That is the quantity corresponding to the payment of the fifth departure of the loans granted to Greece by the area euro and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that should be given as very late July 15, it is composed in total by 12.000 million Eurus. The German State will contribute, more than half of the European help that ascends to 8.700 million Eurus, while the IMF will pay 3.300 million Eurus in loans.

A spokesman of the tribunal has made know this morning that sentence is not maybe dictated until next autumn, what would give time to the delivery of the last tract of the first rescue (12000 millions). If the sentence is negative, Germany would be invalidated to participate in the necessary ones and futures rescues to Greece. And if this happens they spent two things in autumn: a the European Union was at least in Germany outside of the law, and two Greece finally broke hopelessly that is it that in fact looks for the German society.
With these future perspectives, I said yesterday. We cannot leave vacations neither Europe, neither Spain, neither Greece, neither nobody, until they put on the points on the is, and the point is in the reconstruction of the monetary union (area euro) of Europe, that if one doesn't want to enlarge to the whole constitution of the European Union it is difficult to accept this theory but it is still more difficult to seek that the current Europe works, I don't know what class of fear there is floating for the heads of the banks and of the politicians, they don't understand that the is not well already made, the markets that don't leave alone us, could not punish us more, if we made the decision (reads it well) of abandoning the IMF momentarily, with the pretext of recomposing our political constitution, and the economic rules of the Euro, because for what seems, there are important legal lagoons in the current ones normative that can make that the Community Europe can be acting illegally.
It is absurd to these heights to be afraid to an economic debacle, this has already happened, the companies have already collapsed, the markets of capitals, the sovereign debt that the speculators can to make but, to throw for the window the assets that possess without possibility some of making up for, is the Europeans working for anything, everything that makes to try to increase our GDP they take off it the markets always requiring us but an but you interest, but an but guarantees, in definitive but an but Eurus. Gentlemen readers are not this way possible to recompose anything, Europe at the moment, is a black hole that gobbles all our efforts, our wealth, and he spits her to the other side of the hole where they are happy of us seeing as being so insolvent, we have the strongest foreign currency in the world, I to this posture call it to make the imbecile.
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