Spain is immerse in the mission of reducing its deficit, that means to brake the public expense and I eat consequence, the activity and the consumption, this has disastrous consequences for the employment creation, so much so that even improving the economic ratios, this alone it cannot create work positions, and maxi me when what is needed in Spain, is work to use simple manpower, work positions that they don't specify a lot of investment and that they don't generate cost, because although this employment type doesn't produce a lot of added value this would be useful to fix the deficit of the state reducing costs of subsidies.
But that another form is of creating work positions that don't cost money to the state and produce wealth to the country, very simple the private company that one needs so that this happens. Investments, credits and a regulation labor chord with the current circumstances, this has not been gotten and it seems to be that won't be gotten until the government changes in his color, this is at the moment the pressing problem that should take to the politicians to already make decisions, we won't be able to tolerate ten months without putting an alone one it solves this problem. In Spain there is not growth, and then there are not new work positions.
The exasperating thing is that some specialists speak in the topic that it would be necessary to grow to minimum rhythms 2,5% to create work positions, this says I should be a joke, because Spain of continuing this way, it won't get these bench marks neither in 10años. They also forget to say that a thing in the growth of the GDP, and another thing is the manpower necessity that is needed to get it, I would like to know if those that have calculated the quantity of manpower that uses a point of the GDP, are being based on the current works, or in those of the XX century, this has a lot of importance it is not the same thing the proportion of necessary employees so that a pharmaceutical company bills 500 millions that those that needed a company of making, for example shoes.

I don't know as they come it the specialists, they don't possibly mean it, but it is necessary to say it, because this country cannot support for a lot of time subsidies although they are of 600 Eurus, it is necessary to promote the emigration, it is necessary to work in the study of the demography of the country, Spain doesn't give for 47.000,000 of inhabitants, it is necessary to lower the costs and the weekly working hours, to use more people, it is necessary work in "pick employments and shovel" again, and this way to go using people, don't be deceived we cannot form 2.500,000 technicians in computer science, biologists, physical, doctors, etc. absurdity, where we will place them and the worst thing when.
Now all the concern of the politicians is in the restructuring: of the debt of the deficit, of the boxes of savings, of the banks, it seems already that the unemployment has passed to second plane, and it should not be this way the chapter of the employment, it should figure as high-priority the restructuring of the capacity of generating work positions, according to the new ideas of economic development of Spain, and to act without delay in consequence, they realize that with this unemployment on the back, he won't be possible to restructure anything, because like we will maintain the cost of financing to so many families without own way of life, generating irretrievable debts in turn to the banks and for consequence to the whole country.
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