viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


Damned coincidence, the day that the president Rajoy proclaims almost of hide-and-seek and for surprise behind the cameras of a private television (they should have him paid better than making it in the Moncloa) the date of the Spanish general elections The recovery of the market labor Spanish it demonstrates that there is not recovery is simply tourism and once it arrives the autumn the employment he falls again, coinciding with an economic deceleration of the country and all this to two months of the general elections.  

Yesterday we spoke that the realities of the Spanish economy were imposed to the government's dreams I guarantee them that he didn't know anything about what today reflects us the statistics of the unemployment but with what we commented yesterday it is the logical thing the alone AVE they give work while they are built then they give costs and expenses (in Spain) and the alone banks have given discharges more or less conventional but discharges finally everything is This way, hidden thanks to the tourism but the season finished and we wake up all of the reactivation dreams, the unemployment experienced a second serial monthly increment in September again, after six months of descents, although the number of affiliated to the Social security increased. 

According to the data of the published Ministry of Employment on Wednesday, the unemployment rise in 26.087 people in September - a traditionally bad month for the employment for the end of the summer season of recruiting, the same as I wither to 4.094.042 people, in the month of August the unemployment was increased in 21.679 people. The Ministry also highlighted that in the last twelve months the unemployment has registered a decrease of 353.608 people, the biggest reduction registered in the whole historical series in a month of September. And the worst thing is that while the alone unemployment goes up 8% in so far in year the filiation to the alone social security is increased in 0,05% with what the numbers don't square, we continue without being able to say us to believe stable employment. 

But the PP won't lose courage the government for this reason it is limited as always to be triumphalist it is looked for this way the necessary data that fix the percentages so that everybody believes that Spain with the PP goes it tosses very this way hand of wider data of the INE, and he goes back to compare with the 2013 and without explaining the elimination traps of stopped of long duration neither the restructuring of the calculation system tells us that from then on the unemployment in Spain has decreased significantly from the near maximum to 27% today he has decreased until 22%. That recovery, together with a rate of growth of the highest of the Eurozone at this time, belongs the best letter in presentation from the government of face center-right to the elections of December 20 and it is this way so wide.  

Among so much the Spanish bag is practically in minima of the year yesterday like he commented them we spoke of the problems or weaknesses of the Spanish banking the exports they lower and we have to the front a hard trimester with an uncertain of the total world economy a threat of ascent of types in the USA that they will make fall the foreign currencies of BRICS it lauds where the companies and the Spanish banks are working to maintain their dividends but that the investors escape from them because one doesn't know that it passed with the Spanish political stability in the 2016 although the PP maintains that it continues leading most of opinion surveys.  

The opinion of the national press and of the Spanish capital it continues holding on to the idea that the PP renovated its majority so much so that another time that its main competitors will be Pedro Sánchez leader of socialist party that on Friday criticized the last unemployment data and the joint of the labor market say, where he said that nine of each ten employments are precarious. "The unemployment figures are far from the fair" economic recovery, he said in an event in Madrid with the German vice-chancellor and president of the party German social democrat SPD, Sigmar Gabriel. 

But it is that besides the PSOE, Rajoy will face in the urns emergent parties as “PODEMOS” and “C’s” citizens, in a moment in the one that most of the Spaniards - especially among those more than 22, 4 percent that is in unemployment according to the INE - they continue without feeling the benefits of the recovery that alone they come it Rajoy Mrs. Merkel and the BCE that go receiving the payments of the interests of the debt of Spain. However, the Government waits that, in spite of the last weak economic indicators in Spain and the exterior, the growth of the third trimester is seemed that of the second. 

I don't agree in that you slow down the growth", the president Mariano Rajoy said the eve in an interview for the chain of television Antenna 3, adding that Spain continues on the way creating 600.000 employments this year. That is to say if we take now in the last 12 months 354,000, stopped less Rajoy means Rajoy that will create 300,000 work positions that is to say in three months almost so many as in the last ones I find 12meses very illusionist but very unreal as everything in clear Spain of that live. 

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