Because it has been very strong it has been a total boarding and directed clearly to the western economy, today they have destroyed the BCE and all the European banks and for if he not very also went to those of USA. But don't trust, if of somebody I suspect it is of themselves that it is clear, such and I eat he already comments also days ago, the American masters have already gotten tired of having the rarity of a color president, of black color, I mean.
Convict to the failure? The administration Obama is left without bullets in it embroidered it The x-ray of the labor market it is terrible: the average of the labor week has been narrowed, the half wage per hour has decreased and the percentage of adults that they worked fell until 58,2%, the lowest figure from 1983. The labor market of the first world power has disappointed. Only 18.000 employments in June when they were expected more than 100.000. Also, the unemployment rate rose in a tenth with regard to the previous month again and it was located in 9,2%. and for if it was little USA this in default, although I believe that this the same ones that have ruined to the world and themselves today in the last moment got ready it to it alone for them that it consists.
That of Europe already almost better not to say anything it is necessary to see the lucidity of the Trichet the one that this gentleman has tied it is silly or we are another time in that "that for the time that I have left of being in the convent I make myself excrement inside of" because I don't see him another explanation to the ascent of the price of yesterday's money it is so absurd that makes that he leaves well to the white that the BCE is in fact the Douche Bundes Bank and like I said yesterday they are throwing to all outside of its particular European. Hear me well I don't exaggerate at all.
That today has passed after leaving clear the BCE that alone Germany interests him, the doubts on the periphery have extended today in Italy. Their banks have collapsed in the market of Milan (that is the one that more falls of Europe), while the cousin of risk of the country transalpine marks new maximum from her entrance in the area euro. We are already "PIGSI."
But they don't still have enough, The European Union that is to say Germany, will give a term of six months to obtain new capital to the banks that suspend the stress test, (that will be most) and that they will be published the next one July 15 to the closing of the market. In case they don't get it, they will have to receive help of the respective states that all ruined are that good measure, that is to say still we will be stung by today's violation, when they cleaned us the ass with abrasive paper. The draft of an internal document of the European Union to which has had access Reuters details how the countries should respond to the results of the tests. It also describes how the UE will place to the entities that suspend the tests in a black list of observation in case they deteriorate more.
Already to conclude we speak of good Spain of what was Spain because today he no longer knows neither what to make neither for where to go the evidence of the Spain has already come out neither outside of our frontier that they believed it to him when I have published it that Spain is not natural that make of Spain a federal country that if the Spanish centralism kills us, Clear etc. as I am of Catalonia that I will say then that here they have it.
The Economist warns of the two Spain: the "brilliant" one should triumph Coarse with entering to ask in an office to request more information on the letter than the entity (he/she refers to Bankia) it has remitted their clients to communicate them the new commissions that they will be applied, but it is in fact an excuse it is so that the agent of personal attention explains to him that the box of savings now is a bank, and that it will leave to bag. Has he thought of participating? He asks him, he Gives same if you have never invested in actions because the explanation that they offer him is very simple: It is "as buying a BMW that is worth 30.000 Eurus for only 20.000 Eurus". An agent summarizes this way the purchase proposal of holding. That is to say they have given him from above the order of cheating the poor client so that it is played their savings and with them their future. This is a Spain my friends.
But this is not exclusive of the bankers semiofficial like those of Bankia The Council of Secretaries has authorized to the General Treasury of the Social security (TGSS) to invest in public financial assets, the funds deposited in the Bank of Spain that, at June 15, they presented a balance of 6.322,4 million Eurus. The Council of Secretaries has agreed to authorize to the General Treasury of the Social security so that it invests in public debt the funds deposited in the Bank of Spain. Said another form. GOOD-BYE PENSIONS, AND SOCIAL SECURITY, GOOD-BYE.
Selective Spanish closed the session with a descent of 2, 53%, up to 9.938,2 points, after oscillating between 10.261,2 points and 9.920,4 points. With today's descent, the Ibex 35 have accumulated a weekly loss of 5, 06%. “AND ADDS AND CONTINUES”.
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