lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015


Neither with the traps that are included in the numbers of the national economy in this 2015, it can hide that Spain has "stopped" the country unemployed is in more than 5,5 million (4.2 officials and the rest already forgotten) this locates us hopelessly in a social and economic level that is very unstable and that he/she has 75% of possibilities of falling another time in deep and alone crisis 25% of staying again stable in this chaos at least for 10 years more. The society has to take conscience of it, because he will have to vote in few weeks another government from Spain. 

The figures look at herself what looks at you, they are horrible, and I already tell them me that unrecoverable for the level of our economic structure, this situation is it that together to other more sociological and more human circumstances, they have made that in Catalonia the social clamor jumps of wanting to be segregated of a national context that apart from that has never loved us, now also neither we can, neither it cannot sustain us, inside some parameters that for separate Catalonia if it can achieve no matter how much the Spanish politicians tell us that not, it is more as he/she has said today Margallo if we segregate ourselves we won't be in the "world", I have asked where they took us but nobody has answered me. 

The analysis of the situation is absolutely negative for Spain that for many turns that he gives him together from the government from Madrid, the FAES, and the PP, the numbers are the numbers and these they don't deceive, Spain won't be able to pay the sovereign debt that he goes accumulating for several basic reasons. One because every time it produces more debt (this 2015, it arrived to 100% of the GDP). Two because the economy the GDP what would should doesn't grow. Three because every time he has to pay more subsidies (you pension and 22% unemployment and several helps to cover the social reality). Four because their big companies can no longer depend on the Spanish market, and they have you are located almost all, for what they don't enter in country property all that they would should. Fifth because Europe won't help her more, until Spain changes completely, not alone its economy but its own state structure. 

And this last it is what already tries to avoid the PP and their government for two year, because the change that Spain needs is another way to govern, of making political and of making economy and of being structured physically, but the government from Spain, I have told it many times, it is special, so much gives that it is of right as of left, you give them the votes they are in peak in the imperial court, and they are believed that they really have at your disposal an inexhaustible empire, and a society that also owes them blind obedience and gratefulness to have the luck to be Spanish, and of having been wasted the treasures of half world without taking out any profit of it. 

It is so special the form of making political in Spain on the part of the national politicians that now they are remaining silent the whole economic disaster and they are centered in getting worked up to the whole society with laws of education that everybody rejects, with tribunals that play to hinder the justice, but that they fill opinion articles that distract to the masses, and the most amusing of all, to combat the Catalan secessionist idea, there are moments that I sit down that he has gone them of pearls this collision, because it is no longer spoken of the unemployment, of the banking, that next year will be in fact worse of supporting for the society that this. Now the government and the spheres influential Spaniards are day after day combatting the idea of segregation of Catalonia, not of how to stop it neither of how to take out Spain of the well in that he is. 

The most curious thing is that to impact in they don't make it more than to want to demonstrate that the one that makes a mistake is Catalonia that is taking some unjustified courses, but this it is not the reality the reality it is totally it opposed, it is Spain the one that cannot do without of Catalonia. If this reality doesn't give him shame to admit it we could speak but certainly Catalonia cannot make anything if Spain doesn't interest him and he opens up to dialogue. But Spain won't never give its arm to twist this way instead of trying to appease the tension, and to look for an exit or an advantageous encounter for both the road opted by the Spanish politics is the attack, the accusation and impelling the fear. 

 And the most curious thing is that it is so much the interest that in they put it that such it seems that more than to get scared, try to go preparing as being justified that they don't have the blame that Catalonia is segregated, it is tried to deny facts, figures, opinions, with interpretations go on pilgrimage, like to want to make see to the public opinion and national and international politics that the Catalan are mistaken that Spain doesn't toss us that we are us those that want to leave, undoubtedly in this if they are right because before the real perspective of what waits for us if we stay it doesn't like at all 

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