domingo, 6 de enero de 2013


In an unsubstantial interview excessively that it was clear that their objective was to make publicity the humanity of the King from Spain and to try to make see that it serves for something inside the social and economic complexity in that Spain is submerged a comment that deserves my interest appeared. The king said that he had “not ended well of vertebrae the Spanish" state he has the whole reason but I would say but it is not that he has not ended it is that you has not begun neither they are wanted to make it. 

They will see because I say it: It is denominated vertebra to each one of the bones that they conform the spine. In the human beings there are 33 vertebras during the fetal stage and in the childhood (7 cervical + 12 thoracic + 5 lumbar + 5 sacred + 4 of the coccyx), and during the mature stage there are only 24 because the bones of the sacred one and the coccyx unite he understands that this column formed by bones or independent although united and aligned vertebras drive in their interior the whole motive essence that makes arrive the mobility the sensations the force to all the extremities of the human body. 

I understand because that the king says that in Spain a perfect spine doesn't exist and he has the whole reason but the blame belongs in fact to its predecessors and of its politicians to say it this way Spain in a static rigid body without alive nerves neither agile extremities and motives able to move the whole body all span of Spain. If majesty I agree with you Spain vertebrate Spain is not he has alone "an enormous vertebra" located in the center of its body that is unable to make arrive to the extremities any type of nervous impulse able to make them move is but I believe sincerely that this is this way for the paralysis of centuries and centuries of written history and made gives you Madrid, like court and I eat the government's from Spain headquarters.    

Majesty be not surprised it is as well as I count it to him you look for the window of his palace and he will see it: You the crown, the government, the congress, the senate, the Bank of Spain, the centrals of the "private" banking, the power stations of the privatized national companies, the ministries, everything and all Spain is in Madrid the whole spine of the centralized country and paralyzed in an only grandiose and rigid vertebra that presses for its weight to the nervous net and of impulses preventing that the vital function is made of irradiating through a perfect vertebrate life and autonomous movement toward all the other organs that form the body of Spain. 

If majesty Spain this injured in their spine it is completely rigid he already is not able to neither to walk neither to move their arms doesn't hold back in foot and this is not more than for the imperial tradition that their ancestors fomented from a called stadium it cuts and that in spite of some intents and after an included civil war he has not been possible or they have not wanted from the court to vary the function commended from the century 15 it is too much time it is too much immobility and for that reason it has been paralyzed, converting what should be a spine in a single and enormous vertebra that can no longer make move to their extremities. 

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