jueves, 5 de enero de 2012


You finish the time of making rotate the roulette of the fortune for the whole European Union and in short for Spain, the markets collapse boisterously so much in Italy as in Spain. The banks of all Europa are technically broken, in view of the escaped of capitals of their actions and reservations; the whole capital that they have been able to rescue thanks to the credit of the BCE is deposited to good I collect in the lender's same arks.  

The euro being depreciated foolishly, without this action that well planned, has been good to make more competitive the industry and the European economy, serve more than to give loudly the prospective news that the adventure finishes, there are no longer forces, neither you devise, neither value on the part of Europe, its failure is of such a magnitude that should cause the biggest from the shames to all the ruling politicians or not, of the involved nations. 

The paper of Spain seems that it has become fundamental in the outcome of the whole process that great service the new government has lent us throwing some you proclaim that but that solve they have been called of attention and of aid, when not of survives who can! What he has lacked atrocity that you win of making firewood of the fallen tree that had the first minister from Spain Mr. Rajoy, time to dynamite the Spanish economy, and indirectly the European, showing without necessity some, the tremendous reality of the unfortunate situation of the Spanish finances, and it was not necessary to make it so quickly, I told it twice "please government for and he thinks" but not, the important thing was to destroy the only thing that was in foot in Spain, the hope, the idea, that the new government comes with solutions under the arm like a newly born one with his bread. 

But not the new government has come with more problems, and the worst thing with any solution, he has carried out two councils of Ministers in which any positive decision, its minister of economy has not been presented he will have spoken with the representatives of the Anglo-Saxon corsairs, to surrender them homage and to greet them again, since he in its more victorious moment of its career, belonged to the gang, and there with them it has counted them that he wants little less than to disassemble Spain, because there is not possible salvation. 

It has counted this way them the impossibility of lifting the banking and this way in three days the Spanish banks have lost 15% almost, I already almost can, I eat up he plays the euro million, to buy me one or both, nobody says anything of reactivation, of recovery measures, of the labor regulation, undoubtedly so that you will regulate something that is no longer in Spain, work and industry, to and to all that the president locked in his office awaiting that they give him permission from Germany, to give the face supposes that to announce the end of the story. 

This situation cannot take a long time more, I don't know if it should be the Merkel or Sarkozy or Barroso (also missing in combat) or the BCE, but somebody has the obligation of giving for finish the sultry show to which we are attending all without knowing what to make neither that to think. But the stories of fairies of cuttings of austerity and of patience, they are already of more Europe, Spain, Italy, France, Greece, and even Germany, they need decisions and not but recommendations, and these decisions are clear and you sum up: The sovereign debt is institutionalized or not, the European funds are believed or not, he survives the euro or not. That easy, it is not necessary to think a lot, alone it is necessary to decide what and how they should make it the governments and political those are there for something more than to count stories “of thousand  and one nights”, to see if the things are recomposed for if alone. 

It is necessary to speak clear and without delays: Greece is broken, Italy is broken in two halves one works but the other one not, and he cannot make this way in front of its enormous debt, Spain this carved, two parts would work, the fifteen remaining not, with that which is in viable to continue, unless that the miracle of the integration of the European debt that is worked which would allow to reorder the situation, France is without an euro their ruined banks and its industry tolerates for few months while the credit, and Germany lasts him or it is locked in itself as so many times he has made, or it will be dragged by the current with the other nations in risk. 

They cannot leave postponing the decisions of months in months, it is not governed this way a situation like the current one, it is that it is of shame, they will see you today in "The Vanguard" of Barcelona, a curious chart is published in the one that the debts are mentioned to return they are 2012 for different countries, the list is very significant and it demonstrates many things we see it: 

Japan…. 2,32 trillion € 

USA…. 2,15 trillion €  

Italy…… 331.115 millions of € 

France.. 283.924 millions of € 

Germany ..220.480 millions of € 

Canada… 170.970 millions of € 

Brazil…… 130.740 millions of € 

England. 127.649 millions of € 

China….. 93.609 millions of € 

India……. 44.097 millions of € 

Russia…… 10.057 millions of € 

Curious truth, a good x-ray of the reality of the world economy and in the way of life of the societies that we inhabit them, it is clear against but it produces per capita, bigger sovereign debt, the thing doesn't go to maintain active the industry goes to maintain the level of life of the society, curious not, one would think that the second economic power of the world should have a debt almost as the first power but it is not this way, they already come it the emergent powers, two of them already qualified in the second position and the other one in the recruit, don't have debt and that that they consume  row materials to heaps, then that it happens, because simply that they sell products and they get paid for them, with what they get paid, because with the debts of the Westerners that they no longer work and above they eat and they live better than them. 

This reality doesn't believe me that is so difficult of understanding, he tells everything, it is necessary to work more, it is necessary to stop to buy cheap outside and to sell expensive inside of, it is necessary to manufacture expensive inside of and to sell in consonance inside of and it was, with regulated margins and without speculation, you cannot continue living with alone to buy and not to manufacture, this is untenable of pure logic. It is also very undoubtedly the European debt it is even half of the American and the Japanese adding the Spaniard the Greek and all the other ones so Mrs. Merkel is seen the feather duster, its rigidity is not to save Europe it is to survive you and its country, very praiseworthy thing but not solidary and traitor clearly. 

They very already have the decisions to take, there is that you give globalized the international trade, what you can manufacture at home is manufactured at home, and alone that that is indispensable to be cared cares, and on the contrary all that we are able to make more modern, more technical, more beautiful, more effective, than it serves to the emergent ones and they are not able to manufacture, they are sold, maybe this way we end up some day to balance our commercial scales and let us end up or let us equal our sovereign debts. But certainly clipping and reducing national budgets neither we will reduce debt; neither will we get up to our society so that he attempts it.  

Already you that some gave that it is already made, because it is not enough it is necessary to make but or we find petroleum in our fields and seas or we learn how to do without of him and of other many things or we leave to the total ruin. So yourselves. 

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