Let us make some history to introduce the development of my theory: From the siglo16 until the century 19, the activity corsairs was always in charge of matters that armed ships once obtained the patent of Corsican, and they recovered the investment, with the booty obtained in the captured preys and the rescues by passengers of importance. The reason of its existence was the one of to hinder and to dismantle the strength of the economy of other countries as much as possible, mainly you impulse this piracy action in the sea, because it was for this means for where they circulated the most valuable goods of value with which the nations more or less powerful of that time, they became rich and powerful to arm armies and ships of war. The corsair was limited in his action by the patent, only being able to capture ships of certain countries and having to distribute booty and rescue with the protective State, in many occasions. This is the main difference with the pirate that attacked any ship without having to surrender bills to anybody.
Defined that and because the corsairs were created it is clear that the current qualification agencies act with the same functions and objectives that those corsairs, the differences easy to understand, no longer go now the goods of value for sea they go for telefax, internet and for the markets of capitals. And there in this scenario it is where they make their attacks and boarding with the patent of Corsican more absolute and white facilitated by the stock market of the USA. It is so curious the similarity with the old corsairs that both continue speaking for the most part in English curious truth.
Their mission is not another that to get booty for its protectors the Anglo-Saxon markets and at the same time to hinder the development of its enemies as much as it is possible, how they make it they already come it they attack to a country and practically they capture him in its nets they lower him its ratio they elevate him the interests to pay for its "rescue" and the same protectors of the modern corsairs go subsequently, and they receive with happiness these interests while the country also falls an or two steps and their rescuers.
This is as clear as opaque the viability of the agencies the first question off what they live that or with which they are sustained. It is evident that nobody would mount a structure or I eat simile a ship without having the patent of Corsican first, so this is clear they are mounted to make money and as the corsairs they are particular that is to say unofficial and however the most serious entities in the world, as banks and governments also owe them submission they fear them and they pay them attention, they are their corsairs' hostages, they suffer one of the most terrible crimes that can be supported The Extortion.
It is that it is truly incredible, they lie, they falsify, the numbers to their whim and they make it in two slopes one for themselves, for example when it didn't interest them the crash of Leman Brooders, they even betrayed everybody to their protectors so that because to be taken out of above themselves all the dirt that they had in their power of that company, when they need to make money they don't have more than to make a slight blackmail goes to an entity or company and they lose him: Truth is worried by your solvency, maybe have to be lowered the rating for that we have heard… That can make it the kills of the boarding, because nothing else that to hire them so that they make some numbers and leave that not that he doesn't have problems.
The other performance slope is in the one that are buried now the one of two collapse and to be covered at the same time with the Euro, and the approached hostage is Europe the strategy it is clear they go attacking to small schooners, they rob them and they follow ahead this it produces weakness to the biggest but it doesn't kill them so that they continue paying rescues, it is that clearer I don't know how to explain to it how it can put an end to this buried war, because very simple it is necessary to send to the ocean to the big Galleons. And destroy them to gunshots.
Don't worry this he won't give place to you reply on the part of the current protectors of the corsairs, because that is the problem of the system they don't exist officially nobody it can recognize openly that he has given patent of Corsican to anybody, clear truth is, so Europe the BCE or who is he has to arm a couple of galleons of five sticks at least and a hundred canyons for band and to destroy to the ships pirates, this metaphor means that Europe should create the service of qualification of solvency like public and official service, never Private because that that aria then is to create other corsairs. An official entity that he doesn't mean gratuitous he would give to the fret with the pirates because their ratios would be without any coercion made in real base, with real access to the bills but you intern of the states and clients that requested it.
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