"Spain will
compensate what the was not made last year in terms of structural adjustment
and what had committed for this year", the minister pointed out De Guindos
to his arrival to the Euro group, and he added that it is "an effort in
structural terms of more than three points that it is very valued by all our
partners and for the Commission". There is not the most minimum doubt in
the commitment of Spain with what is the budgetary adjustment in a complex
environment of recession and that the basic thing is to return to the growth
and the employment" generation,
The minister of
Economy, Luis De Guindos, it has advanced today these words in the meeting of
minister of economy of the euro group the objective of deficit of 5,8%
announced by Mariano Rajoy with the economy in recession, it will suppose an
extra adjustment of 8.400 million Eurus. Last week, the minister already
noticed that the circumstances have changed for the relapse in the recession of
the Spanish economy that 0,3% contracted in the last trimester of 2011 and he
will also make it in the first three months of the present exercise. The holder
of Economy regretted the inherited" "inertia of Government of Luis
Rodríguez Zapatero and he underlined the contraction of the credit in Spain
above the UE again. You say that
"The new Government met with a deviation of the deficit in 2011 of 2,5
points of the GDP, what locates the deficit in 8% ", he remembered. For
it, he/she has insisted that a fiscal adjustment of 1,5 points of GDP has been
made to correct it by means of the decrease of the expense, and a temporary
increment of some taxes. If there had not been a deviation of the deficit,
everything had been easier and the fiscal consolidation had been smaller, well
it is certain but now you listen because maybe they have not counted it to him
that toward the PP from the opposition when he saw or he should see, in its
control sessions to the government that this went for these courses comments it
recently in another blog, since the PP defeats from a conclusive way to the
PSOE in the autonomous of 2011, he could if has had the political integrity of
safeguarding Spain, instead of assuring its electoral victory, to have caused
government's change and however he didn't make it.
Now the things are
like they are and allow me that I doubt, that the government of the PP can
solve absolutely anything, Spain it will finish intervened totally as it has
been it Greece, and it was it Italy. Or you fix something the things and soon
or the negative results of the deficit, of the debt, and of the Spanish
unemployment, they forced to the euro area to put them or agents that govern
you. Or they even put us another government that pays them attention and
recover the community trust, the blames are not taken out of above, Spain is as
this for all their politicians' blame, I recognize that some have more blame
than other this doesn't question it, but I don't admit that you are limited now
to be surprised of the situation.
And please minister,
instead of describing roads to traffic for the recession, and performances
ghosts to leave the step in its appearances in the European meetings, become
trained like the steps will be developed for the exit of the tunnel in that we
are. But please he doesn't make us the same game of the green buds that they
saw their predecessors, neither the sale of toxic smoke that made in one of
their previous works in the reliable society Lehman Brothers.
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