lunes, 23 de julio de 2012


Germany cannot continue making to its wide ones another given time its tremendous sense of the arrogance and arrogance that it invades it in its genes I tell to you my kind readers that if today doesn't exist the euro Germany it would be invading us militarily as he made it in the years forty of last century unfortunately the German ones are not good neighbors they are simply some incorrigible ambitious persons that continue believing an and another time that are the elected race to dominate Europe so or the other ones accept it and that Europe is German, or just the opposite we unite and we stopped them the feet, there is not half term. 

In 1946 the winners of the II world war had it very clear after the German outrages they understood that if they left without control the force of the German pride that impregnates all their society Germany he attempt it so again they thought one it formulates very sensible - we cannot annul such a magnificent society as this - the winners should think it is necessary to recompose the whole destruction that we have infringed them as making it the solution he also went to my way of seeing appropriate you implants a normative one peculiar the "'Level of the industrial plans for Germany' they were plans to reduce and to delimit the industrial potential of Germany.  

The allied winners decided to abolish the German armed forces as well as all the factories of ammunition and civil industries that supported them. This included the destruction of all the capacity of construction of marine and air ships. Even, he decided that the civil industries that could end up having military potential that included virtually all in the modern era of the total war will be severely restricted. The restriction of these it was to prepare the "necessities approved in times of peace" of Germany that were defined to settle down in an average of the European standard. To be able to reach this, each industry type was analyzed to know how many factories Germany required, with this minimum level of industrial requirements. 

The first plan, of the de1946, indicated that the industry of Germany should be reduced to 50% from the levels of 1938 with the destruction of 1,500 industrial plants. In January of 1946 the Council of Allied Control, sat down the bases for a future German economy putting a limit to the maximum of production of iron, and of automobiles together with the prohibitions of armament army and ladies this situation stayed almost 15 years, until the cold war between occident and Russia seemed to convince to the western countries that better it would be to allow to arm Germany because this way serious the first Stop in the face of the forces of the communist world that they threatened after the iron curtain. 

They already come that it has spent in the following 50 years, Germany has given the turn to europa the UE, the Euro, it has built and now it is about to absorb all the economic power of the community europa allows me to say it, of "its europa", this will be this way if he doesn't think about a common front that opposes you to this reality, thing that I already believe that it is impossible, but if it is possible to create it and to stop the unquestionable one I dominate economic German on europa, it will be necessary establish another time some limits again, this economic and industrial time, so that they don't finish all the industries and all the Eurus in hands of Germany. 

Who he doesn't want to see it or believe that I am composing a fantastic movie of alone economic fear he has to look at the reality and the numbers of the economy of the area euro all the political stamen’s they are outside of Germany but the main weapon the true conqueror the modern Bermag this in Germany and there this the true power the economy the Euro and this weapon, are exclusively in hands of the IV Reich the one which already this expanded clearly by their "Landers" you tune: Austria, Holland, Denmark, Finland, etc. of there, to the conquest for recapitulation of France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and other, alone it is question of very little time, months I would say.   

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