domingo, 1 de julio de 2012


Being on the edge of the cliff, he should make realize us that Europe is not what we thought that we were building under the umbrella of a commercial and economic union, and that neither it is so strong neither sure, as they want to make us see our politicians, for basically economic interests characteristic of them. For this reason I have gleaned among the history and I allow myself the freedom of reinterpreting the treaties signed in Osnabrück and Münster, in May 15 and October of 1648 treaties 24 that began the Europa of the nations forgetting the medieval configuration of the territorial domain to pass to the national sovereignties. 

Maybe that seed has already fructified enough and for its fruits so abundant we should already give him a rest and leaving of its origin to change its fruits to agglutinate them in a new political and social order, before the new perspectives that it is showing us the new international order, the Europeans cannot continue with the slow and indefinite rhythm in that we have installed our European Union, or the rest of the world will eat.  

The problems that harass us need a quicker and more direct resolution, what continues happening to the debt, the banks, and the economy, should serve us as example and revulsion to see our intolerance and to rectify once and for all. I already write this before knowing the result of the constitutional tribunal German on the demands presented about legality or not of the helps to the banks and the approved countries this Friday. It is necessary to take conscience of what we want to be and to mean before the rest of the world and enter ourselves, this is very difficult of carrying out, I know it, but nevertheless I will try to make an exhibition of what I mean. 

Economy: It is evident that the imbalances in the UE are enormous, for that reason, for their depth, they cannot be let them to leave solving for if alone among other things because they cannot make it, it is necessary to assume the "blames" of other as if was down, and to fix the things without considerations and at any cost. It is necessary to accept that although they have been the countries denominated PIGS pejoratively the explosive that have made jump the Banking, it is not less certain that the big and solid Central European countries, closed the eyes and their banks also took advantage of it while I last. 

And while the true culprit of everything, the economy and the markets globalizations, with USA to the front, they have already left roses, their values are practically at the same levels that before the offense, their qualification companies make and they undo to their whim, and they make go the things for where they want, themselves denounces them and they twist them for gibe of more than one and Europe remains silent and he collapses for the simple reason that it doesn't exist as such. Already in this Chinese case he has been ahead creating their own qualification agency, they have it clear, to them they didn't deceive them as Chinese, to us yes. 

European politics: Another disaster, or rather it doesn't exist, Europe should have a single politics and the first thing that he has to make, it is to define that it is the political Europe, and which the Containing Europe, because it is not the same thing believes me, I have traveled a lot for everything her and I assure them that he doesn't have anything to see, the form of thinking and of behaving of a Frances or a German, with a Balkan one, to give an example, and let us no longer say with a Turk, and please I am not understood bad, I don't want to enter in trials neither racist prejudices, each one is each one, and its true for him it is unquestionable. The problem comes when he wants to put on everything in the same sack but without mixing, there it breaks all understanding possibility and unit.  

I diagnose in this respect of how to solve this would be the following one: It is necessary to configure the Containing Europe as minimum in two confederations, for example: Confederation East (Baltic, Slavs, Balkans, Greece). Confederation West (Germanic, Nordic, Francophone, Italian and Iberian), this partition should be developed inside two premises: A. - which each federation accepts it and B. - which its development is in agreement with its philosophies and possibilities. It is not necessary to force to be what one is not able to or it is not wanted to be, alone it is necessary to prepare an European constitution that contemplates the differences of general character, so that all Europe (the two Federations) they observe some general common bases but their development in each federation he molds to their particular features the most possible thing. 

Constitution: In the Constitution they should figure developed and unified the most possible thing, for example: the defense, the foreign policy, the budgetary laws, the trade, the foreign currency (EURO), the right to the sanity, the penal laws, government's system, (based on the Democracy) and the operation and financial economic regulation. The development of the resulting laws, each federation accommodated them to its necessities and its social and religious beliefs that this it is other, except the defense that will be of superior and only range, and an European superior tribunal will also be created the one who to be able to appeal ultimately, and the foreign policy that will be only and subjected to the central authority. 

It is not necessary more that it is not little, but what cannot continue making the sad current show, Germany is been on one hand, France to three bands (her, Spain and Italy) and changing when it interests the one that governs. Spain and Italy, as dance couple with the ass to the air, condemned Greece, ignored Portugal, Belgium, Holland Denmark and rest to their air without entering, but that they don't enter with them and in the horizon the invited futures that nobody wants them.  

This way with this politics, are we eaten the world that we make or can we make in front of USA, China, Russia, Brazil, India, Arab Countries, the truth sincerely the ridicule, and do I wonder alone I continue seeing it me? 

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