martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


Today they return the controversies and the veiled ones or don't attack against the Catalan independence they will see you what is passing in the Spanish economic press everything her of Madrid and of the right ones of course that that more I am surprised it is the coordination of the news and articles so that one counteracts to the other one. In the daily Expansion a curious holder is printed "Catalonia it loses Madrid it wins" and it is not soccer or some sport but rather being titled refers to fiscal domiciliation of companies. The article adds that the main destination of the change of fiscal homes is Madrid that welcomed the last year to 556 new companies of other communities.  

The feared managerial delocalization is not a phenomenon that affects only to the countries, it is also observed with certain intensity among the Spanish autonomous communities. Thousands of companies changed their corporate home in 2014 toward another region, and the most affected one was Catalonia, of where they left 987 companies toward other regions, in accordance with the database of “Axesor”, an agency that analyzes the private credit risk. Of these, also, almost the half (446) they escaped toward their traditional rival, Madrid, but there has also been a great quantity of exits toward the Valencian Community (111), Andalusia (97) and Aragon (69). 

But the causes are entirely political that which I find correct while they can make it advances the problem it is in that if what is wanted is to stop the process independent I don't believe that they get it because what is happening is that alone they leave according to what type of companies, that is to say those that it compensates them to be domiciled fiscally in the capital for the laws and fiscal norms of the Spanish state. 

Madrid has been the main receptor thanks to its central position, to have an economy very focused to the services, to have simplified the bureaucratic obstacles and to be the administrative capital, but also because its politics of taxes first floor is an incentive for the investment. It is The community it is the one that has the lowest taxes in Spain, according to the General Council of Economists, it is also one of those that less specific tributes for certain companies have created in these last years: hardly one, between 2012 and 2014, in front of the seven of Catalonia. 

Also, in the last years Catalonia has been forced to maintain the social stability of its inhabitants to be the community with the biggest obligation in the IRPF with a maximum of 56%, something that caused that many directive had already transferred its residence to Madrid to avoid this tribute so high. But this is a situation that didn't consolidate, it is more if the independence is gotten in Catalonia many they will have to open another fiscal address in Catalonia to assist its business in the new country. 

The most curious in this informative treatment is that today's important news is the fall of the unemployment in Spain and surprisingly we can read in the newspaper "The Economist" that where more employment you grew and for the slope of the unemployment and the affiliation to the Social Security has been in Catalonia but notice the magnitudes Catalonia he descended the unemployment in 18,681 people and in Madrid in 12,160 that is to say Catalonia believes 53% more than employments that Madrid. However if we read more behind where the figures of displaced companies are mentioned from Catalonia to Madrid this proportion it doesn't arrive to 50% by no means. 

This that means that to Madrid the facade leaves because there this first one the forced centrality’s of banks credits and influences, second because its directive proprietors of high range charge them less taxes but until here they arrive the company the production the workers what generates the money he stays in Catalonia this is that clear I don't tell it their experts they say it in playing the eggs to the Catalan it is like be the bad thing it is that they don't leave them the bills. 

And as last example wonders it to COCA- COLA if it is that they know somebody of trust and of certain level him well that it has left them to want to centralize the fiscal offices in Madrid instead of Catalonia. The bottling companies among other the biggest, continues here in Catalonia and luck of they have it because the bottling of Madrid closed it and he goes this way them with a total war among Iberia Partners (coca-cola) and the unions and tribunals of the capital, while in Catalonia, another that I attempt it "Panrrico" (DONUTS) it already continues months ago working, billing, and making money, in spite of the labor fight that was mounted also, but it is not the same thing the Catalan Generalitat that the Superior Tribunal of Justice the Madrid, I refer when to negotiate and to mediate in labor conflicts (they know it is question of experience). 

So you don't worry they don't go winning alone they leave the facades that certainly they are very beautiful and they make more capital, but the society of that doesn't eat, of what eats it is of what the work gives them, that is to say the salary or wage and in this gentlemen from Madrid, Catalonia continues them winning for a loot. And this it is the problem for us the Catalan that in a way or other you take it to him in alone taxes to be made their facades. 

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