jueves, 9 de julio de 2015


The Spanish politics’ ability in giving to the world an unreal image is an astonishing reality, it is as if Spain really has a magic layer that hides or it changes the reality the country to the eyes of the other countries, institutions, and organizations internationals… this commentary it is not the first time that I aim it because it is not neither the first time that I read studies or comments or both things, carried out by noted entities that they say on Spain realities that they don't exist, it is a question that I am not able to clarify because it happens. 

I believe that this happens because the Spanish politics’ ability, is guided to present to Spain in a reduced form, as if was in a commercial catalog on offer where they figure the best articles for sale, this catalog is the capital, that is to say Madrid, this is not of now, the Spanish centralism is the history of this country and this stays of generation in political generation, this way one is surprised when reading that in a year of elections, the IMF for example, ascend month to month the forecast of growth of Spain (today we are to 3.3%) when in Spain and I don't speak of Madrid, it doesn't grow neither the grass and the little one that it grows burn for the sun. 

Where the Spanish growth is, I tell it to him it is in the debt of Spain that this if it grows more than 3,3%. But there is not 3,3% less than unemployed that the last year and that that has fallen the Spanish demography in almost a million inhabitants. Today surprisingly I have visited a commercial center of these that they are not in Madrid or in Barcelona and I have counted more than six closed commercial spaces, 6% more or less, while waiting for new recruiting, I assure them that some weeks ago before finishing June (time of finalization of rent contracts) there were not more than two closed, then this is a sample more than the consumption doesn't advance.  

The level of creation of companies has lowered in so far in year near 14,000 with regard to the year 2014, and for further example, the government of the PP has had to announce the advance of six months (that is to say his immediate entrance) of a discount of the Tax on the Rents of well-known Physical People as (IRPF), fact that means two things: one that it is necessary to make electoral campaign and another that it is necessary to encourage the consumer, although this second I don't know if it will get it because the discount is almost invaluable, but it is also evident that if he was lowered the collection of the state. 

Andalusia continues with indexes of unemployment superiors to 45% in some of its regions and The Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (OECD) it considers that the politicians of labor activation in Spain have an insufficient budgetary endowment, keeping in mind that it is the second country member with the highest unemployment rate, below Greece, and that you grieve it will get off 20% at the end of next year. Sew that I already tell now them that he won't make it. 

In their report of Perspectives of the Employment published today, the institution points out that the proportion of the expense in those politicians in Spain although it is "significant (...) it continues being low due to the high unemployment" level. In short, according to the last harmonized figures of 2013 was equal to 0,61% of the Gross Interior Product (GDP), 22% less than in 2007, before the crisis exploded.  Spain is located lightly above the stocking of the OECD (something superior to 0,5% of the GDP) but its unemployment rate at the end of 2014, of 23,7%, triplicated that of the group of the 34 members of the organization amply, of 7,1%. 

Eleven of those countries dedicate a proportion of their bigger GDP that the one of Spain to those devices, beginning with Denmark, Sweden and Finland that consecrate more than 1%. The authors of the study threw some advice of reformation of the state services of employment, among them that the controls to the stopped ones that have under their supervision are not very frequent. In short, while in most of the countries of the organization monthly or even biweekly reports are demanded to their beneficiaries, at least a fifth part of the employment plaintiffs registered in Spain doesn't fulfill the obligation of informing established." 

They also indicated that, although "the insurance of Spanish unemployment is of the most generous in the OECD", the decentralized offices of the employment services don't have the capacity to implement political of activation in an enough scale to offer an effective support to the employment" applicants. But here I want to break a lance for the officials of the state offices of employment and it is that in Spain there are not more companies, neither industrial, nor commercial structure, to be able to place more hard-working. I have commented it other times the government it falsifies the data and bill the contracts like work positions, this way a work position, completed by two people in reduced days, counts as two employees, when in fact it should be one, because its taxes and production is the equivalent one to a single work position.  

And already as if was a joke in poor taste the OECD with everything, does it estimate that the unemployment rate in Spain will close this exercise 2015 in the active population's 21,5%, to control then until 19,7% next year or don't I know how to count or is he telling me the OECD that in Spain next year, will it ascend less the GDP and however it did lower the unemployment (?) doesn't this coincide in summary with the forecast of a galloping growth that predicts the IMF, don't I know how we make it but the international organizations, those that are be and do treat what they either treat economy, labor aspects, political transparency, is etc. that they don't find out anything. What the government told them extends the magic layer and Spain changes completely. 

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