miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012


Because not, the exit of the western economy is maybe in liberating a war against the other believing economies or not but if united tacitly to finish with the world supremacy of occident. It is a rough topic of which one escapes to comment, it is logical he scares us it can be of a devastating effect, to cause a confrontation among civilizations. That is to say just the opposite of the streetlight that I throw the former Spanish president Rodriguez Zapatero with their "alliance of civilizations." 

Nevertheless there is not more remedy than to contemplate all the possibilities has already mentioned several times that it should be disassembled the globalization of the economy and the trade to already return to the state of natural competitiveness that that puts to each one in their place for their own forces and general conditions of life of their society and their common chore as individual nation in my opinion or I eat union of nations you tune and complementary. 

The globalization has brought the worst wrongs possible to the modern humanity he has wakened up the speculation mainly the essential and necessary for the human being's development. Today you speculates with the hunger, with the life of people although they are in service of help to extreme needful, the terror is used like it had never happened, the threat without consequence some, is attacked children women and unarmed civilians, and finally the sensation has been created that each man or woman is right, her reason, and he can carry out it against of all the other ones that they don't think as him in definitive they have broken the freedoms for the sake of the despotism and the lechery. 

We are really before the but certain possibility to untie one authenticates world hecatomb because there is not another given possibility the high grade of power that all the actors that we are part of the theater of the world have distributed ourselves each other now each one he wants the paper of main character of the work and this is not possible to maintain it, I don't want to judge bad and good actors each one he interprets its paper as him he understands it and I don't eat the author maybe he wrote it excessively thing that neither I nor even know if there are an author and a written script. 

That that if it is been that he cannot continue the to go and to come from main characters raising their voice clamoring their version demanding their protagonist enslaving to other figurants that in turn also want to interpret their alone one before the scenario of the world in that we unwrap ourselves. It has been this way time to begin to put the final point to the work of which we all are main characters but that we don't know how to find our place and our paper in the wide scenario of the theater of the world. 

Maybe the end is the end of western society as I come warning for some time and the weapon to finish with her is the emergent economy that squashes us for a simple question of I number as well as I have exposed more than once it is like be one of the most effective weapons that is used against our economy it is the petroleum the black and vital energy for all and maybe to be black and sticky it darkens the so much reason of a side like of other I insist that I don't want here to judge the well or the not well as always everything has two sides and it stops each one it is to be located in the side in that it is more grateful and more comfortable. 

Be like be year new battle the 2011 he brought us the sovereign debt and this everything it aims that it will be the petroleum another time and they will already be so three like he says the proverb “at third the conquered one he goes”, and because it cannot be perfectly this way and this time if it is the one that forces us to make the decisions that nobody wants to take. This time nevertheless all the appropriate circumstances are given to have to take them the western economy it cannot support more attacks against their stability in the recession situation and financial imbalances in that we are in no way we won't be able to make in front of the speculative attack that represents for our economic stability the wild and provoked increase of an untied energy and outside of our regulatory domain, so what is moving in these days on the part of those that want to have the alone reason to have the petroleum also has an exit that is not in fact the negotiation if not the counteroffensive once and for all for all, among other reasons because behind the petroleum the atomic threat begins that is to say if really some civilization or power dominates the two more powerful forces of the current world… we already know how it finishes the history. 

The price of the raw one has climbed positions like consequence, mainly, of the initiate tensions ten days ago between United States and Iran for the military maneuvers that the army of the Islamic country has been carrying out in the Gulf Peach. The price of the barrel of Brent ended up yesterday to overcome the 111 dollars for barrel, while the West Texas you ended up paying to 102 dollars. Although the military demonstration Iranian finished yesterday, the authorities of the country didn't reduce the tone of their threats and that is also noticing in the markets today: the Brent has climbed above the 112 dollars and the Texas is placed in the 102,50 dollars. 

The Government of Mahmud Ahmadineyad already warned days ago any attack to Iran it would be responded in a "crushing" way. That answer would bear the closing of the Strait of Ormuz, place in passing of 40% of the petroleum that wastes away in the world: for that strait neck of bottle 55 kilometers wide that communicates the Gulf Peach with the Indian Ocean 15 million barrels of petroleum they are transported every day, according to the data that it manages the Administration for the Energy Information of United States. 

The impact that would have the closing of the Strait in the price of the petroleum would be dramatic and incalculable; it could end up duplicating or even to triplicate their value, because it is necessary to keep in mind that the petroleum is still indispensable today, other gross error of the society that has not worried about substituting it for blame of the speculative interests that the black gold takes place,  

The tensions originated soon after the call Arab Spring and the supply problems that originated because of the war in Libya pressed to the rise the price of the petroleum in 2011. The Brent went up 13,3% in relation to the closing of the previous year and it was paid to an average of 111 dollars by barrel, according to Reuters, eclipsing its annual record of almost 100 dollars that it reached in 2008. The highest pick registered it the past April 28, when it touched the 130 dollars, coinciding with the moments more convulses of the rebellion in Libya. 

This year that has just begun will see be born in Iraq a new terminal exporter of which the country waits to take out, every day, and 900.000 daily barrels. This platform that will begin to work the February is part of the Iraqi program to reactivate its oil industry. But in my opinion this is not guarantee of anything because if it is necessary to make the war of the expensive petroleum I have very clear of what side Iraq was positioned. With this panorama and these threats, the European Union has reached a preliminary agreement to prohibit the imports of Iranian petroleum, although they should still decide when the oil seizure will enter in validity, as they have pointed out this Wednesday, diplomats of the group. 

So with this panorama I have ended up thinking that I eat there is not bad that for well he doesn't come this high tension maybe it is good for something more than to bother and in the face of the possibility of a not well bigger one runs to solve some smaller wrongs to be to point for if one needs to be truly united in front of a common enemy that said it is in passing it is it that more it unites in the world. 

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