viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


We already have to the two more belligerent powers of the world helping to reinforce a bloody dictator a, and trying to know to who he has to kill the other one, and amid both we have some lunatics that are limited to kill them to all. I refer for strict mention order to Russia, the United States and the Islamic State. That that yes it is safe it is that among all them what they really foment is the invasion of Europe. It is not possible to continue with this situation, the topic is at the same time of a lot of hardness and sensibility but the reality to that the situation is untenable, incomprehensible and also a shame for Europe, the NATO and the United Nations. It cannot be that in view of the repeated military failures with the technologies that possess the armed forces of Russia and the USA don't know how and to who it is necessary to kill.  

The reality of this disaster continues being the traffic of people's thousands, coming from the Africa north, Syria mainly toward Europe and this sits down it a lot for the hard of the word it is inadmissible, you cannot admit what they try to make us believe, this migration this flight uncontrolled of people it is not logical and I will explain to myself. If we agree that alone in Syria the population's three big segments are fighting that is: addicts to the régime of To the you Roast, rebels against the régime of To the you Roast, and the terrorists of the EI that go to his and against the other ones two who are. 

We are speaking of a population of 22 million that I don't know after so many years of war how many they should be, if and this is added that they should be distributed among the addicts to the régime, those against revolutionaries, and those of EI, more the thousands of had emigrated that it is there theoretically, three mad armies, one the official to which Russia, the revolutionary that supports him the USA supports and those of the Islamic State that have them as victims to choose at both.  

I regret it but I cannot believe that this stays without the western armies, the NATO, Europe, Russia, or who is, don't enter for the Mediterranean coast and sweep all human being that takes literally a he arms in the hand and put an end to the escape uncontrolled of men's thousands, women, pregnant, children, newly born, whole, but mainly young families that arrive in Europe and they explain to us what passes in their countries to their families, to their dear beings and be unable that instead of escaping being played the life, they are not given the turn and they are played the life to finish with this barbarism that they count us that they suffer, if really that they are affected by the barbarisms of the other ones, I am for sure if there is an action of war to liberate their country they would be given all the turn and they would fight for their country. 

I don't believe it to me the I sit down a lot, it is not logical, he would understand that some hundreds of people you plays the life to escape from a tyranny that to the being them rebellious or different is indeed in risk of death for persecution. But it is that it is no longer this the case, it is that we are no longer saving some condemned poor, it is that we are being invaded by people's thousands that their serious duty to face with their problems, with their tyrants and that we are receiving members from the three favorable tendencies to the dictator to the rebellious ones for logic and of course to the EI it doesn't fit me the smallest doubt. 

My incredulity is also that surprisingly the massive emigrations of these men and women that escape, make it in places that present problems in its own development, we have suffered it for years in Spain, they are suffering it in Italy but today these last movements they have chosen Greece, Turkey and the Balkan countries as revolvable doors, and because it passes this, because they are directed, perfectly directed and their leaders send them to where it is easier to destabilize the situation or where it is weaker the control point to the invasion, that clear I say it, I wonder: if I eat you count us the reports they pay thousands of Eurus to be played the life, the question is simple, if they are pursued, if they are in war, if they are being slaughtered, like it is that they have thousands of Eurus to pay to supposed mafias to be played the life, I return to the starting point and if this is certain it would not be more logical to be organized like a force to counterattack to its executioners.  

Here it is where the problem is, it is necessary without doubting it a series of forces of countries and of interests some characteristic of the areas in conflict and others were even of the African continent that they take charge of helping the savages soldiers of the indirectly (EI.), to the Syrian government, to the Al Qaeda, etc.… and these countries are not that they make it for sympathy or for religion communion or concepts of life, not at all, they make it so that they don't expand toward their lands this it is now as quickly as possible the case of the intervention of Russia and so that they also unbalance the economies that interest them. 

It seems lie that Europe this so blind one, is that they don't come it, it is necessary to make them jump above the waters of the Mediterranean, to direct them to Europe to already pass the problem to the more than destroyed Europe. And our countries and their governments don't dare to say it is already enough, this is not a case of charity for the god love that don't come it, the charity it is to welcome some abandoned poor, in go to take care and to cure sick in the places of war, it is to send medicines, foods, but it is not it to introduce thousands and immigrants' thousands in our world peace. So that they finish being some misfit or worse still. 

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