest autonomy in Spain, in few words why he doesn't wonder because Spain is Madrid.
Because it is this way and it is that lack of equanimity the one that causes the defaces that Mrs. Aguirre that don't have neither idea of economy neither of politics, and that alone it acts as a dog Labrador to you order them of their master, he doesn't want to realize that when creating the autonomies they didn't want to dismount neither a millimeter of centralist power so much so that they didn't want neither so at least that Madrid was not autonomy it would lack more, now that he complains, because it doesn't outline the opposite, to reduce to the maximum the central power because it stops that the autonomies are.
But it is that it is incredible the PP and their Barons are still anchored in the imperial Castile if they don't look at this declaration: A reformation of the Constitution with the purpose of defining the Spanish Nation better, to the way that made it the Great Letter of 1812. "The Spanish Nation is the meeting of all the Spaniards of both hemispheres". Also a change to put more emphasis in the separation of powers, and to avoid this way the judicial political and, of the Constitutional Tribunal.
With this stability the PP reactivates the debate on the autonomous pattern, one of the maximum concerns of Aznar that alerted through a report directed to the current president of the formation that the native regions (it cannot name autonomies) they are becoming true mini-states. Go like in 1800.
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