jueves, 19 de julio de 2012


I want insist today on the geopolitical situation of the Europe of the Euro again and of the economy and western culture, because I continue seeing to our very pending world and confused by the imbalances economic financiers of inside the UE and we continue forgetting that we are amid a changing world and convulse that I don't know very well because it seems that he has taken it with us and vice versa. 

The whole blame of the bad situation of the economy of the euro is guiding to the excessive expense on the part of the states and besides to the society, that is to say to all us my dear readers, but I think that this interpretation is very comfortable and simple, the fall of the economy is not exclusive to attribute it to the waste to make it is this way an incongruity, because we think, in the partner's economy classic norms if the consumption is exaggerated what is increased it is the inflation, because a bolted consumption has for general rule the excess of liquidity in hands of the society, but what is not logical is that he/she stops the economy that the companies are left without work and that the demand falls brutally in all the environments.  

Flatly I don't accept like main cause of the economic imbalance of Europe that is alone the expense the causing one. The reality that they don't want to see, or rather to believe the politicians and European governments, it is that the crisis is due to the geopolitical circumstances that are convulsing the world, these they are the true causes of the imbalance in the bills of the European countries, and I eat consequence of the euro area, and not alone it affects to the continental europa, but rather they have affected to the USA, I eat I have already expressed in fact in other articles it affects to the whole western society. 

The one that the sovereign debts, and the budgetary deficits of some countries has been shot, is consequence that the consumption rhythm (public and private) maintained by the European economy in their different nations, it began to be clipped you short the flow of the economic revenues for the road of the commercialization of manufactured goods being unbalanced the commercial scales of the countries today more affected by the so much problems of debt like of deficit.  

To this it is necessary to add that they are carried out less strategic and speculative investments on the part of investors and external capitals, because other opportunities have been born in other geographical destinations where to invest with but profitability, and less watering, this way the euro area, began to lose contracts and industrial orders, and incomprehensibly increment the demography for the immigration without control, result of these two factors, the increase of the unemployment, and a hidden part the increase of the grants and costs social thing that many countries didn't know or they didn't want to plan on time, but this action if it was perfectly planned by the societies "rivals" interested in obtaining two objectives, one to maintain their problems of labor and social integration the far away possible, and in some cases to establish to break the balance movements against the coexistence and western culture. 

The things a considerable contraction of the capacity of revenues and an amplification of the necessity of the expense that it has also been superimposed to the normal one that was already established in the life of the European society have taken place this way. All the countries have had to increase their social expenses, at the same time that they tried to maintain the expenses of the public and private consumption characteristic of the economic level of their societies. The bill evidently soon has given negative results, and the state deficits they have been shot, consequently it was appealed to the debt emission to maintain this situation and you arrives this way to the catastrophic current reality. 

Now Europe seeks to rectify the situation, attacking what is not the main cause of the damage but the consequence, that is to say clipping the deficit with the help of clipping the expenses, but this not alone he results in the discount and the deterioration of the level of stability of the society, if not that it is not good to put the things in its place. Alone acting on the cause that causes this deterioration, the capacity of generating resources, will be gotten that the level of economic stability is balanced again that allows to maintain the social status that the European society has perfectly livestock to pulse, for history, for sufferings, and for firmness. 

Our politicians and ruling, they cannot be so blind or to be so comfortable in their idyllic world, and to let that the society loses conditions of life that escape toward other addresses and latitudes, day by day without they put on the means and the appropriate solutions so that the ascent of other societies, don't represent the recession inevitably of ours. I insist in the necessity of the reactivation of the European production in Europe, if it is necessary to blow of treaties and laws anti delocalization and benefits to the repatriation of companies and productions expatriated for some years to this part. 

And it is that the question that I have exposed has not finished neither it will finish for the fact that europa reduces its sovereign debts and deficits and elevate the conditions of security before the financial markets, we should understand that the non alone "competition" insured is already, but rather other problems are presented in the world geopolitical horizon, to those that I would claim to proceed to a strategic and preventive pursuit from already. I want to expose the following theory: I consider secured but still in growth the market and the economy of the end guides standing out above them to China, Japan, and the India.  In the face of this reality that is the one that has caused the des adjust of the European and western economy, it is necessary to find the economic balance between both blocks if we want that it returns the social normality and in way of western life at the reached levels the XX century.    

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